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Sunday, 11 March 2018

The Question of Optimism and Pessimism

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was going to post this post as is below; I had an urge the next day to explain myself better.

People like me try to express balance and moderation to other people within all motions, even of the motions that makes us feel good as all motions create a counter-reaction; this is cause and effect, action reaction. It is obvious that any consciousness of an extreme is going to judge people like me negative, of course all this shows is that balance and moderation is needed in their lives. Not everything not of our own vibrations or environment is negative. I find it strange that balance, moderation and the truth in how it actually is has become simply negative these days to a lot of people.    

I completely understand why positive thinking is the new popular way of thinking, it either gets us away from what we have critically judged as negative and/or it allows us to excel or gain some kind of wealth. It can be any kind of wealth that feeds the ego, for example, anything that makes us feel good in a negative world. If it feels good it has to be good is the egos motto, the more the better of course.

As the following will explain, there is a difference between an irrational optimist and a rational optimist. An optimist is a person who is disposed to take a favourable view of things. Optimism is often mistakenly perceived as being positive, of course I wouldn't say that irrational optimism is exactly a positive, in actuality it can be excessively destructive. Optimism will also see that certain perceived negatives are actually very positive, irrational optimists won't even consider that a judged negative could actually be a positive in the first place.

Optimism is the middle ground between positive and negative thinking, it's what gives everything a balanced perspective and a perspective that is usually unbiased. Optimism is neutral territory to negative and positive thinking where pessimism is of one or the other or of both. You could relate irrational pessimism to negative thinking and rational pessimism to positive thinking. Giving that positive thinking people most often judged more things within their environment as being negative, you can see why this kind of thinking process is actually of pessimism, not optimism. It has to be of one or the other for a pessimist where the optimist it's neither one nor the other; everything is seen in a favourable view in some way no matter how negative or unfavourable it is to the pessimist. 

Extract: First, "you're being an optimist" should not be an insult. What we should be saying is "you're an irrational optimist!" We are trying to say that person has a warped vision of reality, which is based on desire, not how things actually are.

Good point, irrational optimism is linked to desires where rational optimism isn't linked to desire, being that desire is often seen as an irrational expression. To ignore or have disdain for anything judged as negative is an irrational response, especially when the judged negative is only negative because it's not of our own vibrations, our own reality.

It is wise to be aware that an irrational optimist will often critically judged what's not of their environment as being negative. On the other hand, a rational optimist will only see a difference void of judging a deference, especially in comparison to their own environment.

In regards to my last post, A State of Mind and Being, I was labelled negative because of my negative vibrations. If at any time I was as negative as positive people try to label me to be, I simply wouldn't be still around or I would have simply crashed and burnt psychologically, become too mentally unstable to express rational optimism. I am not the one judging everything not of my own environment negative, these so-called self-proclaimed positive people are!!

You will feel what you perceive, so if you perceive that someone is negative, you will indeed feel negative vibrations, the funny thing is, it's usually the positive person who is creating these negative vibrations to start with. 


When did having a discussion while expressing different views become negative? When did constructive debate become negative? When did people with different vibrations than ours become negative?

We are noticeably becoming less accepting, not more accepting, becoming less balanced not more balanced which infers we are actually lowering our vibrations not raising them. Is this why the world is getting worse not better?

There are more perceived negatives out there today than ever, only because we have created them. Oneness is all about being more accepting not less Christine. We have become far less accepting than ever which infers separation not oneness.

Please, go away, this is becoming Very Creepy.
And quite frankly your "negative" vibes are starting to grind. Have a good day.

My Reply
WOW, this is my post and I am the one who is supposed to go away because of my negativity. This is the mentality that positive thinking creates Christine, when did the truth become negative?

Christine, it is obvious you are into positive thinking which I have shown in my post leads to irrational optimism, you have clearly shown this here. You can release yourself from this state of mind Christine but you have got to want to do this. If you desire to continually critically label everything else not of your own vibrations as negative or even toxic, so be it.

I sincerely hope the best for people like you Christine. Be well and blessed.          

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