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Showing posts with label suffragette. Show all posts

Friday, 21 April 2023

Perception Management Systems

Written by Mathew Naismith

I have some interesting conversations with people who I don't see eye-to-eye with, don't have the same perception as I, but I also find conversions with people that I do see eye-to-eye with interesting as well. What I find most interesting in this case is how other people like me don't seem to have succumbed to what is known as a perception management system, the reason for this can vary as I will try to show.

I think I am a littler sensitive to what is abusive and not just emotionally either. Ignoring what is abusive within society will only encourage further abuse, as we are seeing today, just like in a family unit when abuse of family members is ignored, I mean just like this. I intuitively could not do this within my own personal family unit, as I also can't ignore obvious abuse within the social family unit either. So many of us are conned to ignore social abuse to keep our own personal safe haven safe, to avoid facing anything deemed negative. So much today is deemed negative which I can't think of anything more negative, a system of perceptions derived from an authoritative perception management system.

Perception management; is a term originated by the US military. The US Department of Defense gives this definition: Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives.”

I should state that all autocratic systems of governing use some kind of perception management system to manipulate the perceptions of society, particularly their own society, always have. Are western governments and military using perception management systems on their own society?

Mark: “Some will never see the level of corruption and betrayals that victimized the western public. Many prefer to exist within the protective bubble of their propaganda induced illusions.”

My Reply:”What you have presented here seems all true Mark, not that many people desire to see this, this is because people have been duped big time, something they just don't desire to know. It is a massive con. Set up a con so massive that the conned don't desire to know how much they have been conned no matter what the truth is, also, keep feeding them fear and depressive news to the point that they don't desire to know what they really should be fearing.

Mass formation psychosis!!

Psychosis: Any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted.”

Contact with reality is lost or highly distorted, which is true for so many people. No matter what the autocratic governing system is it distorts reality, always has.”

Mark:That’s exactly how they continue getting away with their crimes by distorting reality. The latest spin on that that I’m aware of, has re-labeled brainwashing as “perception management.”

My Reply: “So why is all this apparent to people like us and not to so many other people? Is it like hypnosis, where not everyone is receptive to being hypnotised?

Mass hypnosis, where the abusive is relabelled as something palatable, good, positive, like paedophilia and brainwashing, and the unabusive is relabelled as something unpalatable bad, negative, when anything of decency is persecuted by MSM, government and even society. Look back at when this last occurred on a mass scale, WWII comes to mind. Now look at how people in the west are hypnotised to support a far right wing regime, this could only occur using their perception management.”

I am going to bring forth another perspective now. As we move away from this God consciousness, or whatever you wish to call this consciousness, are we more receptive to being hypnotised or coerced into an excessive abusive existence of immense distortion, remembering that perception management systems are of distorting perceptions therefore reality?

A God consciousness is of a consciousness that can't be manipulated, controlled or hypnotised by the use of perception management systems. Under the influence of this consciousness, perception management systems just don't work as well. Don't get me wrong here, religions have used this kind of manipulation as well in the past, as of anything remotely resembling an autocratic system has. As we are seeing today under the control of atheism, atheism can also be autocratic, highly abusive to society, as communism and fascism have proven.

You don't have to be of a spiritual mind and connected with this God consciousness to not succumb to a perception management system, just being aware of the associated abuse of perception management systems is good enough, however, a connection to this God consciousness certainly gives us more immunity, in my own mind that is.

So if you are wondering why you have not succumbed to an autocratic perception management system, I hope what I have written here gives you some perception why. I think it makes it easier when you are a little sensitive to abuse, no matter who that form of abusive is directed at. So when it is okay or accepted that abusive/persecution is dealt out to the people not covid vaccinated, you know some kind of perception management system is being authoritative used. As soon as a medical apartheid system was introduced by authorities, this was further conformation of some kind of social psychological manipulation at play. On top of this, persecution of the people not covid vaccinated by the rest of society, like with suffragette, was promoted by authorities as well.

Suffragette: “A woman advocate of women's right to vote (especially a militant advocate in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 20th century).”

When it comes to abuse, even by authorities, abuse is not abuse, there is intentional and unintentional abuse. An authority that uses any kind of perception management system on their own society is of being intentionally abusive and of an autocratic system.

The goods news is we can, as a collective, negate or neutralise the effects of perception management systems used by authorities on society, it is really up to us, like with the suffragette movements. Why do you think there is an obvious movement to distort what is and is not a women at present? This kind of distortion of reality is of intentional abuse, in my mind, should be avoided at all cost.

We do have a huge opportunity right now, to rid society as a whole of what has been plaguing society for so long. If it turns out for the good of society as a whole, we will have learnt to never go down this road ever again, this is a big deal.