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Showing posts with label westermind. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Ticker Tape Machine

Written by Mathew Naismith

The is funny, as it is often said by many western thinking people, I think too much. Well, it can be like a ticker tape or telex machine, where information freely comes in on a tape or a role of paper, it is as though I am reading this tape as the information comes to me. So, are we really thinking too much or as we quieten the noise down around us, information is able to flow more freely, like an old ticker tape machine?

The noise I am talking about is the fixations and attachments we accumulate as we experience life. Feeling hunger pains as an infant is a fixation to having to be fed, this is why many spiritual practices are to do with doing without, in the process conditioning oneself to overcome all the fixations and attachments attached to life.

It is funny that the eastern mind does not first and foremost, like the western mind, state one is thinking too much, the possibility is there but there are other possibilities, such as a ticker tape machine, where informative knowledge just comes in freely without any energy expended.

You accumulate knowledge but it is all jumbled up or leads us to believe in something that is not true, and all of a sudden the ticker tape starts up and puts the knowledge into proper perspective. Look at the ticker tape as a consciousness with absolutely no fixations or attachments whatsoever, even while your own knowledge may be influenced by fixations and attachments, the consciousness with no fixations or attachments is not. Ah yes, you do need to become aware of this ticker tape machine in the first place to be able to use it, it is not something you acquire though, it is something readily available to everyone, it is just not everyone is aware of this.

It really comes back to the western mind primarily focusing on the forefront of the picture, while the eastern mind primarily focuses on the background. The forefront being physical life and all it's attachments, while the background being spiritual existence of the absence of attachments. Yes, to gain mental access to this ticker tape machine, one has to utilise the eastern hemisphere part of the mind.

The western mind has a bit of a dilemma to over come though, as it is well known that the western mind is far more easier to offend than the eastern mind. Like if I say that love is simply the beginning of the spiritual awakening process, not the primary source, the western mind takes offence where the eastern mind does not. Why? Because the western mind focuses the main of it's energy on it's strengths while denouncing it's weakness's, when the eastern mind focuses it's energy on it's weaknesses while retaining it's strengths. Stating to the western mind that love is simply the beginning of spiritual awareness, not the primary source of spiritual awareness, the western mind simply takes offence due to the statement being seen as a weakness, where the eastern mind simply sees a possible weakness that needs to be attended to. An example is, if I said to the western mind you are an idiot for whatever reason, the western mind will often take offence, where the eastern mind will think there maybe something in what is being said. 



In recent days, I have been busy conversing with people from western cultures as I have with eastern cultures on the topic of Ukraine. Now this is really interesting. The majority of eastern people have woken up or are waking up to what is really going on with and to Ukraine, where it is obvious that the majority of western people are doing everything not to become aware. Again, looking at the forefront and believing what is being primarily focused on by western cultures, to the background and taking note to what is purposely not being focused on by western cultures. It would seem, going by my interactions, most the people of eastern cultures are waking up big time, while most people of western cultures seem to be doing everything they can not to wake up to what is going on. Why? Because western culture created the problem in Ukraine, they of course prefer to blame a seen weakness on eastern cultures due to this conflict being seen as a weakness.

The ticker tape machine can be dead quiet, maybe too quiet for the western mind to handle, and then all of a sudden it goes off big time, putting the information I have obtained into proper perspective. The funny thing about this information is it is coming primarily from western sources, which is a sign that many western cultured people are also starting to awaken to what is really going on. The information source is western, while the awareness is represented by the ticker tape machine, while remembering that to be able to access the freely available informative awareness from the ticker tape machine, one has to utilise the eastern hemisphere of the mind.

Yes I know, the western hemisphere mind has taken offence in what I have stated here, as pointing out any weakness of the western hemisphere mind is going to do. The weakness of the western hemisphere mind is also interesting, in that the weakness is the inability or not wanting to utilise the eastern hemisphere mind as well.

Notice that a lot of eastern cultured people have readily also taken to the western hemisphere mind!!

Notice that most religions and spiritual teachings have originated from eastern cultures and are utilised by western cultures!!

However, now look at how many of these eastern teachings have been adapted to the western hemisphere way of thinking, in line with taking offence, focusing primary on the forefront and primarily focusing on the strengths while ignoring the weaknesses. It is interesting though, observing so many people from western cultures, where I get a lot of my information from, also focusing on the background of what is occurring in Ukraine. This is a big WOW people, western cultured people honestly looking at and dealing with their own weaknesses.

In front of very ones eyes, things are changing big time and not just in the way they perceive they are.