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Friday, 30 September 2022

Cycles of Living Things

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is a peculiar topic to write about in this way.

As I posted years ago, it is not the questions that create the answers, it is the answers that create questions to be asked. What this means is that answers are already formulated before questions even come into being, existence. Humanity, in all it's wisdom, often perceives that questions come before answered, where the perception of questions are in existence before answers can be formulated.

When this occurs within a cycle, consciousness and reality becomes distorted, in other words consciousness becomes lost within it's own creation. When this occurs due to a cycle that creates distortion, like with the end of the sun cycle when the sun also becomes distorted, destructive, desired or lusted for answers are sought.

A good example of this is our dams in Australia, where they were
never suppose to be full again, and that the great barrier reef is doomed due to global warming, climate change or whatever is desired, when quite the opposite has occurred. The distortion of consciousness therefore reality does not stop there. The very same authorities that put out this kind of disinformation are believed in relation to Ukraine and who really did start the Ukraine war. I don't think I need to mention the distortion created using the covid pandemic and covid vaccines.

When you base a reality on what answers are most desired, the questions become distorted, in the process it is the desired answers that create the questions. However, when you take out the answers that are most desired, the answers still formulate the questions to be asked, where the answers come before the questions. Yes, even when the desired answers come before the questions, humanity still thinks the questions are created prior to the answers, in the process creating a distortion of consciousness therefore reality.

Why have many people in human history predicted what will occur in the future, at times in the far future accurately? When you extract your consciousness from what is desired and lusted for, the answers are no longer distorted and no longer come after questions, in the process creating clearer more accurate predictions. Accurate foretelling, or even asking questions and getting immediate correct answers, takes one to know that answers formulate the questions. The answers already exist before formulation of questions.

Imagine a reality based on where desired and lusted for answers are determined by questions asked!!

In my young teenage years, I was in a state where I could ask questions and receive immediate correct answers. The only reason for this was due to not thinking that the questions formulate the answers, and avoiding creating questions for desired answers. Today, I don't ask too many questions plus I am not in the same state than I was in my teenage years, on purpose.

Recently, an answer formulated in my consciousness that created the question to the answer already answered, that all of what is presently occurring is of the cycle of life, and whatever we do will make no difference to the way the cycle plays out. If the cycle is of chaos and abuse, that is the way the cycle will play out, however, one can choose to be of a different cycle of life.

To enter into another more passive cycle, one has to first get right away from the mentality of throwing rocks and sticks at each other, today's missiles and bombs. I think only desiring to be aware of what one desires does not help either, for this is like throwing rocks and sticks at something you are trying to usher away. To enter into other cycles, one has to desist in the rock and stick mentality and accept each and every cycle for what it is, not an easy task to carry out.

When the sun reaches the end of it's cycle, a great amount of distortion will occur. Seen as humanity is greatly influenced by the suns cycle, it is most likely that humanity will go through the same process at the end of it's cycle.

Imagine for a moment being influenced by a cycle of life that is not of distortion!!

Yes, we live within a universe that can express a great deal of distortion. This distortion can and often does influence consciousness, accept this as being a natural part of the universe and move on from this. No, one's own consciousness does not have to be primarily influenced by cycles of distortion, for we are far more than what the physical universe depicts we are.

Western atheism, for example, is not about anything beyond the physical domain, so is primarily influenced and dominated by what? Physical distortions. Look at how, under the influence of western atheism, very different from eastern atheism, that man has caused global warming/climate change, while knowing that a few centuries ago a great frost hit Europe due to an inactive sun. Today, the sun being a lot more active is not causing global warming, climate change!! Notice the distortion. Is there a connection between the suns distortions and the distortion of humanities consciousness?

So why are so many of us not influenced by physical distortions, that are quite natural by the way?

Many of us are more influenced by non-physical cycles that can be, but not necessarily, less of distortion. Non-physical entities can be just as much if not more of distortion, however, you will find this distortion is based on physicality. Instilling fear, as we are seeing today, is of distorting consciousness therefore reality. Fear is actually a physical attribute.

Let's be honest, there is presently a lot of distortion going on at present and not just to do with fear, transgenderism is a prime example, where sexually abusing children is accepted. Transgenderism is not same sex couples but there can be a link at times, like a link between non-homosexual people and paedophilia.

The cycle of living things is what it is, desiring to make something else out of it is of this distortion. The cycle of life can't be manipulated, but one can choose to be more influenced by other cycles not of distorting consciousness therefore reality.

It is interesting observing how humanity is moving more away from the non-physical to the physical, and how consciousness therefore reality is becoming more and more distorted. This is indeed a part of the physical cycle of life, a cycle we don't necessarily have to be primarily influenced by but choose to be.

So why do many of us choose to go down this path?

Control, like with NATO wanting more control of natural resources, evidently. We desire to control the natural cycles we are influenced by, be it atheist or spiritual. Desiring control and fearing being controlled by a natural entity is of distortion. I personally chose to be influenced more by the physical natural cycle of life at an early age, for I did not fear this cycle of life's control over me, be it of distortion at times. Once the cycles of living things become imbalanced, distortion is sure to follow. Expect in the cycle of living things for there not to be balance at times, it is what it is, and don't fear not having control over the cycle of living things.

Friday, 2 September 2022

Speaking of Distorted Realities

Written By Mathew Naismith

So firstly, what represents a distorted reality?

Many people say that chaos, deception, manipulation, criminality and abuse overall is a representation of a distorted reality, this is different to a reality of order, honesty, integrity, etc, when all these traits of a distorted reality are simply a result of a reality that have been distorted. These traits don't create a distorted reality, even though they seem to distort reality even further, these traits are simply an indication of a reality that have become distorted.

So what distorts reality, resulting in all these traits of abuse?

Dissociation; where consciously dissimilarities are focused on rather than the similarities, for example, the multinationals simply think of the people as cattle, where only the dissimilarities are recognised and accepted, in the process distorting their own reality even more so.

Look at couples that no longer associate with each other, often the results are further disharmony and even abuse. In war, a soldier has to disassociate themselves from the opposing force to be able to kill them. Religions, where the dissimilarities are often focused on instead of the similarities between different religions, look at the result of this. Look at the result between religion and atheism, where the dissimilarities are primarily focused on, chaos and abuse often ensues.

No, these traits of a distorted reality don't create a distorted reality, but they are certainly a sign of how far a reality has become distorted. Every time I see abuse and corruption by authorities towards people they have obviously dissociated themselves with, I simply see signs of a reality becoming even more distorted. Try abusing people you have not dissociated with to any extent, you simply cannot abuse them in any way. The aggravated abuse present today is simply a sign of how far our reality has become distorted.

Like in the times of the Roman's, where groups like Jews and Christians and alike were persecuted, like in a witch hunt, pagan Roman's in particular easily abused these religious groups due to their disassociation with these groups. As we today become poorer and the multinationals become richer, the more dissociated the multinationals become in relation to the common people. Yes, these people are simply distorting reality more and more and yes, this is a sign how far their own consciousness has become distorted, and how far they have deliberately distorted reality so they have no association towards what they are abusing and are going to abuse. The persecution of Christians is only the beginning, no religion is safe under this degree of disassociation, where you simply pick off one at a time.

Yes, you can easily associate dissociation with a mental illness. Mental illness to me simply makes reference to disassociation. How can a mass murderer or serial killer kill in the first place? By dissociating themselves to the people they are going to kill. Is this the same with a soldier? It can be, but with a soldier killing simply becomes a necessary unwanted or undesired act, where with multinationals they make out it is necessary act, that they desire, while utterly enjoying the abuse carried out by them. Yes, what the multinationals are presently doing shows strong signs of a mental illness. Look at how distorted reality has become, in line with how fragmented society has become, a reality only maniacal tendencies could create.

Maniacal: An insane person. A person who has an obsession with or excessive enthusiasm for something. Adjective; Wildly disordered, "a maniac frenzy".

I would myself in this case relate wildly disordered with distorted.

Now, the perception of God actually represents a creator, a pure state of oneness, where there is no perception of disassociation of anything of creation. It matters not if you believe in God or not, the perception of this God consciousness directly relates to a connection with everything, an association with all of creation, not only of what a group desires to only be in association with, like multinationals and extremist groups.

You can see why the people who disassociate themselves with everything else of creation will persecute each group one by one that are representative of this degree of association. The perception of God is of full and utter association with all of creation, not only of association with it's own particulate group, like man often does. Yes, when religion and/or church are put before the perception of this God consciousness, a distortion of reality begins, resulting in a distorted reality inline with how disassociated a group has become from other groups. Look at how atheists disassociate themselves from people of religion, in the process distorting their own reality even more and yes, not being aware of this or not deserving to be aware of this could be a sign of mental illness.

Dissociating yourself from other groups of people does not mean one is suffering from a mental illness, but when desire or a lust for persecuting any group that is not of your own could be, and most likely is when enjoyed, like with what the multinationals are presently doing. It is not a good sign people, but is inevitable when the masses sit back and allow this to occur. We have been split up in how many more dissociated groups, now covid vaccinated and people not covid vaccinated, transgender and none transgender, white males and the rest of humanity, etc.

Is it evil or sinister to what is going on in the world at present?

How does evil or a sinister consciousness exist? Simply through the existence of a distorted consciousness that distorts reality. Really, evil or a sinister mentality cannot exist or exist within the same space within a reality that is not distorted, it is impossible due to their being no dissimilarities within this state of mind. Once you take away man made dissimilarities within society, you create an environment where a physical and mental distortion cannot exist. It is like creating an alternative environment with someone suffering a mental illness. Once these people are no longer of a dissimulated mind set, mental illness can longer exist within this environment, now relate this to what the multinationals are presently doing.

Like with seriously mental ill people, the multinational will do everything to retain their dissimilarities, in the process keep their own and every bodies mind set therefore reality distorted. It is an interesting time, because a huge mind shift due to groups trying to retain their own distorted reality could occur, like a person coming out of a comma or a state of mental illness. How many people experience an enlightening experience due to trauma to the mind and body? Yes, the multinational doing what they are presently doing could indeed result in a collective enlightening experience. I am not saying will, it could but most likely will.