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Sunday, 30 October 2022

Autocratic Tools of Trade


Written by Mathew Naismith

This topic may seem inappropriate for this group, but I have seen in my 59 years how spirituality is used and abused by the same system being implemented on the whole of society. When telling the truth became negative in spiritual communities, was when people like me became aware of something going on within the spiritual community. Whenever the truth becomes negative, either in the spiritual community or society as a whole, something that is truly negative is at play. Look at how this tactic has divided the spiritual community, there is no love, light and oneness in this.

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You need to look at the trigger points used. What triggered people to accept an apartheid system set up by governments? What trigger points are used to coerce a populous to embrace yet another autocratic system of government, that apartheid is often a tool of? Now look at the triggers that can reverse people being coerced in reacting to these triggers used by corporations and governments. Fear is a trigger point, what counteracts this trigger? Truth. Well no, due to truth can actually make people feel even less secure, this is why most people will most likely embrace a lie that seems to give them security, like covid vaccines, than truths that may threaten their security, like anything that is not positive of covid vaccines.

If you tell the truth, especially the honest truth, the market in this area is often quite small at the best of times, especially when the truth is demonised, mix this honest truth with comedy, the market is liable to be larger, unless comedy is also demonised, as it is today. So how do you demonise comedy and the honest truth? Make it seem that it will threaten people's security. So why doesn't everyone fall for this kind of coercive deceptive tactic? Knowing or open to the honest truth, even if it threatens our own security.

Make no mistake, when an apartheid system is introduced, an autocratic system is being implemented, being that any introduced apartheid system is a tool often used by autocratic societies, on top of using one of their favourite trigger points, fear, to introduce an accepted apartheid system. Once you have an apartheid system accepted by the majority, as we had during the covid pandemic, the way is clear to enforce an autocratic society on the populous. As of any introduced autocratic system, millions of people die, this time billions. Yes, the security an apartheid system and autocratic system creates is false and misleading for most people.

Thinking outside the square is in a real sense going outside of your own security zone. In a reality based on fear as we have today, fear is used to keep people within the square, within their security zone, that is often set up by authoritative figures trying to implement an autocratic society, where all other realities are demonised, such as religion, free speech, anything not of the type of autocratic society being introduced.

How many people in the west are supportive of a known far right autocratic controlled society, Ukraine? Our own far left wing Australian government supports this autocratic Ukraine government, now look at why. Ukraine is controlled by an autocratic system of government as well, but a right wing government that is simply seemingly being sacrificed for the good of an autocratic New World Order. The people in Ukraine need to wake up.

The use of fear and the introduction of any kind of apartheid system are but two tools used by a NWO autocratic system of governance, but two vital tools used to be able to enforce an autocratic society on the populous.

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