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Showing posts with label disparagement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disparagement. Show all posts

Saturday, 11 December 2021

In Avoidance of Disparagement


Written by Mathew Naismith

It is sad to see that the present circumstances are so disparaging to so many people in the world at present, but in reality the present reality could inadvertently create a parallel reality that is anything but disparaging.

In avoidance of becoming even more disparaged, many of us have chosen to remain unaware of anything that may cause us even more disparagement, of course it was our unawareness in the first place that caused the initial disparagement. In relation to our present population, nearly 60 million people every year die of one thing or another, 800 thousand children die of pneumonia each and every year. Today, so many of us are disparaged due to the present pandemic fatality rate on a 7.8 billion population, when the Spanish flu killed between 50 to 100 million people on a mere 1.9 billion population. Imagine for a moment if the present pandemic killed the same ratio of people than the Spanish flu today, disparagement would be rampant in today's society even more so.

You would think just after WWI the population back then would have been even more disparaged than today, with WWI and then the Spanish flu, in fact the 1920's for millions of people was an era of gaiety. Imagine if the people today experienced a WWI event and then something like the Spanish flu, disparagement today would be the pandemic, not a viral infections. Could our avoidance of disparagement be creating the present pandemic, which seems viral but is in fact is a pandemic of an unawareness, the real virus, in turn creating disparagement, the real infection? The real infection being psychological.

Our unawareness is the virus and the proceeding disparagement is the infection, the infection being caused by the replication of unawareness as virus replication causes infections. Now look at the present book burning and censoring, on top of this MSM and government misinformation and even disinformation. A huge mass of unawareness is being orchestrated, in the process creating a pandemic of immense proportions, the real pandemic. Think of viral as in relation to a virus but also in relation to going viral with information, an unawareness viral transmission is indeed being implemented upon society, in the process causing even more disparagement which is the real infection.

The PCR tests are of screening for infections, not for diagnose of a particular infection, while also knowing that swabs can become easily contaminated through air contaminates, in the process giving false readings of infections. Knowing this allows people like me to see quite clearly that it is possible that not many people died of covid or even died with covid, in the process lessening the disparagement in people like me. This is on top of knowing that this viral pandemic is nothing like the Spanish flu. Think on this, the same mentality that wanted to get rid of cash money due to the spread of infections, said nothing about public touch screens that thousands of people in a day can touch. This is the same mentality that is book burning and censoring information, at the same time putting out huge amounts of misinformation and disinformation to keep us as unaware as possible.

Unawareness without a doubt creates disparagement where awareness creates quite the opposite, however, the aware can also become disparaged due to other people not waking up to what the real pandemic is and what this pandemic is creating for all of us, including the people who are not fearful of becoming more aware, in other words people not infected with the replicating virus known as unawareness.

In a real sense, if you are not infected with this virus, unawareness, that has replicated out of control due to the virus being purposely and continuously replicated, avoid being exposed to the real infection known as disparagement. How? Become aware of how infectious this infection is, simply stay aware, if we do this, the gaiety of the 1920's is going to seem lame, really. Be aware that the DNS, Disinformation Network System, is in overdrive. Yes, listen to MSM and government to stay aware but don't become infected with their unawareness, in the process avoiding the real infectious infection, disparagement.

Supplement: It would seem that I need to clear things up a little more in relation to what I meant in regards to what represents the replicating virus and the preceding infections from such replication.

Unawareness = the replicating virus in the psyche, just like how viruses in the body replicate

Disparagement = the infection from a state of unawareness, just like how infections are caused by replicating viruses in the body. In the case of Disparagement, the infection is of the psyche.

So where does fear of the psyche come into it?

Fear is representative of the environment created to replicate disparagement in, like a weak or compromised immune system will create a perfect environment for virus replication to occur in the body.

I hope this helps.