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Sunday, 20 February 2022

The Question of Integrity


Written by Mathew Naismith


is knowing the right path to take


is taking it

Don't be fooled that spiritually aware people have to be just all loving, nothing else, integrity can lead us down many paths but only of paths of integrity, where love like love of money and power can lead us down paths of the absence of integrity.

Has an opportunity for the common people been opened up by the present circumstances?

Integrity: An undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. Moral soundness.

We exist within a dog eat dog world, microorganisms, insects, plants and animals all live with an environment of dog eat dog, humans are no different, obviously. Are humans suppose to rise above this dog eat dog environment of little integrity?

We reason which other biological forms don't, be it rationally or irrationally. Have we irrationally lived within this dog eat dog world in the absence of integrity from authorities? I think I would define integrity to be rational and living in a dog eat dog world in the absence of integrity irrational.

So is making reference in the video to the authorities being psychopathic unreasonable? Suffering from psychopathy tendencies is of irrationality, for the rational mind is unable to suffer from psychopathy, only can the irrational mind suffer from psychopathy. I have never in my life before experienced the degree of irrationality we are all witness to in the world today.

Psychopathy: Any disease of the mind; the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention

The lack of integrity resulting in living in a deceitful environment is not a rational state to be in, particularly for a biological form that also reasons rationally, it would however be different for a biological form that is predominantly of irrational reasoning. To be deceitfully informative seems to be of irrationality where to be truthfully informative is of rationality.

So are our authorities this irrational, to the point of deceiving us at a whim?

Psychopath/psychopathic: Someone with a sociopathic personality; a person with an antisocial personality disorder ('psychopath' was once widely used but has now been superseded by 'sociopath')

Have the authorities actually come to the point of being psychopathic? The funny thing is, how anti-social have we been forced to become with the threat of further lock downs, endless mask wearing, social distancing, playing male against female, playing vaccinated against unvaccinated, black against white, right and left wing politics, religion and atheism, etc. Notice that all this is heightened all at once by the authorities? Now think of the degree of anti-social behaviour this would all create, where there is no moral, social, physical connection to each other as the elite have no connection to any of us, even be it of a soldier of the elite psychopaths. Integrity in this case is going to take a serious battering.

Imagine what would occur if we all woke up to how we are being used and abused by these psychopathic elite, including the soldiers of the elite. The world would come together as one due to being all abused by the same psychopaths for a very long time now. Many of us have been touched by psychopathy, leading to what is called mass formation psychosis, where contact with reality is lost or distorted. In Australia recently it was okay with the people that sonic weapons were used on protesters not rioting, burning, looting, killing, etc, and in Canada where protesters are bashed with the butt of rifles. How many of us have already lost contact with each other on moral, social, physical grounds? Integrity is lost within so many people today, where people burning themselves in cars that have lost everything is very coldly called it was their choice, full stop.

Are we going to lose integrity when coerced into a state of mass formation psychosis by actual psychopathic elite? Strangely, only the rational mind in us will want to see this, the irrational mind will do anything not to see it as being true, further indication of a distorted reality.

Thursday, 17 February 2022

An Agenda at Play


Written by Mathew Naismith

So why reason with an obvious irrational mind, be it of my own or others?

There is a possibility that the conscious mind is irrational but the unconscious mind is not irrational, also, you don't know that other rational minds might be observing what is being stated. Not being of an irrational mind does not mean you instantly become of a rational mind either, it is like a twilight zone, like a time between day and night. You don't have to rationalise all of what is in your environment, as you don't have to irrationalise all that is within your environment.

What possible reason would a government have to make their death toll greater and Don't tell me control or power without showing me an agenda or motive which nobody to date can do Trump as we all know tried to suppress the numbers so what your saying doesn't make sense as for pre-existing conditions if you have cancer and get hit by a bus you did not die from cancer.”

So if you have cancer and the cancer condition resulted in pneumonia and you die due to the pneumonia, you died of pneumonia!! Did the cancer cause the bus to kill the person? No. Did the cancer condition result in pneumonia? Yes. See the difference Brian? Your bus analogy is seriously flawed.

Trump tried to suppress the numbers because the numbers were of outright disinformation, I think a president protecting the people from MSM, communist and conglomerate disinformation should be highly commended, but not by people like you Brian. I have no love of Trump but look at what Trump did and what Harris/Biden have done to the country. Are you going on about Harris and Biden? I doubt it.

So the NWO is not of an agenda Brian!! We now have politicians that actually make direct reference to the NWO, of course agenda 21 and that we will own nothing and be happy simply confirms a world wide agenda is in play. So you simply desire not to see this so that means the agenda of further control and power of resources, which includes humans, doesn't exist!! People like yourself Brian bewilder people like me, you in no way could be thinking like this, but you are in spite of all the evidence. What I have read and studied in relation to mass formation psychosis perfectly fits people like yourself Brian, like communists, you are being duped big time. Even German MSM came out and stated how they lied due to government pressure.

I was a member of a think tank when this all first started. When the Italy saga was at play, there were too many discrepancies to believe, and we were right. One of our group knew a soldier in the Italian army, he came back and said that what you are seeing on MSM and put out by the Italian government is mostly false. On top of this, we have a friend who noticed another discrepancy, in that the hanger scene in Italy full of coffins was actually taken from a movie scene. In a real pandemic Brain you would not have to put out so much disinformation. You don't desire any of this to be true, which proves what Brian?

The huge amount of discrepancies on their own is proof of a world wide agenda. Why don't people like you Brian query; in a real pandemic, their would be no need for never ending discrepancies, but you don't. Why? Mass formation psychosis or maybe a political bias, which people like me don't have to contend with, making us a lot less impartial, accepting of the truth even if we don't like it.

hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Trump is a cocksucker Hahaha have a nice day nate”

I was right on, you are partial/bias, which reflects on the truths you desire to believe, in the process distorting the real truth. As you have proven so many times over, people like you Brian live in a distorted reality. I feel sorry for people like you, while having empathy for your victims of your distorted reality. Actually, thank you for your exchange here Brian, I wish you no harm.

So again, why would I converse with a person who is notably coarse and irrational, due to a seemingly distorted reality? To show other people what the rational mind is up against on a massive scale. Is the real pandemic irrationality? It certainly seems highly contagious, as my stepdaughter found out when she went back to university.

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Zero Point of Creation



Written by Mathew Naismith

The zero point of creation is refereed to in various ways in various belief systems and science, but all beliefs and science are of the starting point of zero. All negative and positives numbers stem from zero and all numbers stemming from zero go outwardly from this zero point of creation, be it of positive or negative numerical numbers. The larger the number, the further away from the zero point these larger numbers become.

Sadly, to a lot of humans, the larger the number the better, be of children, monitory gain, the number of people under control, possessions, etc. Be it of more than zero or less than zero, it is still not of the zero point of creation. This is one reason many spiritual people will forgo possessions, be it physically or mentally.

So is their any importance of being one with this zero point of creation?

For religious/spiritual people; zero point is a representation of God or being one with nature. Mathematically in relation to the decimal point; take the zero out of the equation and you have no other numbers to increase or decrease from. Biologically; zero point is the point before conception or germination. Psychologically; the point before the creation and expansion of thought therefore physical creation of what is thought of. There is always a zero point of creation to create from, the trick is to not forgo the zero point in favour of larger and larger numbers.

In our expansion away from this zero point, either consciously and/or materially, we lose the importance of the zero point of creation. The further from this zero point we become either physically and/or mentally, the less we become of this zero point of creation itself.

What spectrum do political idealism's like fascism and communism related to? Be it that fascism and communism have a lot of similarities, they are both on the opposing side of each other of zero, zero being where no political idealism exists. Both fascism and communism are representative of an extreme point away from zero, but not necessarily from each other. Minus 1000 has an obvious similarity to plus 1000, more than that of 0, even while being on opposing sides of the spectrum. Both fascism and Communism are representative of extremism from the zero point, yet another similarity between the two.

What is interesting is human consciousness has an obvious affiliation or attraction to extremes away from this zero point. In the last two centuries, it was either an attraction to fascism or communism politically, presently communism. It makes sense, like with religion and/or church coming before God, a state of consciousness shifting away from this zero point/God. Think about it, what religion is God of? Religion is fine, but consciousness therefore reality becomes distorted the more religion is put before God. Look at religion and church being a number, the more extreme the religion becomes, knowing that God is no of extremism, the bigger the number therefore the less of the zero point a worshipper becomes. Imagine decimally counting from 1 to 100 minus the zeros, now imagine being of an extremist religion, where the zero point is missing or distorted to suite the religion!!

Even though people like me immerse ourselves in numbers, participate in a created reality away from the zero point, we still have the ability to go into a state of zero point of creation. In another words people like me have not forgo the zero point in favour of greater value than zero.

Note: As I know, what I have written is of my own conscious perceptions I am of, they may not be of other conscious perceptions of other consciousnesses.