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Showing posts with label love fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love fear. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Awareness Equals Love

Written by Mathew Naismith

Fear is a creation of the ego therefore an illusion to all else other than to the ego.

Another point is, try expressing love in the absence of ego!! It simply can’t be done for all motions are of the ego.

However, is awareness of the ego?

How aware do you become the lesser of motion (ego) we are of? At this point of connection to everything through awareness our egos feel more loving. So in truth in relation to our egos, love is sign of awareness where fear is a sign of ignorance.

Now observe the present situation in the world, is it of fear or love? It is of fear therefore ignorance. Being aware that fear is sign of ignorance and love is a sign of awareness to the ego is enlightening in times like this. Try to remember this, for only the ego can be enlightened, all else is already of this enlightenment.

The fear of death from COVID-19 is simply creating what? Fear in any sense creates ignorance not awareness, where love creates awareness not ignorance. Are our present governments and media based on love (awareness) or fear (ignorance)? So what are our egos presently listening to the most!!