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Showing posts with label humnait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humnait. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Motions of Life


Written by Mathew Naismith

So why are people like me of motion, so involved in participation?

Spiritually aware people are not just suppose to be of motionlessness. Change comes about in a reality of motion through motion, while in the absence as much as possible of pushing and pulling.

A good example of pushing and pulling is war/conflict, or coaxing people of humanity to just do nothing in a reality of motion while people of inhumanity do as they desire. You push away what is not desired, motion, to pull in what is desired, motionlessness!! Yes, so many people of spiritual humanity have been coerced to do nothing because that is what spiritually aware people are suppose to do it would seem!!

Spiritually aware people are suppose to be a apart of all of what is while in the absence of a desired portion of what is. Instead, we desire to be only of motionlessness (pulling) while pushing away what is of motion. In truth, motionlessness and motion are of the same energy portrayed in a different way.

Humanity even governed by spirituality is suppose to stay it's ground, not to give way to inhumanity but simply be motionless in giving totally away to the inhumanity of presents. Yes, bend with the wind of inhumanity but don't give totally away to inhumanity. Also, being totally rigid, motionless, is going right along with this pushing a pulling as well.

My advice is, especially at present, stay right away from this pushing and pulling as much as possible while standing your ground, rooted in one's convictions, while at the same time staying flexible in one's motions to the present storm.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

A New Reality of Humanity

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is quite understandable that a coerced consciousness of known inhumanity will of course condemn people of humanity of being simply of conspiracy theorists, or of anything else labelled an undesirable like spiritual illusionists. People like me would rather be labelled an undesirable by people of inhumanity than be coerced to being of this inhumanity. This label of undesirability is made easy when you expect and even desire to be called an undesirable by people of known inhumanity. This labelling of undesirables, which was well enacted with the rise of Nazi Germany, simply proves that one is not of the creation of inhumanity. Truly, embrace this, especially at present.

So why embrace ridicule and persecution to this level at present?

There is a definable difference between a consciousness of inhumanity to a consciousness of humanity. Make no mistake, no matter of what level of consciousness this inhumanity is expressed through, this consciousness has simply been coerced to create a reality of inhumanity. Yes, even the multinationals of satanist paedophilia are being coerced by a consciousness of immense inhumanity.

Now it may seem delusional to think that a new reality of humanity could come out of the ashes of a created inhumanity. If you think this is delusional, it could be that you are being coerced by a consciousness of inhumanity to think like this. As I have personally experienced myself without giving into this kind of coercion, this consciousness of inhumanity is highly influential. Did you notice I didn't say strong? The reason for this lays in that any consciousness that is coerced in any sense, is not strong but weak within the application of enforcement and deception of the coercion. As soon as a consciousness has to implement force to coerce using force and deception, the strength is not within it's consciousness but within the coerced consciousness's unawareness. This is very important to comprehend. The only strength and control this kind of consciousness has, is within the consciousness being coerced to be part of inhumanity, in the process creating a reality of inhumanity. Inhumanity can only come about through ignorance.

Ask yourselves why the present heavy censoring of material of real science and spirituality, this is instead of the misinformation from profiteering science and spirituality. Yes, this certainly includes the misinformation in relation to covid-19 as well. This consciousness of inhumanity can only gain control and acquire strength through the spread of misinformation, in other words coercing a consciousness to be less aware therefore vulnerable.

What if I told you that a newly created reality of humanity will not incarcerate those of inhumanity, eventually. Those coerced by a consciousness of inhumanity will be set free from incarceration. So I have lost a lot of people saying this. No consciousness of humanity could ever incarcerate a consciousness that has been coerced. Every human consciousness of inhumanity has been coerced to be of a consciousness of inhumanity simply through the process of ignorance. Imagine for a moment that most of everyone was aware, instead of at present unaware!! The reason I say this is that you can't create a consciousness of inhumanity within an aware state of consciousness.

Make no mistake, awareness is not dead, in truth, more alive than ever........