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Showing posts with label bending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bending. Show all posts

Friday, 22 September 2017

Bending to the New Winds of Change

Written by Mathew Naismith
When the wind becomes a tree, is when the wind has to bend to the new wind blowing. As all things are governed by natural cycles, so are winds, one day a wind that the trees have to bend to or perish, the next day a tree that has to bend with a new wind blowing. Human existence is no different to the wind and the tree, it's all governed by natural cycles.
Once upon a time the Roman Empire was the wind that everything had to bend to or perish, now it's no more the wind or the trees. Of course we could say that the Catholic Church is the new wind from the Roman Empire era but it still had to bend like a tree to become the wind again as all things do.
Today, China is bending to the winds of the western mind, on the other hand North Korea isn't bending to this wind. Once it was the eastern mind within us all that was the wind, today it's the western mind. All must bend like a tree to this wind to once again become the wind. In regards to the present wind, it too will in the end become a tree or perish, of course if the wind becomes too strong, all will perish including the wind itself.          
The western minded coalition forces are today the wind, it's dominance over all else is felt throughout the world, as of any wind though, it too will have it's day to either bend to the new wind or perish. 
So is the new winds of change going to be of the western or eastern mind? Neither and simultaneously both. Once the eastern and western mind becomes one within us all, neither the western nor eastern mind will predominately dominate over the other, it's as though the yin and yang within us all will become one, whole, with no variations. This doesn't mean that the western mind (yang) and the eastern mind (yin) will no longer exist, it simply means they will be as one.
The strongest and wisest wind isn't the wind that blows everything down, the strongest and wisest wind is the wind that works in unison with the trees......Mathew G  
I thought anyone of the Christian and non-Christian faith might find the following interesting, the article links Christianity with Taoism to some degree.      
There is something formlessly created
Born before Heaven and Earth
So silent! So ethereal!
Independent and changeless
Circulating and ceaseless
It can be regarded as the mother of the world
I do not know its name
Identifying it, I call it “Tao”
– Tao Te Ching Chapter 25
I just thought I would end this post with the following. It is wise to treat everything as being governed by a natural cycle as the wise are aware that one can't possibly overcome these natural cycles in the end, flow with the water, bend with the wind. This is probably why I try to stay away from judging anything negative or positive, what I call a black and white mentality; neither perception is flowing with the water, bending with the wind.    
 A man is born gentle and weak.
At his death he is hard and stiff.
Green plants are tender and filled with sap.
At their death they are withered and dry.

Therefore the stiff and unbending is the disciple of death.
The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life.

Thus an army without flexibility never wins a battle.
A tree that is unbending is easily broken.

The hard and strong will fall.
The soft and weak will overcome.

- Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 76