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Showing posts with label cabal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cabal. Show all posts

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

The Cabal Influence


Written by Mathew Naismith

Two very different topics with a very strong connection with the Cabal, what I call the global criminal cartel, a mentality of common criminality.

Former FBI agent EXPOSES the truth of the UFO invasion:

“All these people are trying to do is to save as many lives as possible from a real life Cabal, what I call global criminal cartel, common criminals. Also, real alien visitors are not of actual physical form and that the government is lying to you on most topics, due to being under the control of this Cabal, global criminal cartel.

My own perspective on this is; all our global debts, especially accrued through lockdowns and covid vaccinations, are of criminality therefore we are not legally in debt to.

This type of consciousness, known at present as the Cabal, has no real power on an interstellar or dimensional level, the only acquired power it has at hand is from an unaware consciousness. The only control it has is again over this unaware consciousness.

It is trying desperately to hold onto this power and control at present, however, it is obvious that an interstellar dimensional consciousness, way beyond the Cabals reasoning, is present within our state of existence. The more the Cabal tries to hold onto it's power and control, the more it exposes itself. This kind of consciousness works more efficiently and effectively under cover. It is creating it's own demise and it is completely unaware of this.”

Excess deaths, correlation study:

“This is from a Doc who was right behind the covid mandates and proceeding vaccines at first. Study shows that higher vaccinated countries are also experiencing a higher excess mortality rate. Every time the vaccine intake went up 1%, the excess mortality rate went up tenth of a percent, 0.105%. This is way beyond a covid 3% fatality rate that we shut down the world for.”