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Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Spinning Doll


Written by Mathew Naismith

I am very much involved in the human drama, at the same time being in this space where motion (vibrations) has slowed down to a significant extent. Most of us are currently focused on the present drama that is in full motion. Think of it like a spinning doll going at full revolution, now think of the doll or specifically yourself slowing the revolution down further and further. Focus at times on the spinning doll or yourself, while steadily slowing down the revolution of the doll or yourself further and further.

A complete motionless state represents zero point or God consciousness or whatever, this means the faster we are spinning, the further away from this zero point of oneness, awareness and wisdom we become physically, mentally and consciously. Why are we presently experiencing a cancel culture and the censoring out of the truth in favour of lies and deception?

It is not hard to enter into this motionless state, but it is hard for human consciousness to give up on a conscious state we have become conditioned to, a state where the doll is virtually going to spin out of control.

It is this state when spinning out of virtual control that people will go whoops, but it is also of a state when this slow revolutionary state is closest at hand and becomes more agreeable. I have never seen this state of far slower revolutions seem so immense while in direct connection to human consciousness. This is very much in line with, instead of looking at people's actions to tell the true story, look at their inactions, true.

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