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Showing posts with label disunion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disunion. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 August 2019

A Union of Souls

Written by Mathew Naismith

Please try to remember, the only part of us all that takes offence is the ego in control. If anyone's words and reflections are offensive to you, especially when their not abusive, just simply of an honest reflection, is a sign that the ego is in control. Honestly, this is in us all.       

WOW, how often is a union of souls today only represented by the union of couples, the union of a couple of people embracing each other, not a collective of people or souls embracing each other?

I see the union of souls somewhat differently. Instead of a visualisation of two people embracing in love and of unconditional love, I visualise children of all cultures playing together. A sense of desire in this case is absent and replaced by open honesty. You see, children are not totally conditioned to desire, bias or prejudices; their love is far more representative of a true union of souls in this case. So why do so many people today think of unconditional love, acceptance and the union of souls being represented by only two people?

To be perfectly honest, the visualisation of couples embracing each other and representing unconditional love and acceptance, is all to do with desire, a desire to also be coupled in this way in union with another person. Religion today is becoming unpopular, while at the same time the union of souls is only represented by couples embracing each other. I am not religious myself but I can see that a non-radical religion is the union of all souls without exception. A non-radicalised religion is simply a religion that is not used for desires of man but for the need of all. On the other hand, radicalised religion, or any ideology or ism, is used to fulfil the desires of man.

Non-Radicalised Religion = A religion not used and abused to primarily serve the desires of man.

Radicalised Religion = A religion primarily used and abused to serve the desires of man.

The radicalisation of religion is often of the disunion of souls, as human history clearly shows us. What is known as the religious Dark Ages, Christianity even turned on itself creating a disunion between people of the world. Of course this was purely based on desire, a desire based on desired truths rather than honest truths.

Even being of a western culture, I am aware that the western mind prefers a desired truth over and above honest truth, in all of us no matter what culture we come from. Why do you think dishonesty exists, because it doesn't have to exist, or more precisely, needn't be predominant?

Western mind in all of us = dishonesty, dishonest truths, disunion

Eastern mind in all of us = honesty, honest truths, union

Try to remember, western cultures were not always predominately of the western mind, in other words of desires above all else. A balance of the western and eastern mind once existed in western cultures.

In relation to desires, the eastern mind appreciation and creation of beauty is not of a desire, it is simply an appreciation of beauty. Yes, the western mind will often turn this appreciation into a desire; one need just be aware of this through the redevelopment and balancing of our own minds.

One more thing, there is a big difference between western atheism and eastern atheism, showing us there is an obvious difference between western and eastern minds. Often western atheists will only accept the material, where eastern atheism also accepts the existence of the immaterial. One desires there to be no immaterial existence, where the other is simply openly aware of an immaterial existence.

Material Existence = No God or a more aware and wiser creative consciousness could ever exist immaterially. Consciousness is limited to a physical entity, the finite.

Immaterial Existence = God or a more aware and wiser creative consciousness exists immaterially. Consciousness is not limited to a physical entity, consciousness is infinite.

The eastern mind in all of us always feels for a soul lost within its own creation....