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Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Western and Eastern Hemisphere Minds


 Written by Mathew Naismith

You have got to realise that we all have a slightly different path to follow as spirituality aware people, some people can sit within their own quietness and let the world go by, where other people are meant to become involved with the rest of the world.

“Putin got a lot right in his speech! We have been an empire of lies sad but true!”

With so many western people so eager the feed the war machine, while taking little to no action in regards to the prevention of war, I am embarrassed being of a western civilisation. This is while Taiwan is being intimidated and harassed and not just militarily. What is going to happen to the Taiwanese people? Live organ harvesting is but one and certain persecution as seen in Hong Kong and to the Fulan Gong people.

So why are people like you and I so different Miranda to the rest of western civilisation? I think it has a fair bit to do with being able to reason in both western and eastern hemispheres of the mind. Look at how individualistic western people are to eastern collectiveness. A lot of us, be it of western or eastern culture, work in accordance with both spheres of the human mind.

Extract: Individualism – favours the individual as an independent entity and encourages self-promotion and self-worth.

Collectivism – individuals are part of a group and the needs of the group come before the individual.

By and large, cultures in the West tend to be more individualistic whereas people from the East are more collectivist. These concepts are a running thread through many eastern and western cultural differences. g

You will also notice that the eastern hemisphere of the mind will predominantly see the background of everything physical and mental, while the western hemisphere of the mind will predominantly see the foreground. Look at how many people in the world are only seeing a Russian aggressor aimed at Ukraine and how inhumane Putin is, this is while the western coalition forces invaded and bombed how many countries!! What about in WWII, as I wrote recently where, “the allies bombed German cities to the point of deliberately causing a firestorm. Do you know what I mean about fire storms? Even if you were underground, the firestorms sucked the oxygen out from the underground havens unarmed civilians were hiding in. Is Russia doing this?”

The eastern or western mind is unable to put things into proper perspective unless relating the foreground to the background and visa-versa. Honestly, like with the pandemic and how it was handled, how many people are putting this war into proper perspective, a perspective that equally looks at the foreground as well as the background?

The foreground shows one aggressive power seemingly trying to dominate a non-aggressive power, an aggressive power of inhumanity. Now the background tells a different story, actually, more like elaborating on the story told by the foreground.

Firstly, in comparison to other invasions and bombing by western powers of other countries and their civilians, is the Russian army all that inhumane? Did as much energy by the western powers go into resolution than feeding the war even more. Far more energy is being put into the war machine than preventing the war starting in the first place. It is as if the western powers wanted war, seen as Putin, unlike the Ukrainian president, can't be bought and controlled by these western powers.

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