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Showing posts with label 4th dimension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4th dimension. Show all posts

Saturday, 11 November 2017

3rd Dimensional Influences

Written by Mathew Naismith

In recent times, certain dream interpretations of mine have been referring that I am reluctant to change my present way of existing, I am reluctant to break old associations which is retarding my progress.

To break old associations often takes one to change one's own present environment, being that associations often pertain to a particular environment. A good example of this is environments conducive to materialism; often this kind of environment is conducive to materialistic people/associations. This is the same with 3rd dimensions, 3rd dimensions are conducive to certain ways of thinking and perceiving creating a limited consciousness, a consciousness limited to 3rd dimensional aspects.

3rd dimensionally, I have in recent times made some huge environmental changes, in turn changing who I am associating with. Association isn't just pertaining to people, it's probably more pertaining to a particular environment, giving that environments are conducive to certain associations with people. You also associate just as much, if not more, with a particular environment as you do with the people of an environment. Disregarding other people and other simular biological forms to ourselves, how often do we feel comfortable or uncomfortable within a particular environment? Your association isn't just with other simular biological forms; it's also with the environment you are presently experiencing as a whole.

We also often 3rd dimensionally associate association with other forms on a 3rd dimensional level, in turn disregarding our association outside of a 3rd dimensional aspect. Giving that we are predominantly influenced by a 3rd dimension, and that we are often, from birth, conditioned to 3rd dimensional aspects, it is quite understandable why we often perceive in this kind of limited fashion.

Now, my dream interpretations refer to me being reluctant to break old associations which are retarding my progress. 3rd dimensionally looking at this, in other words looking at this through a 3rd dimensional conditioned mind, we would perceive that I need to change my environment even more, probably to an environment not predominantly influenced by a 3rd dimensional aspects and perceptions.

I look at it this way. Experiencing my present environment, which is 3rd dimensional, is a change from my natural state which seem to be beyond 3rd dimensional aspects and perceptions. However, my 3rd dimensional mind sees my change to a 3rd dimension from my natural state as retarding my progress. Having no desire or need to change from my present 3rd dimensional environment, is seen by my 3rd dimensional mind as a retardation.

Only within a 3rd dimension can progression be perceived as everything within a 3rd dimension is measured/judged. Outside a third dimensional aspect, there are no levels because there is nothing to measure as one against the other; everything is perceived as connected and as one no matter how it's expressed, there is simply nothing to progress to. What higher vibrational ego wants to be associated with judged lower vibrational levels within a 3rd dimension? Because the 3rd dimension is based on up and down, back and forth, right and left, in other words measurements based on time aspects, we perceive in levels which is 3rd and 4th dimensional.

The 3rd dimensional mind will now see these dimensions as levels therefore depict and perceive that people like me are speaking of levels. The 3rd dimensional mind sees these levels as being higher or lower than the others, this is why we often make the huge mistake in stating that we are entering or are of a higher vibration or level of existence. It's a mistake to think like this because this perception of levels is 3rd/4th dimensional. It's also 4th dimensional because we are now perceiving there is a higher self, a higher consciousness other than a 3rd dimensional consciousness. In a sense many of us have always perceived like this showing that this reality was never just of 3rd dimensional aspect but a 4th. In saying this, it is obvious that we were dominated and conditioned to 3rd dimensional aspects and perceptions.  

Let's hypothetically say there are twelve dimensions from one to twelve, 3rd and 4th dimensionally we perceive these different conscious existences as levels while within a 3rd/4th dimension. Outside of 3rd/4th dimension there is no perception of levels, only a different conscious experience that is connected to all other conscious experiences, all other existences. There simply is no separation therefore no levels between these consciousnesses, these levels of existences, only a perception of levels while experiencing a 3rd/4th dimension.

As of a lot of what I write, this is going to be very difficult for our 3rd/4th dimensional mind to understand and probably even comprehend. Be patient and understanding of our 3rd/4th dimensional mind, it has a lot of conditioning to overcome to evolve, and yes, we all within a 3rd/4th dimension have a 3rd dimensional mind to deal with.

For further studies/reading on this subject, I think the following is a good read, I ironically came across the following while writing this post.