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Sunday, 10 March 2024

Fifth Dimensional Data Bank

Written by Mathew Naismith

A strange title indeed, representing a subject I have never truly spoken of in this way.

What I am finding interesting is not that the same old subjects are being presented over and over again, why would I, but in how these subjects are being presented. Even though the present 3rd dimensional NWO consciousness is doing everything it can to hinder human conscious access to the 5th dimensional data bank, 5th dimensional data presentations are becoming more apparent. Yes, today you have far more people living their lives by 3rd dimensional data, which includes lust, desire and material gain, but you also have a certain amount of people becoming more influenced by a 5th dimensional data source.

So what do I mean by a 3rd and 5th dimensional data bank?

3rd dimensional data is like MSM data and education primarily based on the material, lust and desire. Science and medical journals and alike and even 3rd party media, often media that has been censored because of it's 5th dimensional data content and lack of disinformation. 3rd party media can be far more reliable but is still of 3rd party media, like a 4th dimensional data which is influenced by both 3rd and 5th dimensional data sources. Within this 4th dimensional data, both 5th and 3rd dimensional data sources can become the primary source of data. To be honest, I have lived most of my life by a 4th dimensional data source reality.

5th dimensional data is simply data acquired naturally by not primarily basing reality on a 3rd dimensional data bank. Yes, all you have to do to access this 5th dimensional data bank is to not base your existence and reality on 3rd dimensional data, often data that is distorted beyond recognition. You may ask, data distorted from what?

Everything of 3rd dimensional reality has actually come from a 5th dimensional data source, nothing is knew except in the way this 5th dimensional data can be distorted, and even this is known within the 5th dimensional data bank. Imagine the ways you could distort 5th dimensional data within a reality primarily influenced by 3rd dimensional data, it is infinite.

To a 3rd dimensional mind set, just stating that a 5th dimensional data bank is simply data that is not governed by a 3rd dimensional data bank does not explain what this 5th dimensional data bank is, which is to be expected.

Imagine a reality that is of the absence of abuse, this one aspect alone would change our own reality beyond recognition, now imagine a data bank that is not just not governed by this one singular aspect but by all 3rd dimensional aspects. It is often within the absence of, things become clearer to the mind, even a 3rd dimensional based data base mindset. Another way to put this is like with what is called the zone in sports. So how do some sports people experience this zone? By simply being in a conscious mindset of the absence of distractions, were all distractions that hinder getting into this zone is absent within the mindset at that time. To put it another way, this zone is simply of the absence of distortions of 3rd dimensional aspects, in the process leaving what is not distorted, 5th dimensional aspects.

I am finding it quite intriguing that this NWO, New World Order, is trying so hard to keep and draw human consciousness even more into this 3rd dimensional distorted reality and mindset. The distortion occurring at present says it all and clearly shows what this NWO is all about, and how afraid they are of human consciousness basing it's existence on a 5th dimensional data bank instead of the NWO's 3rd dimensional highly censored date bank, like what MSM, medical and science journals, governments are doing.

It is within the absence of, as usual, that all will become clearer, where no explanation of will be needed, you will just know.


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