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Showing posts with label tolerant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tolerant. Show all posts

Sunday, 14 July 2024

In Avoidance of Living the Lie

Written By Mathew Naismith

In the west we have a saying,”You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.” Put in a different way, you can lead a person towards the truth, but you can't make them accept or even acknowledge the truth.

My wife and I are becoming less tolerant of people lying, especially to themselves, it would seem which leads to living a lie. I recently walked away from a family who confirmed that they are all indeed living lie, this was further confirmed by their reactions towards my wife and I. As soon as we decided to no longer live under the influence of this lie, we were the worse, even though we helped out a certain aged member of the family for a number of years now. Our tolerance of the lie came to an end. We were never of living the lie, we simply tolerated the lie that this family was living under the influence of.

During the pandemic, I came into knowing of numerous inconsistencies that the government, so-called science and main stream media were stating. The amount of actual real life disinformation was insurmountable, if at anytime I ignored the obvious, I too would be living the pandemic lie of endless lying and deception. The same was with the preceding so-called vaccines and excess deaths associated with these so-called vaccines as with the Ukraine war and global warming.

The meaning of spirituality often refers to concerns with or affecting the spirit or soul and /or of energy forms or flows lacking material body. To me, spirituality is of the concerns of anything existing outside of a three dimensional reality, a reality that is often of the lie that if it can't be proven, in accordance with a three dimensional criteria, to exist, it doesn't exist. I was brought up in an environment like this, living a lie I saw through in my early teenage years.

I have the most funniest feeling that a lot of people around the world are becoming less tolerant of living the lie, whatever lie it may be. For me, perceiving beyond third dimensional lies and limitations assists me to acknowledge the lies crafted by people primarily living by the perceptions and limitations of a third dimensional reality. During the pandemic, I observed so many people being persecuted for not living the lie, as my wife and I are being persecuted for not living a lie a certain family we know lives by.

With so many lies being lived by, by so many people, it is no wonder many of us who tolerated these lies before are losing tolerance of these lies. During the rise of Nazism in the mid 1900's, a lot of German people saw through the lies and resulting persecution of the German people who were not going to live the lie. Today, people like me are in the same situation, seeing through the lie and resulting persecution of anyone not living these lies. And yes, this western NWO is as dangerous if not more so than Nazism. When people are persecuted for not living the lie, this tells me the seriousness of the situation.

Were people like me silly or even irresponsible for tolerating these lies so many people seem to be governed by?

No one can answer this for you but for me, tolerance of the to and fro of life, the truths and lies, was always going to occur, but only to the point where living these lies becomes predominant in everyday life. It was never a silly or irresponsible inaction when there was some kind of balance, this is changing as of our tolerance of these lies it would seem.