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Showing posts with label society. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 January 2023

Fracturing Stopped in it's Tracks


Written by Mathew Naismith

“Engage with the dragon that burned you.” At all cost avoid escapism.

In the west in particular, we could not live within a more fractured society, the implementation of an apartheid system, like a medical apartheid, certainly backs up this claim. This by the way is inline with today version of the woke movement that has fractured society even more, on top of Critical Race Theory and BLM/ANTIFA, etc. Heavy censoring of the truth also fractures society even more so, so how will this fracturing by authorities influence us?

This bloke is brilliant, the same bloke the authorities are trying to persecute. Why? It is all to do with this bloke being in the way of social and personnel fracturing that is engineered by authorities, be it government or multinationals.

Interesting, fracturing caused by trauma, which of course includes social fracturing.

If you have suffered trauma in your life and this trauma has obviously influenced you, this video could assist. Trauma could also stem from lockdowns, mask wearing, mandates, forced vaccinations, medical apartheid, etc, also from disinformation put out by MSM and governments. Why? Because as you will find out it is all about fracturing society even to the level of fracturing each and every person on a personal level.

Could fracturing of our consciousness cause us to lose a sense of reality in favour of a more desired reality?

You will probably find that this is inline with our reasoning process or lack of. An example of this is not going along with the present narrative of climate change/global warming, while passionately going long with what the same source that preaches climate change/global warming is saying about the war in Ukraine. The reasoning process simply states that, if this one source is lying to us about one occurrence, it is very possible that it is lying to us about another occurrence. You can see the obvious conscious fracture here that is caused by what reality is more desired. Some people desire that there is no climate change/global warming, while they desire the reality the same source pushes in relation to Ukraine to be true!!

Engaging with the dragon that burned you, thus dealing with the fracturing of consciousness, stops the fracturing process in it's tracks by avoiding escapism. Trying to avoid fracturing by escaping the dragon that burnt you will only lead to further fracturing of society and consciousness as a whole,as today clearly show us, not less fracturing.

The statement that, “as today clearly show us”, is not right actually, for it is only clear to those who engage with the dragon that burned you/us, in a real sense. The less fractured people have to engage with the dragon that burned you/us for the whole of society, it is this simple, even while being attacked by people with fractured consciousnesses.