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Wednesday, 1 June 2022

The Importance of Observation

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was not going to turn this into a post, until I received a certain reply to a reply I shared based on a video I watched. The trick is, to expect being a part of what you are in observation of, even if this means being of what you are in observation of at times. What you should be aware of is not becoming totally of what you are observing. Try to stay aware of your own observation, especially of your own participation.

I love this lass. Why? Honesty is the best policy, even when the truth hurts, probably especially when it hurts.

When you simply live within your own desired environment, the actual real life environment around you can hit you even harder. I would love to exist within a chaos free environment, trying to exist within a desired environment, while existing in a chaotic environment, is only going to exasperate the chaotic environment. Accept existing in a chaotic environment without judging yourself too harshly for being a part of this chaos.

The trick is, to observe an environment while not becoming of what you are observing, while expecting not to become involved at times. When you expect it to occur, it hits a lot less harder.

Reply: “I really needed to hear/read your words today, Mathew. Thank you so very much.”

My Reply: “People with a preexisting understanding, like ourselves, only need encouragement and reassurance, so many people need so much more, more than many of us are able to give. If I helped you, we are both blessed.”

I see myself as an observer first and foremost, particularly of my own participation and observation. Yes, at times I become involved in partition, while foregoing being the observer, expect this to occur. This is most important, expect this to occur. Don't expect to be just of an observer, only the ego in control desires this. The natural environment we presently exist in can be quite chaotic without mans intervention, the trick is to not judge chaos too harshly. The creation of the universe was of quite a chaotic times, even the formation of Earth itself came from chaos.

Ask yourselves, do you participate in the chaos, to the extent of exasperating the chaos, or do you observe the chaos?

Judging chaos harshly to the extent of desiring to live within your own existence only, an existence far a away from chaos as possible, will actually exasperate this chaos. Why? What exasperates an already existing chaos? Harsh judgement of chaos is of a high degree of participation, this occurs due to harsh judgement, especially of your own participation. So I desire to stay within my own safe haven!! The desire to do this or even just desire to be of an observer is of full partition of what we are trying to escape from.

Yes, learning to be an observer is this tricky. Be careful of one thing in particular though, learning to become an observer first and foremost can lead to a disconnection to your current environment. If you desire to do this, you are still in participation of exasperating chaos. Using observation to simply escape from chaos is of chaos, however, accepting to be a part of this chaos while avoiding being of this chaos is not. Just remind yourself at times to be an observer, without desiring to just be an observer.

A true observer never tries to disconnect themselves from any environment, period.......