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Showing posts with label Sadhguru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sadhguru. Show all posts

Thursday 24 September 2020

Ignorance Creates Evil!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

So many dislikes!! Understandably comparable to what is governing our lives, to what could be governing our lives. It is not of judgement when speaking of awareness, but it is when of ignorance when speaking of awareness. These are my own words, not Sadhguru's words.

Most often I am judged of judging. Being that judging is judged to be an undesirable, one should avoid judgement, or so ignorance determines (judges)!! Speak your awareness without fear of being judged in this way, while at the same time being aware that ignorance will often judge awareness in this way.

As I have often stated, only in ignorance can energy be abused. Abuse of energy is simply not present in an awaken state. Yes, Sadhguru is aware that ignorance is our greatest evil.

What are you aware of in the world at present, a show of ignorance or awareness? Don't judge what is occurring in the world at present negative or positive, simply become aware. Once you start judging in negatives and positives, you simply create a desire, not an awareness. Yes, these are my own words but be aware of this just the same. These may be my own words but not of my own awareness, for awareness is expressed in infinite ways. Now try doing that with ignorance. Ignorance is limited to it's ignorance where awareness has no such limitations.

Be aware in what is occurring in the world at present. Is more abuse being implemented or less abuse? In Victoria Australia, even more laws based on abuse are being implemented. You can be detained indefinably for simply speaking out against government abuse. This is not China or North Korea but Australia. Yes, countries of abuse simply show people like me how ignorant they have allowed themselves to become. Really, in a state of true awareness, abuse of any kind is literally unable to exist. Even before these laws are brought in effect, a mentally challenged child went missing in the bush/forest in Victoria. The parent were unable to look for their own child because of the curfew and the police couldn't allocate any more resources due to policing the curfew. The body of the child was found the next day. Abuse of this kind abounds in Victoria Australia at present, which just shows people like me how ignorant therefore evil authority has literally become in Victoria.

Ignorance creates abuse therefore evil (misery) in sickness.

Awareness creates care therefore good (happiness) in wellness.

I have often observed that Sadhguru's audience will go quiet or react in disapproval at times. Is this like people like me advising other people to stay away from perceptions of negatives and positives? As soon as you try to take away some of the control the ego has, this is looked at by the ego as being abusive, this I when deliberate critical judgements of negatives and positives come into it. Are we trying to awaken the self to the egos controlling ways or abusing the ego?

Look back at when you abused someone intentionally or unintentionally, was it due to ignorance? I would myself say that intentional abuse is more inline with evil tendencies, this is different to unintentional abuse. Anger that your child has been hurt is unintentional, it is simply a reaction created by an environment of intentional abuse. Human history abounds with intentional abuse created purely by ignorance that further creates evil therefore sickness.

Truly, we become unwell because of ignorance. All sickness is due to ignorance driven by abusing energy and neglecting to heal energy after being abused.

Ignorance is indeed our greatest created evil/misery. Ignorance simply creates evil because of the misery ignorance creates.

I am going to promote a book called the, Corona False Alarm, yes, it is a book of awareness of the present.

A book written by Prof Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr Karina Reiss PhD titled Corona False Alarm is discussed. Very interesting information. Millions of dollars available for research on supporting the seriousness of covid, leading to fraudulent claims like with the Lancet report on hydroxychloroquine and other studies that overdosed on hydroxychloroquine. No funds available for telling the truth about covid, the lockdowns and treatments like using hydroxychloroquine, zinc and an antibiotic. When they say it is a scam, they mean it.

Found were you can buy the book Corona False Alarm, facts-and-figures. Tried to buy it in the US through a vendor there but no delivery address for Australia. No vendor in Australia that I know of so had to go through a UK vendor.

Cut to the facts about coronavirus in Corona, False Alarm?, the runaway German bestseller. In June 2020, Corona, False Alarm? exploded into the German market, selling 200,000 copies and 75,000 e-books in six weeks. No other topic dominates our attention as much as coronavirus and COVID-19, the infectious disease it triggers. There’s been a global deluge of contradictory opinions, fake news, and politically controlled information. Differing views on the dangers posed by the pandemic have led to deep division and confusion, within governments, society, and even among friends and family.”

Saturday 17 August 2019

A Truly Beautiful Moment

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you are not a fan of Sadhguru, reading the rest of this post might not be for you. As I said to a person who is the owner of a group called Spiritual Peaceful Society On Earth on MeWe, "In certain circumstances I can drift into another consciousness. This is like when I use to be able to feel what a perpetrator and the victim of a perpetrator were feeling and thinking while a crime was being committed. In this case, this was beautiful.'     

In this case while watching a video by Sadhguru on the topic of awarding childless women, I became one with a consciousness of a sense of true oneness. I am not talking about talking about oneness, while at the same time not being one with all not of my own. I am talking about a true sense of oneness, where one person's child is of your own and visa-versa. You can go on from this which the consciousness I experienced did just that.

Where one person's child is of your own denotes; that all of what is, is of you as you are of it in the absence of division, but in the presence of union. Instead of, you are black, I am white, or, you are negative, I am positive, you have, you are me as I am of you. The perception of God or of a creative consciousness gives many people the awareness that we are of one source, no matter what our material (physical) differences and material creators might be. The immaterial, no matter what we call it, is what units us as what is material divides us.

I once had an interaction with an Australian aboriginal who had very little to do with white people. He lived in a part of the country where very few white people lived. These people had very little respect or time for white people. After a while, this bloke (man) stated to me that he couldn't believe I was white for two reasons. I treated this bloke like any other bloke, not like what most white people do; treat black people as inferior to whites. Also, being spiritually minded in the way I was, was likened to the spirituality of the Australian aboriginal, all is of you as you are of it. White people lost their spirituality long ago as they lost their connection to Earth and the universe as a whole.

I need not say more in this circumstance.