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Showing posts with label mass formation psychosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mass formation psychosis. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

So Why Mass Formation Psychosis?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Note: This post was not written for this blog but considering it ended up on this blog, it was meant to be. 

The scourge of thinking outside the square while also being impartial in this thinking process, on top of this, asking for transparency and open honest truths. It is as if how dare you.....

Is this the present road we are going down, where partiality, thinking only inside the box, opaqueness and dishonesty is set in concrete? Try venturing outside this narrative and see what happens these days. FaceBook is a prime example of this, where promoting hate of a certain race, violence, threats and war is all the go, as long as it is directed at the correct Eastern source that is that is not under western control. Look at how the western powers are continually threatening eastern countries, but this is not seen as dictatorial especially by white people!!

Imagine if Russia bombed a Ukraine wedding and killed and maimed up to 100 people. Due this occurring to white Europeans or eastern Europeans controlled by western powers, we all know by now that this occurrence would be utterly condemned to the maximum. Now look at the NATO white European reaction to an Afghan wedding being bombed by a white conglomerate. (1)

Like with the pandemic, there are way too many inconsistencies for someone like me to just blindly believe and follow in relation to the Ukraine war. The false and misleading images abounds, both sides are doing this but I have to admit, Ukraine and NATO have this nearly all to their own. NATO and Ukraine are certainly winning the disinformation war hands down. (2)

I am ridiculed for not taking on the western stance seen as I am a westerner. How would me being western make a difference to what stance I took if race did not matter? What is alarming is that my stance makes a huge difference to too many white people, I have to support western war mongering, hate, violence, racism and war no matter what. Does this again sound like a dictatorship, in particular a racist dictatorship? Well, it should,

I am not going to make up another blog to do with the Ukraine war, primary due to this war is simply a continuation of mass formation psychosis from the pandemic to start with, where again numerous inconsistencies abound. My wife and I only masked up and social distanced when the obvious planned pandemic was first introduced, and I do mean introduced. We did however respect other people's rights which meant social distancing and even masking up when needed, which was not too often at all.

Covid was detected in our sewage in 2020, so covid, a strain of coronavirus which occurs all the time, has already visited our area, remembering it is so highly infectious. Today, it is obvious that coronavirus is in our area doing the rounds again, an even more infectious coronavirus, so why are we still alive or have not become seriously ill with these coronavirus strains? According to the authorities and MSM, my wife and I should have died long ago. We even mix within close quarters to vaccinated people, knowing that they are a huge threat to my wife and I. I am not saying it won't occur, what I am saying in accordance with authorities and MSM, my wife and I should be dead long ago. As I said, way too many inconsistencies to ignore. You can see why they wanted everyone vaccinated with vaccines that are still being evaluated, they wanted no comparisons. (3)

So why mass formation Psychosis? No amount of actual real life evidence is swaying these people hell bent on spreading hate, violence, racism and war. As with mass formation psychosis, “ Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue. Followers can be hypnotized and be led anywhere, regardless of data proving otherwise. A key aspect of the phenomena is that the people they identify as the leaders – the one’s that can solve the problem or issue alone – they will follow that leader(s) regardless of any new information or data. Furthermore, anybody who questions the leader’s narrative are attacked and disregarded.” (4)

As in regards to the pandemic.......

So will Putin avoid nuclear devastation even while the western conglomerate are seemingly doing everything to cause a nuclear exchange? The only thing protecting Russia and it's people from this western conglomerate, that is obviously aggressive towards an eastward power not under their control, is their nuclear prowess. The western conglomerate has biolabs that have the real possibility in creating pathogens that focus on specific racial DNA sequences. On top of this, immense nuclear power and mass world media on side as well as their induced mass formation psychosis.

There is always two sides of the story, of course not while influenced by mass formation psychosis that is!!