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Thursday, 16 November 2017

Simply Another Form Of Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is probably going to sound awfully strange to a lot of people; I simply don't perceive demonic consciousness/entities as negative. The reason for this lies in that demonic entities are of a particular consciousness, very much like human consciousness that has its own reality within a particular dimension. As of always, the awareness and kind of awareness expressed is representative of a dimension in accordance with the kind of consciousness expressed. It's a particular kind of consciousness that creates dimensions, not the other way around.

Also, the sun is one of the most violent and destructive forms of energy within the universe, I wouldn't myself perceive that this continuous violence and the eventual total destruction, once the sun reaches the end of its cycle, is demonic or even negative. Yes, the sun also creates a particular life form but so do demonic consciousnesses, albeit suppressive and depressive, it's still a creation.  

So what are demonic consciousness's doing out of their own dimension, being that they are able to influence human consciousness?

We have simply allowed them in and in certain circumstances summoned them to influence human consciousness, in actuality, demonic consciousness have always been apart of human consciousness in one way or another based on how aware we are.

Any state of unawareness, based on suppression and depression, will entice demonic consciousness to influence such a consciousness. How many of us are positive thinkers who deliberately ignore demonic consciousness's existence and influence because it's negative? How is the world now fairing that this is occurring? Just because a consciousness is more destructive than our own doesn't make it negative, this would also simply mean the sun is demonic/negative which of course it's not.

Like humans, who are like viruses, live off of their host until it's dead, so do demonic consciousness's, the difference is that demonic consciousness isn't as cannibalistic as human are.  They don't feed off of each other but off of other forms of consciousness.

The multinationals sees themselves as a different consciousness, so they feed off of this consciousness which is deemed as common, however, it's still human consciousness be it common or not. Such action will of course allow demonic consciousness to influence human consciousness even more. 

I recently read that people who experience near death experiences, (NDE's), and out of body experiences, (OBE'S), are more than ever experiencing demonic consciousness's, this of course would also mean actual death would incur the same experiences. When you consider we are actually becoming less aware on a collective level, it's understandable why these experiences of demonic consciousness are becoming more prevalent.

What does positive thinking do? It conditions a consciousness to deliberately ignore anything perceived as negative, on top of this; more of our environment becomes less aware to us which leads to a heightened state of unawareness of our environment. This is of course is in favour of a perceived positive state of existence, a state of absolute ignorance to our present environment.

How many positive thinking people critically judge demonic consciousness as being negative? Considering that people like myself, who are quite aware of our present environment to one extent or another, don't even judge demonic consciousness as being negative, who is more negative? The one who judges everything that isn't of a certain desire, as opposed to negatives, or a person who doesn't even judge demonic consciousness negative?

There are many teachings that teach to live within the now, the very present. Being that our very present is obviously influenced by demonic consciousnesses, are not these teaching falling on deaf ears? Yes, by all means be positive but truly positive; don't critically judge everything you know little about negative because it's perceived by you as being negative. Every time we judge something negative is a good sign we are ignorant to what we critically judge simply negative. Nothing is simply and absolutely negative, only within a certain perception can this be perceived, usually through a 4th dimensional mind based on 3rd dimensional aspects and perspectives.

Human consciousness influenced by demonic consciousness is nothing more than a virus that feeds off of other life forms, unlike most viruses, the human consciousness under demonic influence even feeds upon itself, always has and always will. However, human consciousness that has allowed itself to evolve will in the end react quite differently, in fact to the point of even giving up its own life to protect and preserve other life forms. As demonic consciousness's have always been apart of human consciousness, so has the consciousness that protects and preserves life, all life, and yes, even demonic consciousness.

If we were to overlord and control or destroy demonic consciousness, would we then be any better than demonic consciousness? To a 4th dimensional mind, this way of looking at things is going to be quite understandably very hard to accept, most probably because the mind is conditioned to only think in a 3rd or 4th dimension. I suppose what I write about is only for those who comprehend and understand beyond 3rd and 4th conscious conditioning, in actuality, I am not sure if I truly understand all of what I comprehend either but I am giving it a good try......     

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