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Showing posts with label doubt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doubt. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Never Doubt Yourself


Written by Mathew Naismith

Never doubt, while enveloped by so much distortion therefore separation, your feelings and knowing of, put in an American Indian way, the great spirit and related reality.

As we are presently witnessing, the separation process creates distortion, not just separation from the great spirit but from each other and the natural environment. A good example of a separation process in motion is medical apartheid during the created pandemic, that sadly so many people embraced. The reason for this embracement was due to the use of fear, yet another separation tool used by a consciousness notably distorted. Getting the common people to eat bugs is also apart of the separation process, separating one class even more so from a bug eating class.

Most often I will wake up in the morning in bliss and as if I am in a reality that is more collective than the reality of distortion that envelopes all of us at present. In a time of such envelopment, it is wise not to doubt yourself, of course at times easier said than done but well worth the effort to stay sure of what you feel and know, however, when faith comes before the great spirit, we may still feel we are not separated from the great spirit when that is exactly what has occurred. A distorted consciousness has many faces, very few of these faces are true.

Right throughout human history there are many times faith and even the church has come before the great spirit, in accordance with this, literature, in line with this separation, is written and faithfully followed. When I say never doubt yourself, your feeling and knowing, I don't mean never doubt what is not of the great spirit first and foremost, always doubt what is of separation, of separation be it of the great spirit, humanity as a whole or nature. A distorted consciousness is never of union but of disunion, even though it may portray itself being of union. When this distorted consciousness unites one group at the same time unites this one group against another, like with covid vaccinated and not covid vaccinated, you know to have doubt of their fake unification process.

Never expect anyone of this distorted consciousness of disunion to be able to comprehend what it is truly like to be of connectedness and of a collective consciousness and related reality. You are of what you have become conditioned to, meaning, you will only feel and know of what you have become conditioned to, be it of unity or disunity, distortion or uniformity.

The question is, are we becoming less human through the embracement of the distortion of human consciousness? Lets look at the traits that make us human.

Clinically: Developed brain, speech, humans change the world, walking upright, creativity and self-awareness and compassion.

Spiritually: Unity with the great spirit, unity with man and nature alike, love, compassion, etc.

The question is now, if one of these traits are missing, like compassion and being connected to the great spirit, have we become less human?

The present inhumanity and disconnectedness, not just to the great spirit but humanity and nature, is without a doubt of a distorted consciousness. The more you distort human consciousness, the more likely the less human we become, clinically and spiritually.

In the end, if you know your consciousness is of unity and connectedness, don't doubt what you feel and know.