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Showing posts with label vaccine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccine. Show all posts

Monday, 18 May 2020

The Weight of Fear

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is utterly bewildering.

While waking up to the radio this morning, it would seem many people are still anxiously waiting on a cure vaccine, this is while the flu vaccine has a known 10% to 40% success rate only. Of course mandatory vaccination with a possible 10% to 40% successes rate should be enforced to save us from dying of covid-19, right? Of course on top of this no viral vaccine is a cure as they are simply of preventive treatments.


On top of this, it is known that no vaccine in 30+ years has been proven to be safe. This has been proven in a court of law. But here we are still waiting in fear, paranoia and hysteria, for a cure. Of course this degree of anxiety is known to weaken the immune system!!

Bewildering or what?

As it is also known, the world fatality rate of covid-19 is at present 0.2%. This percentage rate is worked out on the high infection rate which lowers the fatality rate of covid-19. This 0.2% could drop even further unless stage two of the introduction of covid-19 is implemented, a more advanced covid-19 infection planed in September this year. Also, 98% of people are at present suffering mild symptoms to no symptoms of covid-19 infections.

Now we are going beyond bewilderment here.

On a 0.2% fatality rate lockdowns are still enforced, in certain areas of the world enforced even more than ever. As it is now well known, people in lockdown make up 66% covid-19 infections today, this percentage is expected to rise. Lockdown countries also have the highest fatality rates.

I am now utterly flabbergasted.

Can you see how easy it was to psychologically manipulate a populous en masse?

Ask yourselves, who would implement this kind of psychological strategy, and why would they implement this kind of strategy? Why would the governments and main media around the world fully support such a strategy of psychological manipulations?

No, we can’t ask these questions, not while waiting anxiously in fear, paranoia and hysteria, for a cure vaccine for a virus that has a fatality rate of just 0.2%, this is while 2.56 million people die annually of pneumonia every year!!

Scammed en masse are we.

I think the following comical video says it all.