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Showing posts with label absence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label absence. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 December 2019

In The Absence Of

Written by Mathew Naismith

Only in avoidance of egoistic complications can human consciousness evolve further consciously......Mathew G

Yes, I have decided to come back to using my Google blog. 

As I sit at a function, I person I know of the opposite sex comes over and sits on my knee in complete comfort, in the absence of egoistic complications and implicated suggestions. This has occurred to me on a number of occasions, even with women who have known me for a short time. Am I that transparent in regards to the lack of egoistic complications and implicated suggestions?

It is what it is, no more, for only the ego in control would desire to make more of it than what it is, an affectionate comforting expression from one person to another person.

As it has been researched, an atheist will trust a religious person morally before another atheist. Now imagine if we were all atheistic, no one would sit on anyone's knee unless an act of indiscretion, due to egoistic complications and implicated suggestions, were being expressed. It is certainly not the kind of reality I would desire to create myself, but of course one that is simply being created around us all.

I am not talking about myself here in relation to the lack of egoistic complications and implicated suggestions; this is just a normal state of being for a lot of people, even today with what has been created around us. Yes, the majority seems to have gone the way of egoistic complications and implicated suggestions, but it has nothing to do with the quantity of numbers but the quality of numbers. If you put a100 soldiers of poor quality against ten soldiers of high quality, which side will win the day in the end?

Spiritually, it is not about winning or even about being of a higher quality, it is simply being in the absence of what keeps us being of egoistic complications and implicated suggestions. To the ego or for the ego to recognise this state, a quality of motion or state of being is perceived by the ego. This perception actually helps the ego to obtain a state of, "In the absence of", as long as it is not for egoistic purposes that is.  

It is within the absence that for which keeps us aware and wise.....Mathew G

Note: I have found Medium and Wix to be too commercialised for me so I am back with Google blogs.