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Friday, 28 May 2021

A Personal Touch


Written by Mathew Naismith

How often are people believed to be what other people are representative of, meaning, how often are people deemed to be of what other people are expressive of physically and/or mentally?

I was left with a fully dislocated elbow from the age of six years old, you could imagine the damage this caused as I was growing up. Today, my shoulder is actually weaker than my elbow, which means the damage was not localised to the elbow. By the time I was thirteen years old, the damage was set in concrete, in other words the damage was exacerbated, made a lot worse. At times it feels like a red hot poker being driven into my arm and run up and down the arm. Believe it or not, I don't take physical pain killers and I still worked in jobs able people thought too hard to do. When I worked in a national park, I physically fit footballer had a hard time keeping up with me carting wet gravel stone up a steep hill while building steps.

Because I have extracted myself from abuse, be it physical and/or mental, I am supposed to be hateful. I can in all honesty say I don't hate anyone that is abusive, hate is simply a total waste of energy. The part of my family that are still abusive today have had to make themselves believe I hate them. People do extract themselves away from things they don't hate or despise, however, truly hateful people will think you have to hate to extract yourself away from abuse. Make no mistake, purposely lying and deceiving is as abusive as psychical abuse, if not more so in certain circumstances, look at how the world is presently being abused through lies and deception in relation to covid!! How many people today mistakenly hate an abusive reality like this? Really, don't waste your energy like this.

Do people like me feel like a victim when subjected to so much abuse? Knowing of physical abuse/neglect, mental abuse such as lying and deceiving is as abusive as physical abuse, the trick is not to feel like the victim. When I extracted myself from family abuse, and it did feel like an actual extraction at first, my family members had to believe I hated as well. It is like they have had to tell themselves this and yes, this is self-abusive. Do they truly hate or despise me? The answer is clearly no, but they have lied to themselves that I do, they felt they had to. Yes, even an abusive consciousness will feel it has to be hated when their own abuse is rejected. People desiring the existence of lies is of abuse within itself, particularly self-abusive.

Make no mistake, mental extraction can create feelings of hate. The reason for this is that we have been put in a situation of extraction we didn't desire to extract ourselves from. How many spiritually aware people today hate or despise the present reality? It is not just to do with the abuse, it is to do with being put into a situation of extraction. No, I don't hate certain family members due to my own extraction from certain family members ongoing abuse, but realise that the true abusers have to think this is the case. To even make yourself believe that other people hate you when they don't is of abuse. My family members don't really hate me, they simply desire this to be the case, in other words they have lied and deceived themselves and yes, abused themselves. Sadly, it is endless unless one awakens to abuse, especially self-abuse of acting the victim.

This leads us to the collective abuse and abused.

“Poor me, I am stuck in this reality of endless abuse.”Does this sound like a person acting the victim?

Even when actually victimised, never feel like the victim, instead feel like it is a situation to learn from instead of suffering from. No, I don't sound like a hateful person but certain members of my family desire to believe this. A hateful person often feels victimised so avoid feeling like a victim and yes, extracting yourself away from hateful people will add to these people feeling even more like a victim. As I seemingly know, due to obviously learning from my experiences instead of suffering from my experiences, acting the victim in relation to your family or human collective can lead to exasperating hate. Certain family members obviously feel victimised due to my extraction from the ongoing family abuse and yes, this has exasperated the hate in the family only because they still today act the victim while actually being the victimiser, not just onto other people but to themselves in particular. Look at how humans often see themselves as victims of nature!!

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