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Showing posts with label gale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gale. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Avoiding the Gale

Written by Mathew Naismith

As I recently wrote, “It is the way of the wind that can feel like a gale when we don't bend to this wind.” It is the way of the wind in 3D as it is in 5D.

5D refers to what a lot of people as being a higher consciousness. I am not myself into higher and lower, negative and positive, but as of my bin in my last post, what we relate to humanly is what is presented to us. We relate to higher consciousness as being a more aware consciousness of humanity to a less aware consciousness of inhumanity. Yes, only in an unaware state can inhumanity exist. Like in my dream where the disposing of an unwarranted consciousness as the bin represented, a higher consciousness represents a more aware consciousness of humanity.

3rd dimensional = ignorance therefore inhumanity

5th dimensional = awareness therefore humanity

It is probably why I love this lass, there is no wrong or rights attached to 3rd dimensional aspectual realities. Yes, as we are participating in 3rd dimensional realities, these realities will seem negative and/or wrong in some way, especially if we are becoming aware therefore more of humanity instead of inhumanity. It is not wrong or negative to feel this way about 3rd dimensional realities, it is simply of 3rd dimensional participation to feel like this about a reality that can be of inhumanity than humanity.

Yes, once you become more of a consciousness of humanity, consciousness of inhumanity becomes more apparent and is often deemed negative due to negative feelings of this 3D state. This is completely understandable but it makes it easier when you bend with the wind. Bending with the wind is not hanging onto what is negative to what is positive, it is simply being aware of the differences of duality's and moving on from this.

3rd dimensional realities are a mix of humanity and inhumanity, of duality of consciousness. Duality of consciousness simply refers to negatives and positives, wrong and rights, black and white, etc. Look at how black and white people are once again being segregated primarily due to the colour of the skin, a duality of consciousness doing what it naturally does.

Is this segregation of inhumanity!!

This is why we have humanity, to give balance to inhumanity, and this is why there is nothing wrong with 3 dimensional realities, even an imbalance is needed to occur to bring duality into balance again. Yes, things can become quite chaotic when this imbalance is not balanced out again.

Yes, we will feel an unfamiliarity in regards to a duality when going into a state of oneness, where all is seen to be as one. This means negative and positive, wrong and right, black and white, etc, become as one.

When we don't expect to feel discomforted when going from one state of duality to a state of oneness, is when the wind feels like a gale instead of a gentle breeze. Feeling this gentle breeze within this transition is not easy so feeling the wind instead of a gale is quite acceptable. I can myself feel a gale because I don't bend enough to the wind at times and this too is acceptable considering the circumstances. In all honesty, you just need to be as aware as possible to make this transition go smoothly and not feel like a continuous gale.

I hope putting this transition into a different perspective helps.