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Showing posts with label greaterspirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greaterspirit. Show all posts

Friday, 22 March 2024

The Greater Spirit

Written by Mathew Naismith

Like many people, my human self is, well, is distorted or out of balance due to experiencing a number of abusive or imbalanced environments, however, my greater spirit is a big WOW.

In my mid twenties I, by accident, came face to face with this greater spirit, thinking at the time that I had a most beautiful consciously connected soul. I was sort of right but it was more to do with a greater consciousness than my own personal consciousness. You see this greater spirit when experienced or made aware of is actually referring to a great collective consciousness.

The accident; occurred when I was about to experience the full force of a imbalanced distorted consciousness while within an abusive environment, in other words about to come face to face with a consciousness of a much greater sinister intent. I humanly accidentally left myself open to this greater sinister intent, I certainly did not do this by choice, however, this greater spirit had all intentions of me experiencing what I did at the time.

When you experience this greater spirit or greater sinister intent consciousness, it is not of one entity or of a personnel consciousness, it is of a collective consciousnesses. Yes, you maybe having a personal experience of this greater form of consciousness but it is of a collective consciousnesses. It is never a personal human experience but a collective spirit experience.

Greater spirit simply refers to a collective consciousness of a divine nature, where a greater sinister intent consciousness is of the absence of this divine nature. The reason I don't state greater sinister intent spirit is due to spirit referring to the vital principle or animating force within living things. This greater sinister intent consciousness is not of a vital principle or animating force within all living things, in actuality it makes up very little of what is of all living things, even though at present this may not seem to be the case. One thing this greater sinister intent consciousness can't distort is this greater spirit within all living things. I would actually state myself all forms of energy.

Another way to put this is that this greater spirit is the base core structure of all energy, including the energy flow of this greater sinister intent consciousness. This dark energy has to stay ignorant to this to exist. Yes, it is always living in fear of what it desires not to become aware of, which is what continually generates the energy this dark energy flow needs to exist.

Is this all simply a conjecture as of any blog post of mine?

You must see it how you feel fit to see it, it is really this simple.