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Showing posts with label EdgarCayce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EdgarCayce. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Being a Liability

written by Mathew Naismith

The world will come together as one, and never will it be allowed to go down this path again.

This is interesting, had a good internet friend, that I have crossed swards with, point out an obvious in relation to what Edgar Cayce predicted for this time period.

If you don't have a difference, you don't have change, all you have then is stagnation......Mathew G

In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” — (Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29)

70 years after the defeat of the Axis powers, Russia has been reborn, but the rest of the world is now largely under the thumb of the Western globalist banking cartel.

This cartel is organized as the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, and the global network of central banks, reserve banks, development banks, and investment banks that hold the world’s elected governments in perpetual receivership and the world’s people in bondage to mathematically impossible to pay debt.”

Now look at the nations around the world who did everything to feed the war machine and disinformation while doing nothing to prevent it. Let's be honest, far more energy by western powers is being put into the war machine than preventing the war machine starting in the first place. I give you the real enemy of the people and humanity as a whole. The real enemy of Ukraine is this very sinister conglomerate.

I stick by my guns though, there is no good guy here, the Russian's can't be the good guys while there are so many badder guys abusing the world as a whole. By the way, this is not just Putin, Putin is simply like a spokesman.

Now look at how the pandemic has put so many nations in the world in debt or further debt, a debt that can't be payed therefore repossession is at hand on a massive scale globally. Repossession means taking ownership of nations and it's people, people seemingly refereed to as a commodity/asset or a liability. The people who have not taken the jab are an obvious liability, of course!!

So why all the concentration camp building in countries like Australia, even camps with electrified fences? To house liabilities of course.

Like I have explained in my blog, this pandemic was a cover up, way too many discrepancies to ignore to begin with. Why build even more concentration camps when we are now simply living with covid?

If Edgar Cayce is correct, as he has been on a number of occasions, the nations in support of the war machine may find themselves in a very sticky situation. The harder they push, the harder the fall will be is my prediction. This sinister conglomerate could have played this a lot smarter, lucky for us they didn't. Yes, it is sad that this sinister conglomerate chose Ukraine to have it out in, I wish that the Ukrainian people would wake up to this but what will be will be.

The world will come together as one, and never will it be allowed to go down this path again.