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Showing posts with label distorted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label distorted. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 September 2024


Written by Mathew Naismith

When we look around the man made world, everything that has been created was created from the consciousness of man. Yes, the same controlling mentality that is still virtually into throwing rocks and sticks at each other, like Neanderthals did. As of today, Neanderthals could see a gain or profit in this kind of mentality. What if I stated that everything that man creates, including his mentality, has come from a more vastly prominent consciousness. Of course a lot of this consciousness has been distorted or disfigured, now imagine a consciousness that is not disfigured, an energy in balance with itself and all other energies!!

Imagine a creation that has not been created from a distorted consciousness, a consciousness that has been acquired from this vast prominent consciousness, probably the same consciousness/energy that created the universe.

When I observe the man made environment around me, in all honesty all I observe is a consciousness of immense disfigurement, a creation disfigured from immeasurable intense distortions of consciousness/energy.

A lot of people are aware of this, of the difference between a reality created from immeasurable intense distortions to a reality created from the absence of these distortions and disfigurements. Being aware of these differences is simply of having the realisation of realities of the absence of distortions and disfigurements of consciousness/energy therefore creation. Enlightenment is simply of the absence of what stops us from becoming enlightened. Yes, it is this simple.

It is really bemusing observing so many people doing everything they can to hinder this kind of enlightenment, in the process distorting and disfiguring human consciousness beyond recognition. There are suppose to be over 140 genders in Western countries. The deliberate distortion and disfigurement of human consciousness theretofore their creation is obvious.

So why would so many people go down this path of distorting and disfiguring human consciousness even more? Again, it is of the absence of, the absence of being aware of a consciousness/energy that is not distorted and disfigured. In other words aware of a reality that has not been distorted and disfigured beyond recognition. A lot of people just don't want to become aware, to become this enlightened, but if they did they would not want to go back to distorting and disfiguring human consciousness/energy, I guarantee this.

When I look at how the big bang theory is no longer a valid theory due to galaxies existing in the centre of the universe, and that Darwin's theory of evolution is put into serious question due to discoveries of various monolithic advanced races, you realise how distorted human consciousness is. If human consciousness is this distorted and disfigured, so is it's creation and understandably so.

Monday, 15 January 2024

The Great Spirit

Written by Mathew Naismith

I love the American Indian or first nation people's description of an energy that can't be destroyed, as of all energy, nor can it be changed or distorted, like all other energy. The following may sound repetitive, so not worth reading, but there are subtle and not so subtle changes, this is due to the never ending cycle of changing energy, like the ever changing weather in the life of this planet.

You can equate this spirit within all things to any ideology that is based on an energy that can't be changed or distorted. For an example, an energy flow that puts religion and/or church before God is in fact basing their form of ideology on an energy that can be changed and even distorted beyond recognition. Would a far more distorted energy flow take advantage of this kind of distortion? If a far more distorted energy flow did not create the distortion in the first place, it would certainly take advantage of it as of present in the world it would seem.

I find it most peculiar that so many of us base our entire life and human existence on energy flows that can be distorted, often beyond recognition. People like me when looking at an ideology look for what that ideology is based on, focusing on the energy flow to see if it is based primarily on an energy that can't be distorted. I look for this spirit within all things that can't be distorted by another distorted energy flow. Put in another way, I look for a balanced energy flow compared to an imbalanced energy flow. There is no balance to be had in an energy flow that can be distorted at will.

Why would someone like me dogmatically follow something like the teachings of Lucifer for example, as a huge number of people today are doing? Common sense alone tells me not to attach myself to such a distorted energy flow to start with, notably one of the most distorted energy flows in existence.

I am flabbergasted at how society itself has become so attached to numerous energy flows of distortion based on lust and desire, as opposed to a society based on what is not lusted for and desired. In other words base a society on energy flows that are not distorted. How many of us know about the distortions of energy, that human existence has become primarily based on energy flows that are distorted to excess from the initial energy flow, the great spirit, the spirit within all things?

Yes, everything in existence has this great spirit within, be it that the more our own energy becomes distorted, the further unrecognisable or buried this energy becomes, however, no matter how buried this energy becomes within distorted energy flows, this great spirit still exists. It must be infuriating for distorted energy flows not being able to destroy this great spirit, and at times coming across an energy flow they are unable to distort. Yes, this distorted energy flow can distort the energy flow of souls, this is very different for souls that the energy flow is based on this great spirit, an energy flow that can't be distorted.

Imagine for a moment if the majority of us in humanity based our energy flow on an energy that can't be distorted, life for humanity as a whole would be very different to what it is today. Lucky for humanity, we presently have a great opportunity to realise the difference in energy flows as never before.

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

MFP Explained

Written by Mathew Naismith

Firstly, to me, spirituality is not being of or controlled by MFP, Mass Formation Psychosis, even though it has been in the past and the present. Spirituality is about focusing on the collective as a whole, not a mass focus on a certain particular formation to produce a certain desired reality inline with certain desired narratives. Spirituality is holistic, meaning, all parts of the collective are considered, not only the parts of the collective we desire to only be of reality. You will get a better understanding of this when I break down MFP and explain it's entire meaning.

The importance of being aware of MFP at present speaks for itself, especially considering the various different ways MFP is being used on mass to entice people into certain formations fixated to certain narratives. Think of it like this. Soldiers marching in a regimented formation that are primarily focused on the formation, in the process nothing outside this formation, bar the controllers of this formation, is of reality at this point.

Mass: “The common people generally.”

Mass simply makes reference to a majority, a large or largest volume of people in a certain reality in this case.

Formation: "An arrangement of people or things acting as a unit.”

Formation in this case refers to a mass of people arrange by authorities into a certain formation, often resulting in the denial of other realities through mass focus on certain realities only.

Psychosis: “Any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted.”

Severe mental disorder, seems too strong of words but now consider a mass of people where reality is lost or highly distorted. The effects on the collective is indeed going to be of a severe mental disorder, in the process severally distorting reality.

I will leave it up to each and every individual to determine what reality is of this MFP distortion, while remembering that anyone influenced by MFP will have lost touch with reality and determine everything not of their distorted reality distorted.

I was recently in conversation with a person who stated they were a doctor, which is highly questionable, there was no way they were going to see any other point but of what is only of their reality. The first response I received was anti-vaxxer which continued right throughout the conversation, a totally irrational response to make from the start, considering that to be an anti-vaxxer, one would have to deny how true vaccines effectively work. Notice that you can't reason with people under the influence of MFP?

Type in Mass formation Psychosis on the net, most of what is presented to you on the net is of debunking the theory of MFP, while in reality MFP is not just a theory but reality, remembering that anyone under the influence of MFP will only want to see MFP being of a distorted reality, even if they know otherwise.

Saturday, 5 November 2022

Consciousness Before Mind


Written by Mathew Naismith

My wife agrees. Often to the western mind what I write is overly complicated or over stated, while to the eastern mind most often what I write is not overly complicated or overly stated. I have often observed this myself. Overly complicating anything is in line with distorting reality, like profits come before science, religion and even church come before God, communism comes before family, mind comes before consciousness and so on. When you think of it, most spiritual practices practised in the west are of an eastern origin. Are we in the west distorting eastern teachings through taking out what seems to be too complicated for the western mind to comprehend and put into practice?

Should the tribe come before family, personal life? Not if having different views separates the family. Often in a reality that is not distorted, the tribe is thought of as family, where each and everyone's differences are allowed and tolerated, unless greatly distorted. In today's science, profits often come before science, meaning, the science has to be primarily of profits first, creating a distorted reality where profits come before science. Don't berate yourself for being a part of distorting reality, for an unseen consciousness that is distorted itself is coercing us to be of the same reality, more than ever.

We are presently experiencing a distortion of consciousness and are on the receiving end of a distorted consciousness, on the receiving end of an abstract portion of what consciousness actually is altogether.

Abstract: Existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment

The mind is often only expressive or knowing of a small part of what consciousness actually represents overall. No mind is expressive of what consciousness is altogether, in the process the mind only creates what the mind often only desires to be what consciousness is, like God exists or doesn't exist, full stop. Also, if the mind is conditioned to a certain mind set in relevance to the environment experienced, like being brought up as a religious person or atheist, the mind conditioned to this environment will only live by a portion of what consciousness is overall, in the process distorting reality even more.

We are not meant to be governed by mind but by consciousness, but by a consciousness that is not distorted. Because we are conditioned to primarily live by the mind, our consciousness is easy pray to any kind of distorted consciousness out there. Look at how often religion or even the church came and comes before God, in the process creating an abstract form of God, not of what consciousness is overall which is what many of us call God. God is simply a consciousness that is not distorted. No, God does not exist for or within a consciousness that is excessively distorted, God or a consciousness not distorted does not exist within this kind of reality, in saying this, there is not a consciousness in existence that does not have a spark of God consciousness within it. The reaction is amazing when you try to show this to a mind or consciousness distorted by a distorted consciousness, the expressed fear is horrendous, a fear they have themselves created by distorting reality.

Notice in a lot of eastern spiritual practices that the enlightened will always be of consciousness first before mind, a reality that is often brought about by practices that quieten the mind, not putting the mind before consciousness at any time. This is why people like me will never become what is known to be enlightened, as I often put mind before consciousness, but while being aware of this. The enlightened put themselves within an environment conducive to creating a reality that is not distorted or less distorted. My present environment is not conducive to wholly putting myself within this kind of environment and I am fine with that, but I have created an environment where I can create a less distorted reality than the reality around me. We just need to be aware of what reality we desire to live by first and what reality we should live by to create a less distorted reality. What we often desire for ourselves is often of what distorts reality the most.

Friday, 2 September 2022

Speaking of Distorted Realities

Written By Mathew Naismith

So firstly, what represents a distorted reality?

Many people say that chaos, deception, manipulation, criminality and abuse overall is a representation of a distorted reality, this is different to a reality of order, honesty, integrity, etc, when all these traits of a distorted reality are simply a result of a reality that have been distorted. These traits don't create a distorted reality, even though they seem to distort reality even further, these traits are simply an indication of a reality that have become distorted.

So what distorts reality, resulting in all these traits of abuse?

Dissociation; where consciously dissimilarities are focused on rather than the similarities, for example, the multinationals simply think of the people as cattle, where only the dissimilarities are recognised and accepted, in the process distorting their own reality even more so.

Look at couples that no longer associate with each other, often the results are further disharmony and even abuse. In war, a soldier has to disassociate themselves from the opposing force to be able to kill them. Religions, where the dissimilarities are often focused on instead of the similarities between different religions, look at the result of this. Look at the result between religion and atheism, where the dissimilarities are primarily focused on, chaos and abuse often ensues.

No, these traits of a distorted reality don't create a distorted reality, but they are certainly a sign of how far a reality has become distorted. Every time I see abuse and corruption by authorities towards people they have obviously dissociated themselves with, I simply see signs of a reality becoming even more distorted. Try abusing people you have not dissociated with to any extent, you simply cannot abuse them in any way. The aggravated abuse present today is simply a sign of how far our reality has become distorted.

Like in the times of the Roman's, where groups like Jews and Christians and alike were persecuted, like in a witch hunt, pagan Roman's in particular easily abused these religious groups due to their disassociation with these groups. As we today become poorer and the multinationals become richer, the more dissociated the multinationals become in relation to the common people. Yes, these people are simply distorting reality more and more and yes, this is a sign how far their own consciousness has become distorted, and how far they have deliberately distorted reality so they have no association towards what they are abusing and are going to abuse. The persecution of Christians is only the beginning, no religion is safe under this degree of disassociation, where you simply pick off one at a time.

Yes, you can easily associate dissociation with a mental illness. Mental illness to me simply makes reference to disassociation. How can a mass murderer or serial killer kill in the first place? By dissociating themselves to the people they are going to kill. Is this the same with a soldier? It can be, but with a soldier killing simply becomes a necessary unwanted or undesired act, where with multinationals they make out it is necessary act, that they desire, while utterly enjoying the abuse carried out by them. Yes, what the multinationals are presently doing shows strong signs of a mental illness. Look at how distorted reality has become, in line with how fragmented society has become, a reality only maniacal tendencies could create.

Maniacal: An insane person. A person who has an obsession with or excessive enthusiasm for something. Adjective; Wildly disordered, "a maniac frenzy".

I would myself in this case relate wildly disordered with distorted.

Now, the perception of God actually represents a creator, a pure state of oneness, where there is no perception of disassociation of anything of creation. It matters not if you believe in God or not, the perception of this God consciousness directly relates to a connection with everything, an association with all of creation, not only of what a group desires to only be in association with, like multinationals and extremist groups.

You can see why the people who disassociate themselves with everything else of creation will persecute each group one by one that are representative of this degree of association. The perception of God is of full and utter association with all of creation, not only of association with it's own particulate group, like man often does. Yes, when religion and/or church are put before the perception of this God consciousness, a distortion of reality begins, resulting in a distorted reality inline with how disassociated a group has become from other groups. Look at how atheists disassociate themselves from people of religion, in the process distorting their own reality even more and yes, not being aware of this or not deserving to be aware of this could be a sign of mental illness.

Dissociating yourself from other groups of people does not mean one is suffering from a mental illness, but when desire or a lust for persecuting any group that is not of your own could be, and most likely is when enjoyed, like with what the multinationals are presently doing. It is not a good sign people, but is inevitable when the masses sit back and allow this to occur. We have been split up in how many more dissociated groups, now covid vaccinated and people not covid vaccinated, transgender and none transgender, white males and the rest of humanity, etc.

Is it evil or sinister to what is going on in the world at present?

How does evil or a sinister consciousness exist? Simply through the existence of a distorted consciousness that distorts reality. Really, evil or a sinister mentality cannot exist or exist within the same space within a reality that is not distorted, it is impossible due to their being no dissimilarities within this state of mind. Once you take away man made dissimilarities within society, you create an environment where a physical and mental distortion cannot exist. It is like creating an alternative environment with someone suffering a mental illness. Once these people are no longer of a dissimulated mind set, mental illness can longer exist within this environment, now relate this to what the multinationals are presently doing.

Like with seriously mental ill people, the multinational will do everything to retain their dissimilarities, in the process keep their own and every bodies mind set therefore reality distorted. It is an interesting time, because a huge mind shift due to groups trying to retain their own distorted reality could occur, like a person coming out of a comma or a state of mental illness. How many people experience an enlightening experience due to trauma to the mind and body? Yes, the multinational doing what they are presently doing could indeed result in a collective enlightening experience. I am not saying will, it could but most likely will.