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Showing posts with label temporary. Show all posts

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Eternal Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Eternal; continuing forever or indefinitely, a comprehension of an endless state of being. This is very much like energy, where energy can only be transformed and not destroyed. It is important to remember this. Awareness, in relation to the eternal, simply means to be aware of your/our eternal existence, an existence that can't be destroyed, only transformed. Of course having a comprehension of our eternal being means that all that is transformed is insignificant to eternity, to our eternal being. In my case it was wise to be aware of this from an early age, considering my life experiences and circumstances.

If you have no comprehension, understanding what you are unable to comprehend to begin with is going to be impossible. It is not always wise to be fully aware of the comprehension of our eternal being, of eternal energy or God if you prefer. Imagine being fully aware of your eternal being, which means only being aware of your eternal being and not your temporary or ever changing being. What you experience or what we do in a reality, as of the present, would be highly insignificant. Pain and suffering would be meaningless to the eternal being. Yes, to your eternal being, the pain and suffering we experience is insignificant compared to the eternal being itself, however, to the temporary being, a state of ever changing/transforming energy, what we do and experience is significant in any state we are active in.

Indeed, some souls do exist primarily in a state of awareness of the eternal being, where all experiences are insignificant. On other hand, other souls primarily exist in a state of temporary being, where all experiences are significant. You of course have other souls who exist, usually in balance between the eternal and temporary being, by both or by the whole being. In this case, at times, what can be experienced is significant and at other times not significant. I should say here that the three ways our souls exist has significance to a soul that is balanced between the eternal and temporary being. All is worthy of existence and experiencing.

So why was it wise for my ego to acquire the awareness of our eternal being? One of the reasons was to do with my injuries, which I sustained at an early age in my life.

If I injured my back like I did my arm, I would be crippled up to the extent of not being able to walk. Imagine fully dislocating your back and not having your back put back in place. On top of this, working in labouring jobs in adulthood and not taking pain killers. Now imagine the nerve damage caused by such use and the strain on the psyche!!

So how did I cope? The necessity of becoming aware of my eternal being was apparent, this allowed me to comprehend and also understand that my pain and discomfort overall is indeed temporary compared to my eternal being. Add to this that my injury was not seen to and often ignored by my parents; you would wonder how I coped with so much abuse of energy. Being truly aware of my eternal being to the extent of being my eternal being, not just comprehending my eternal being, was my way of coping with my circumstances. Most often what seem to be our darkest hours proves to be our most enlightening hours, of course as of always, balance is the key as it would seem.

Note: What I have written here was not read or taken from other sources, all of what is written here is through my own awareness brought about by my own life experiences.