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Wednesday, 18 May 2022

So what is evil?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Interesting, I don't even dissociate myself to what is often deemed evil. Why not? Because it is interesting what many of us call evil is.

Hmmmmm, been having a certain kind of dream when delving into the present situation in the world. Pure utter evil, beyond words. A few of us in the dream were trying to investigate a shabby house, the more we investigated the house, the more active/threatened the evil became.

Usually, you try to change things from within, like ourselves or a family or social environment. Due to the people running the show in the world being so distant and disconnected from common society, this is not going to occur, in fact any intended perceived change from within will only exasperate this evil. They have no connection to us at all. It has taken me years to sought these kinds of dreams out, the time is right I suppose. The change must occur outside of this evil environment. It can be overwhelmed by creating an environment that this evil is unable to exist in. Think of the worse evil and then 100 times it, it is this horrific.

So what is this evil?

Simply a consciousness that has no affiliation or connection to any other consciousness but it's own, like mass murderers and multinationals and even politicians. Once oneness or a connection to everything around us is lost, what replaces this connection is disconnectedness. It is this disconnectedness that many of us call evil, mainly due to how a disconnected consciousness abuses other forms of consciousness.

Can we change this disconnected consciousness from within it's own creation?

Not a hope in hell, all we can do is overwhelm this disconnected consciousness with oneness, where disconnectedness is unable to exist. Notice at present that everything that connects us to each other is being eroded or eradicated, for example, people not vaccinated to people who are vaccinated? Yes, even people supporting the Ukraine war to people who don't support war at all.

So can we overwhelm this disconnected consciousness, that often creates distorted realities, with love?

No, Why not? Look at what environment created this consciousness to start with, it is not a lack of love, even though that can also be the case, it is primarily the lack of connection, an environment of the absence of an awareness of oneness/connection with everything else. The absence of this awareness distorts consciousness into a minuscule conscious reality, a reality based on truths that are desired rather than a reality based on actual truths. A huge presence of desired truths is simply a sign of a distorted reality, where you expect this type of consciousness to censor everything remotely resembling actual truths. Truths actually connect us.

Notice that people of connection/oneness are more loving and less abusive towards other forms of consciousness not of their own? Yes, I know, certain love and light groups, like certain religious and atheist groups, actually disconnect themselves from everything not of it's own, in the process are of this disconnected consciousness. Love is simply the outcome of staying connected, while avoiding becoming disconnected to what is not of your own, this is why groups of disconnectedness are reflective of a distorted reality, of a distorted love.

Anything that is expressive of disconnectedness, my advice is to avoid it when possible, if not possible, just simply stay connected and avoid being coerced into becoming a part of the present disconnectedness in the world, while avoiding disconnecting yourself from this disconnectedness!!

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