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Thursday, 21 May 2020

Shining Souls

Written by Mathew Nasimith

As the dark consciousness within human consciousness desires, soul don’t exist, this is in contradiction to what certain science research and real life experiences have construed. Internet search,” existence of souls through science”, is a good start. 

So why doesn’t this dark side to human consciousness desire to acknowledge the existence of souls? So when you do harm to others, there is no repercussion after death, you therefore can do as you will onto others.

To be of this dark consciousness, you have to by all means stay ignorant to the existence of things like souls. There of course is an opposite of this dark ignorant consciousness, it is of course a light aware consciousness.

What this dark ignorant consciousness desires you to stay ignorant to is the repercussion after death of being of this darkened consciousness, otherwise you would as a human stay right away from this darkened consciousness. As you would imagine, this dark consciousness is highly deceptive and manipulative.

It would certainly seem that if you die while of this dark consciousness, your soul will stay of this dark consciousness. This doesn’t even come close, but imagine being separated from everything and everyone. You are completely alone within a dark mass, an abyss of endless fear, paranoia and hysteria, probably inline with the depth of darkness one expresses in life. Within this endless abyss of darkness, loneliness and separation, you are being controlled and manipulated, not the other way around.

So does this mean if we die from the cause of this dark consciousness, we will end up in this dark abyss? You could if you are still suffering from this darkness after death.

What is occurring at this moment is the souls from children who have been abused by Satanist pedophile rings are actually shining. Why? Because a good deal of people in the world are now aware of these rings. You could say that awareness is a very powerful tool but it has nothing to do with power or control, simply influence through awareness. Yes, ignorance is a powerful tool, as we have recently experienced en masse, but awareness is simply influential even upon dark consciousness without effort. Power and control take a huge amount of effort and energy, where influence through awareness in simply in the absence of power and control and the abuse of energy. Light consciousness is simply in the absence of ignorance, power and control.

So many souls are going to end up in a very dark foreboding reality, where they will have no control or power of their souls. Yes, this includes multinationals and alike, if they only knew. No matter what occurs in the material reality, make sure your soul is protected against a material reality of darkened consciousness, really, this is all that will matter in the end. 

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