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Showing posts with label integrity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label integrity. Show all posts

Thursday 21 September 2023

Right and Wrong v Honesty and Integrity



Written by Mathew Naismith

868 views today on this blog and I have not posted since 1/9/23. The lowest views in a day in the past 30 days was 125, the highest was 1040, this is significant for a blog that tries to be expressive of honesty and integrity. It is not that people are looking for a right or wrong, even though this may seem so at first, it seems to be more about honesty and of integrity, this was inevitable considering the lack of honesty and integrity in society today. This is also impressive due to being excessively shadowed.

Have I mistakenly tried to portray a right and wrong in my blog posts? As of anyone, and to be honest about this, yes, at times. It is a mistake to try to convey to humanity as a whole what is right and what is wrong as each and every culture has it's own version of what is right and wrong. In some cultures people who steal can have their hand cut off, this is right for some cultures and wrong in other cultures. To me, if a person even thinks of stealing in any culture, it is a reflection of the culture itself or lack of culture, not the person who steals.

Today, under the control of communist (autocratic) style directives, paedophilia and human trafficking is on the rise, significantly, and this is while we are under more surveillance than ever. Under this kind of surveillance it should be the other way around. Look at how we are still virtually supporting throwing rocks and sticks at each other, like the Neanderthals. Our mentality is still of a Neanderthal, which means each and every culture is of this mentality to start with. When you think on this, you don't need much of a culture to support the throwing of rocks and sticks at each other, as of stealing.

Are all our cultures around the world that are into throwing rocks and sticks at each other wrong in expressing this mentality? No, just not honest with themselves. In my own mind, we need to get away from what is right and wrong and focus on what is of honesty and integrity. Right and wrongs are not for the good of humanity as a whole but to me honesty and integrity is. “You are wrong according to my own culture so I am going to throw rocks and sticks at you.” In a time governed by what is right and wrongs in accordance with our own culture, that is still today of the mentality of throwing rocks and sticks at each other, how expressive of honesty and of integrity is a culture going to be? In all honesty, it is this honesty and integrity, no matter what is wrong or right, that is going to be deemed wrong by so many people today, at present, this is why the number of views on blogs like this is significant.

How is any culture still into throwing rocks and sticks at each other going to be of honesty and integrity? It won't be, in actuality it can't be, not while cultures are based on what is right and what is wrong. So yang is right and more valued while yin is wrong and less valued!! There is no honesty or integrity within this kind of mentality. It is like saying day is more valuable than night, when each other in balance with one another is creative. Yes, this means an imbalance between energies is destructive, by nature. It is natural for an imbalance of energy to be destructive.

I was going to write the following as a separate post on my blog before I wrote this post, by mistake, I decided not to.

I was going to recite the following at my 60th birthday party, it just did not fit in with everything going on that night.

Now that you are at my mercy, I am going to subject you to a small portion of Mat's warped philosophy.

It is not within the quantity of numbers but within the quality of numbers, this is of many facets of life.

My wife and I are certainly blessed, not just by the quality of friends but by the quality of quantity of friends, this is certainly without doubt. Sadly, a number of the qualities could not make it tonight, that is the way the wind blows which brings us to.........

Human life in many ways is like the wind; at one time blowing ever so gently, at other times experiencing gusts so strong that we feel we could be blown off the face of the earth. No matter how the wind is blowing, always try to make the best of life instead of the worse which now brings us to the bending of the tree.

A tree that stands rigid to the wind will most likely no longer stand. This is likened to making the worse of life. A tree that bends to the wind will most likely live out it's life. This is likened to making the best of life.

In the end though, no matter how the wind has structured your life, the wind will no longer blow and this is but another chapter of life, for without chapters to begin with, the wind cannot blow.“

So in all, people like myself try to live by what is of honesty and integrity rather than whats is right and wrong, while right and wrongs are being enforced more and more by the present mentality. At times, under such strong influences of a mentality of throwing rocks and sticks at each other, we will mistakenly express right and wrongs and support rock and stick throwing, this is inevitable, but what makes the difference is trying to live by what is of honesty and integrity, most importantly in the absence of what is right and wrong.

I say mistake because most of us don't deliberately choose to be influenced by energies that are out of balance with each other. Everything exists around us due to a balance of energies, not an imbalance of energies, so by nature we don't choose to exist in a reality based on imbalanced energies.

As an infant we need to find balance to walk, talk and think, in all honesty I ask the question, are we anywhere near this stage of life or state of mind?

Sunday 20 February 2022

The Question of Integrity


Written by Mathew Naismith


is knowing the right path to take


is taking it

Don't be fooled that spiritually aware people have to be just all loving, nothing else, integrity can lead us down many paths but only of paths of integrity, where love like love of money and power can lead us down paths of the absence of integrity.

Has an opportunity for the common people been opened up by the present circumstances?

Integrity: An undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. Moral soundness.

We exist within a dog eat dog world, microorganisms, insects, plants and animals all live with an environment of dog eat dog, humans are no different, obviously. Are humans suppose to rise above this dog eat dog environment of little integrity?

We reason which other biological forms don't, be it rationally or irrationally. Have we irrationally lived within this dog eat dog world in the absence of integrity from authorities? I think I would define integrity to be rational and living in a dog eat dog world in the absence of integrity irrational.

So is making reference in the video to the authorities being psychopathic unreasonable? Suffering from psychopathy tendencies is of irrationality, for the rational mind is unable to suffer from psychopathy, only can the irrational mind suffer from psychopathy. I have never in my life before experienced the degree of irrationality we are all witness to in the world today.

Psychopathy: Any disease of the mind; the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention

The lack of integrity resulting in living in a deceitful environment is not a rational state to be in, particularly for a biological form that also reasons rationally, it would however be different for a biological form that is predominantly of irrational reasoning. To be deceitfully informative seems to be of irrationality where to be truthfully informative is of rationality.

So are our authorities this irrational, to the point of deceiving us at a whim?

Psychopath/psychopathic: Someone with a sociopathic personality; a person with an antisocial personality disorder ('psychopath' was once widely used but has now been superseded by 'sociopath')

Have the authorities actually come to the point of being psychopathic? The funny thing is, how anti-social have we been forced to become with the threat of further lock downs, endless mask wearing, social distancing, playing male against female, playing vaccinated against unvaccinated, black against white, right and left wing politics, religion and atheism, etc. Notice that all this is heightened all at once by the authorities? Now think of the degree of anti-social behaviour this would all create, where there is no moral, social, physical connection to each other as the elite have no connection to any of us, even be it of a soldier of the elite psychopaths. Integrity in this case is going to take a serious battering.

Imagine what would occur if we all woke up to how we are being used and abused by these psychopathic elite, including the soldiers of the elite. The world would come together as one due to being all abused by the same psychopaths for a very long time now. Many of us have been touched by psychopathy, leading to what is called mass formation psychosis, where contact with reality is lost or distorted. In Australia recently it was okay with the people that sonic weapons were used on protesters not rioting, burning, looting, killing, etc, and in Canada where protesters are bashed with the butt of rifles. How many of us have already lost contact with each other on moral, social, physical grounds? Integrity is lost within so many people today, where people burning themselves in cars that have lost everything is very coldly called it was their choice, full stop.

Are we going to lose integrity when coerced into a state of mass formation psychosis by actual psychopathic elite? Strangely, only the rational mind in us will want to see this, the irrational mind will do anything not to see it as being true, further indication of a distorted reality.