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Thursday, 23 May 2024

Theatrics and Truth: A Perfect Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

The world is my stage, as I state it, William Shakespeare's states it as, "All the world's a stage".

Theatrical: Suited to or characteristic of the stage or theatre. Having qualities suggestive of a stage play or of an actor's performance : deliberately or exaggeratedly dramatic or emotional.

Never looked at it like this before, but my life is of comical theatrics. If I am not of being openly honest with the truth, I am being comically theatrical, both traits today seem to be socially and politically unacceptable.

"All the world's a stage" is the phrase that begins a monologue from William Shakespeare's pastoral comedy As You Like It, spoken by the melancholy Jaques in Act II Scene VII Line 139. The speech compares the world to a stage and life to a play and catalogues the seven stages of a man's life, sometimes referred to as the seven ages of man.

Through these seven ages, Shakespeare captures the full range of the human experience, from the innocence and vulnerability of childhood to the wisdom and decline of old age. The speech serves as a reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of making the most of each stage.

So how do people like me face the truth repeatedly face on while avoiding dramatising the dramatics even more so, in the process becoming overwhelmed? You make the best of each and every stage of life, not the worse, or at least attempt to do so.

I am a believer in reincarnation, which is very different to a resurrection, however I don't go with each life is separate to the other, it is simply one life lived through different stages of life lived. Each reincarnation is a birth of a new experience, a different stage of life experienced from previously experienced. The human self mostly only experiences each life lived, the spiritual self experiences it as one life lived. Shakespeare speaks of a human life lived through 7 different stages, I am speaking of many stages of life lived or experienced.

In a reality based primarily on a multi-billion dollar war industry as well as a multi-billion dollar bad health industry, the comical theatrical industry and the truth being spoken openly and honesty is being heavily censored, which is quite understandable considering what the present reality is based on. It is really weird to someone like me that comical theatrics and the truth being spoken openly and honesty is shown so much disdain in today's society. These balancing traits are seemingly becoming a rarity, extinct, drummed out of today's society.

It is funny how my everyday comical theatrics irk so many people today, add also being open and honest with the truth, people like me, in a reality based on multi-billion dollar abuse industries, are expectantly going to be socially unacceptable. If you are aware that you will be socially unacceptable, being socially unacceptable within such an abusive reality is no big deal, in actuality we should embrace being socially unacceptable within such an abusive reality. To be socially acceptable one would have to be of this abusive reality, in fact it is a good sign that people like me are not socially acceptable.

So in an over dramatised dramatic abusive society, balancing out these highly abusive over dramatics with comical theatrics while being open and honest with the truth is for me a perfect balance of energies.

Wednesday, 8 May 2024


Holiday Photo

Written by Mathew Naismith

This may seem at first to be an inappropriate post to post on a blog like this, however, considering that blogs like this are of recognising our own biases, prejudices, fixations and desires that hinder the advancement of wisdom, writing about NCIP is quite appropriate.

NCIP refers to Novel Corona-virus Infectious Pneumonia, the original name for COVID-19.

There seems to be two reasons why COVID-19 was used to promote the COVID pandemic and proceeding vaccines rather than NCIP, by medical authorities, governments and Main Stream Media .

One, NCIP is not a name one can market to profit from where COVID-19 was and is.

Two, which is the most important point, NCIP makes reference to pneumonia which can be treated by a pneumonia vaccine which I believe lasts for 5 years. Again, there was little profit to be made from this, however, COVID-19 makes direct reference to a virus, not to pneumonia, a virus science has been trying to make a vaccine to since the 1960's without success, leading to huge profits. Corona-virus is too adaptive for any Corona-virus vaccine, like COVID vaccines, to work effectively. While on this topic, MRNA technology was never developed to be used in vaccines for a number of good reasons as well. It would seem that COIVD-19 vaccines were developed to never work effectively or even safely.

Imagine for a moment looking at this impartially, where biases, prejudices, fixations and desires are not influential upon one's own thought processes and reasoning!! Now imagine a thought process that is of biases, prejudices, fixations and desires, none of this would be acceptable or even comprehensible. Notice that this prejudice thought process has banned the use of many of these words used in this post, to simply keep the people in the dark, unaware.

When you put yourself or create an environment of the absence of partiality, it is like a light being switch on in a dark room, where one becomes a lot more aware of the said environment.

Went on holiday recently, which included going through 3 states in Australia, the different thought processes in regards to COVID and the proceeding vaccines is amazing but also daunting. There is no way you can convince people who are notably partial of the obvious, of course the obvious can only be comprehensible and then understood by those of an impartial thought process. People who are of an impartial thought process the obvious is obvious, while realising that the people of a partial thought process don't know that there is a light to the dark room that can be switched on.

I should state that no state showed a more impartial or partial view to other states on this subject, accept in the state where you had the most locked down city in the world, the expressed partiality was more intense while of the same numbers of partiality and impartiality of other states.

So in a reality controlled and dominated by partial thought processes, to the point of being psychopathic, being impartial is going to be hard road to tread, while knowing the alternative, partiality that can often lead to psychopathic tendencies, is simply not an alternative. For myself, I am so grateful having the opportunity to being as impartial as I can be, it is a huge blessing even in the sight of a very aggressive opposing mindset.

Blessed are we the few.........