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Showing posts with label astrological. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrological. Show all posts

Friday, 11 December 2020

Astrological Supernova

Written by Mathew Naismith

Astrology is something I am not into a lot but I do have an amateur interest in astronomy, however, astrologically and astronomically an event is going to occur this December that has not occurred in 800 years.

Now the 800 years ago is interesting. The bubonic plague, black death, started in China, the date not exactly known but seen as mode of travel was somewhat slower back then, it is very possible that the bubonic plague started 800 years ago. Today, considering a lot faster mode of travel is present, epidemics can quickly turn into pandemics a lot faster, where localised infections become worldwide infections. This may sound ominousness, giving that 800 years ago Europe in particular was also still experiencing what is known as the Christian dark ages, but when you add that we are entering into the age of Aquarius in conjunction with this alignment of planets, things look a little different now to 800 years ago.

Yes, like now, 800 years ago the truth was sacrilege, as it is today, especially at present, so this seems to give us a more ominous projection. And yes, it would seem now that a dark age of atheism is upon us.

Yes, like today's plague, the bubonic plague was created through mans living conditions. Today, creating deadly plagues seems to be the order of the day, in a sense both plagues were created through mans created environment, even though the bubonic plague was not deliberately created unlike the present plague, covid-19 (NCIP).

Considering all this, you should focus more on what age is coming and what that age will create.

This is only my perspective on this. This planetary alignment simply heightens what is current, like the age of Pisces 800 years ago, this means the age of Aquarius will simply be, yes you guessed it, also heightened. This means the traits of Aquarius will be enhanced astrologically consciously, which means that our consciousness will change into something very different, in time. The age of Aquarius is said to bring on a conscious development of peace and love, this alignment of planets is simply turbo charging or propelling this age from one age to the other. The alignment of planets is not ominous, it is simply like adding a turbo charger to your engine.

So we may think that starting off a new age with a pandemic is ominous, especially considering an age of peace and love which pandemics don't seem to represent.

This pandemic was literally deliberately created, in other words it is a false pandemic/plague, so no, the age of Aquarius is not starting off with a plague or pandemic, simply of an age at the end of it's cycle. Think of it like the sun going supernova, when a star explodes and becomes exceptionally bright in the process, the end of the age of Pisces is simply simulating a star going supernova. Yes, like the coming age of Aquarius, we had a choice in how we will live this age. The age of Pisces lacked the influence of wisdom purely due to our denouncement of wisdom within this age. No, this age within itself didn't lack wisdom, we simply chose to go through this age in the absence of wisdom it would seem.

This is but my opinion again, but the age of Aquarius is not just of peace and love but wisdom, this means wisdom will be apart of our consciousness without effort within this age which will, you guessed it, carry on to proceeding ages in one way or another. Human consciousness will not just choose to not go back to the old ways, human consciousness will be impelled or guided from the age of Aquarius to never exist consciously in the absence of wisdom again. Of course all this aside, we still need to get through the supernova, but while remembering that illuminating also means enlightenment, an awareness illuminated by the supernova to what many of us couldn't or wouldn't see before!!