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Showing posts with label negative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label negative. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

The Rise of Serenity

Written by Mathew Naismith

How could anyone seriously talk about the rise of serenity in a time of great pandemonium? Only a consciousness that has the insight to see what this degree of pandemonium will inadvertently create!!

How much effort and energy expended does it take to create a reality built upon pandemonium? It takes many years of great effort and energy expended to create such a reality. Now as many of us know, how much effort and energy expended does it take to create a reality of serenity? Serenity can come from the smallest of sparks and without effort, in fact the more effort expended, the less likely the spark will materialise. Yes, without effort the materialisation of this spark is inadvertently created by the very same consciousness that is trying to stop this spark materialising!!

This spark of great awareness and wisdom may seem to be in counteraction to pandemonium, like positiveness has for many people become a counteraction to negativeness. We are even at the point where anything that doesn't make us feel good is judged negative, something to separate ourselves from and even denounce. A counteractive response takes a great deal of effort in line with what is being counteracted upon, this spark is therefore not a counteractive response to pandemonium.

I would like to say something here in relation to awareness. Numerous times it has been said to me that I think too much therefore I can't be spiritually minded or connected, could it not be that when a consciousness enters into a certain state of awareness, this awareness just simply flows without effort!! What does take effort is putting this awareness into comprehensible human conscious format, especially when this format at times seems alien, unfamiliar. I am aware that a lot of aware people have experienced this same unfamiliarity at times.

So is this spark, this great spirit of awareness and wisdom, predisposed by the materialisation of pandemonium and trauma, created by a seemingly opposing force?

As positive and negative are not opposing forces, only in disdain or in forced separation do they seem opposing, neither is serenity to pandemonium, only through great energy expended is positive and negative, serenity and pandemonium, opposing each other. In all honesty though, like with a true state of positiveness, where the negatives are never seen as simply opposing forces, it is the same in a state of serenity where pandemonium is never seen as opposing serenity. There is a however. When in a state of pandemonium, as with a state of negativeness, it is the state of pandemonium that will see serenity as being opposing, not a true state of serenity or positiveness. Would a true state of positiveness see everything not of itself as being negative? No, it is the other way around. Yes, often the most positive people will express the most negatives!!

How much effort do we expend to be and stay positive or happy? It is within the lack of expenditure of energy we should be looking for. If it takes a great deal of effort to materialise, be it of serenity or possessiveness, it is not truly of serenity or positiveness. The sign of this is within the effort expended.

What scares multinationals the most? What are they in great fear of? The spark that can seemingly come from nothing, but the very same thing they are inadvertently materialising. Multinationals fear in being in a conscious state where they will give away a lot of what their expended energy on has created, for within this state of great spirit human consciousnesses selfishness and self-preservation will simply vanish. This is the multinationals worse nightmare, being in a state of consciousness of the absence of selfishness and self-preservation, I mean for real.

Is this great degree of expenditure of energy by a state of induced pandemonium inadvertently going to make the spark occur, the great spirit within all arise?

Cause and effect, not counteraction, where a cause creates an effect, naturally. The cause takes up a lot of energy but the effect the cause creates take no effort to materialise itself. There is no energy expended by the effect itself, the cause expends all the energy needed to create an effect. Look at it this way, what causes the negatives to be so negative? Negatives are only as negative as the energy expended by the positives. The negatives don't have to expend energy to be negative, they only have to not create good feelings for the positives to be negative!!

Sorry people, it would seem the cause, pandemonium, has to expend a lot of energy to inadvertently create an effortless effect, serenity. I am not saying that the cause pandemonium will inadvertently create an effect of serenity, all I am saying is that it is a big possibility. Nothing in the infinite is determined, decided to be the case, while considering infinite variable causes and their effects, but having some awareness of my past lives lived, it feels just right this time around.

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Positives v Negatives


Written by Mathew Naismith

For people like me, no amount or kind of truth is judged as a negative, even desired truths that can often be expressed by a created consciousness. We very rarely avoid real truth in favour of a judged positive truth that is often inline with our own desires.

A desired truth is simply a truth that may have a certain amount of real truth attached to it or be completely of a desire than of real truth. Real truth is simply truth expressed in the absence of desires, for example, many people desire that a God doesn't exist, many others desire a God does exist. Both people of these perspectives believe that they are expressive of a real truth in their own right. If anyone asked me,”Do you think God exists?”, all I can say is your asking a question inline with a desire either way, be it a belief or disbelief, in turn desiring the right desired answer inline with the desired question. Of course any answer not of the questioners desire is imminently judged as negative, which of course leaves a more desired answer to be judged positive!!

A more none desired question would be something like, “Do you think a God could exist?”,or, “Do you think a God like consciousness could have created the universe?”.

Now what do I mean by created consciousness?

Yes, I have a present understanding that finite and infinite energy sources exist, especially when you can't, scientifically and spiritually known, destroy energy but simply transform energy. Like at present, social media is trying to portray communist governments and even their leaders in a different light to what they actually represent. Their own actions define if they are of a malign or benign consciousness, but the present consciousness wants you to believe other than what they portray.

The finite relates to a created consciousness where's the infinite relates to an already existing consciousness, a consciousness that has no starting point therefore ending point of creation. The universe within it's own right creates what the environment defines, like with the right environment created the Earth as it created other planets. Now I am not saying that God didn't create the Earth. A created universe will of course create planets like Earth, it is all created from the same consciousness, however, each environment creates in accordance with it's own environment. This means the malign consciousness was created, a consciousness created from part of the universe that is violent and destructive.

Infinite energy is an energy that is not transitional but of course this leaves us to finite energy which is endlessly transforming and re-transforming.

Now, does this mean the benign consciousness was also created but from the more subtle parts of the universes environment?

Malign consciousness = finite, a starting and ending point of creation, controlling

Benign consciousness = infinite, no starting or ending point of creation, none controlling

I have an understanding that the malign is of a created consciousness and that the benign is of an already existing consciousness. So why would a benign consciousness create a universe that would be a perfect environment for creating malign consciousnesses?

A starting and ending point obviously relates to control, in that there is a starting point therefore an ending point, resulting in the starting and ending point of life being a major determining factor in life. What tactic does a consciousness that is malign use? Fear in reference to an end of life and/or abuse of life. Now imagine being in a consciousness of the infinite, where the main determining factor governing life is not a starting and ending point of life, simply that everything is of the infinite even while experiencing an energy in transition.


Malign consciousness = negatives V's the positives and visa-versa

Benign consciousness = the nullifying of negatives and positive consciousness

So we may think creating a universe to create within it's own right without being controlled is negative? Would not deeming something of malign desire negative create a perfect environment for the malign to thrive in?

Really, avoid judging what are not of our own desires as being negative and of course our own desires being positive. You are simply creating a perfect environment for the malign to exist and thrive in, as our present environment depicts no matter how much love and light is being expressed. If love and light is depicting that their desired truth is positive and anything not of this desired truth is of course negative, you are simply creating a perfect environment for the malign to not just exist in but thrive in. In reality, in the process negating the benign quite by accident.

It is not by accident that we are presently where we are at!!

You may think it is all doom and gloom. If we awaken in the absence of today's woke, as it obviously seems many of us are to desired and real truths, all will be fine. At the point we stop abusing energy is the point the malign losses it's hold over us. Really, the true pandemic is a malign separation energy into positives and negatives, where real truth becomes negative and desired truths become a positive. A consciousness awakened to desired and real truths is an encouraging sign towards rebuilding a reality based on real truths, in the process recreating benign consciousnesses, a consciousness that avoids separating energy into negatives and positives.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Collective Karma


How people
treat you
is their
how you 
is yours

                                                         Written by Mathew Naismith

In my own words.

Quite interesting and something I have myself lived by all my adult life, identifying what is and is not of spiritual virtues in the absence of bias or preconceptions. It comes down to you love those whose karma you are a participant of no matter what. A am myself at present a participant due to the karma of the human collective consciousness. At no time should I judge what is and is not negative or positive, it is simply karma that needs to be allowed to play out, most importantly with people like me participating within the playing out of a collective karma. Yes, it may seem to so many in judgement of negatives and positives that any participation is negative and not spiritual, in truth though, not to participate in the healing of a collective karma is less spiritual and more materiel. Yes, often the spiritual is looked at being of a material possession, a positive, you either possess or you don't according to the controlling ego.

Once the spiritual is judged, this is the moment the spiritual becomes a possession!!

Friday, 14 February 2020

A Consciousness of One

Written by Mathew Naismith

A strange situation, especially considering the circumstances in the world today, an ego that feels sorry for multinationals with all their material wealth and power. To me, it is a good sign that my ego doesn’t envy this kind of consciousness, but also doesn’t look at this kind of consciousness as being negative either.

I don’t myself look at open honest truth as being negative, quite the opposite. Yes, we may not like other truths but this shouldn’t make other truths opposing our own truths negative, but of course the tricky ego will state otherwise.  It is wise, in my mind, to be aware of this.

As I have experienced firsthand many times over, western material atheists obviously think that everything outside of their desired truths is garbage, even when supported by science, in other words a negative. How many new age spiritually aware people do the same, where so much today is negative (garbage) outside  of their own desired truths?  

So the dawn of the new age consciousness is all about everything outside of desired truths is negative (garbage)!!  For thousands of years we have not evolved from this kind of consciousness, in truth, in my mind, enhanced this kind of consciousness instead.

Yes, it is quite understandable that everything else outside of my own desired truths is a negative as this is going to make my own ego understandably feel good. All that is left is my own desired truths; of course the ego is going to desire more of this and nothing else. All else becomes garbage to be disposed of in any way. To be perfectly honest, this kind of consciousness is escalating out of control.  

A consciousness of one doesn’t, or more exactly can’t, separate one energy source from the other for a more desired energy source. All energy without exception literally becomes as one, not separated by what is and isn’t negative or positive by the ego. Multinationals are simply seen as a consciousness lost within their own material creation. Make no mistake, if the desire of the ego becomes paramount, this is material. Yes, multinationals will no doubt carry on with their materialism after their physical demise. The soul can simply become conditioned to materialism, in the process separating one energy source from the other. In my own mind, a soul conditioned to immaterialism can’t separate energy like this, instead judges an obvious honest difference in the absence of critically judging a negative. In the process creating a union of energy without exception or of what is desired.    

Saturday, 14 December 2019

Penalisation for Being Neutral

Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine separating two dogs that strongly desire to rule over the other, now imagine being the neutral party trying to separate these two strongly opposing dogs......                                

To some people, the following post may seem a little too complicated to understand, I apologise for this, I couldn't simplify what I wrote any further. 

Yes, accept it, we are in an age where people who speak the honest truth are being penalised and even incarcerated for doing so. Even in Australia, journalists are being penalised and incarcerated for speaking the honest truth to a more preferred desired truth.

A desired truth is either of a negative or a positive disposition, depending on a person's desired train of thought of course. On the other hand, honest truths are neither of a negative or a positive, or, of both attributes, usually in balance with each other. Life as a whole is governed by a to-and fro action, if you like, a negative and positive motion. Often being born is deemed as a positive where death is a negative, however, others think that neither birth nor death is negative or positive.

Of course being penalised for being neutral, in other words of honest truth as opposed to desired truths, on the internet is becoming more prominent as well these days. In an age of desired truths, the separation of negatives from positives is most desired. Of course being honest, the separation of energy in any sense is only going to create a desired truth, a truth that sees any neutral state as a threat to its own existence.

So is honest truth, a neutral state of thought, a threat to the existence of desired truths, a mind partial to one side or the other, usually in opposition?

When people like me warn about the effects of being too positive, this is usually deemed to be a negative when all it is, is the honest truth. When there is a deemed opposition, as in negatives to positives, anything not deemed to be of a certain positive is deemed negative. Even when of a negative disposition, anything positive is seen as a threat therefore a negative.

The problem with being neutral, of honest truth, which people from both negative and positive dispositions deem, is that being neutral is deemed to be a huge threat to the existence of both opposing dispositions of negatives and positives. In the camp of both negative and positive camps, the camp of both camps, of a neutral existence of negatives and positives, is deemed to be their biggest threat. Why?

When you get an extreme separation of energy, as is obviously occurring presently, extreme factions see an opposing faction or camp as an enemy to be avoided (penalised) or exterminated (incarcerated). Any neutral camp trying to neutralise the situation is obviously going to be the seen as a huge threat to the extermination or avoidance of the other faction or camp. It is quite obvious that the positive camp desires to wipe out the negative camp and visa-versa. Any camp trying to neutralise this situation is going to be the enemy of both camps. As of my past lives recalled, I wouldn't have it any other way.

If you are of a neutral disposition or camp, trying to neutralise the situation is understandably going to lead to avoidance (penalisation) and/or extermination (incarceration) by either opposing camps or factions of the separation of energy, not the union of energy. Yes, being neutral isn't just to do with being of honest truth, to the best of one's ability, but of a true union of energy, however, neither camp or faction of negative or positive is seen as a threat to the neutral camp or faction. As it is, both camps will see the neutral camp as being its biggest threat, as always.

A scientist in recent years tried to get a job at a lab; he had perfect credentials for the job. At he's last and final interview, he was rejected because in College he wrote a paper that expressed an honest point of view of truth. This is a true story, where a person is penalised for being too honest within their truth in the past.

How many people are penalised on the internet by certain groups, from materialism to immaterialism, for speaking the honest truth as opposed to a desired truth? How often are people penalised for not speaking a certain desired truth in accordance with a certain group's desired truths? From materialist ideology to immaterialist ideology are people of neutral disposition being penalised and/or incarcerated. This is worsening which simply shows that human consciousness is not developing any further from the separation of energy. In truth, human consciousness is separating energy even more, not uniting energy even more.  

As I have learnt from recalling parts of my past lives, any neutral party trying to neutralise the situation will always be seen as a huge threat to both parties, camps or factions. Our mentality of throwing rocks and sticks at each to throwing bombs and missiles at each other shows a clear lack of mental progression. Attacking a neutral party or camp for trying to neutralise the situation, is further proof of our lack of mental progression. However, the existence of neutral parties trying to neutralise the situation shows that human consciousness can still evolve further in mentality and consciousness.

A neutral disposition is unable to speak of everything in negative and positive terminologies. This kind of disposition isn't in opposition to any party, camp or faction, therefore no real threat to any party, camp or faction. However, any party, camp or faction of extreme opposing ideological views, will see a neutral disposition as being their biggest threat therefore a deemed negative to either penalise or incarcerate. I am not myself truly at this stage but I am at least aware.  

A camp of both camps, of both dispositions, in an age of the extreme separation of energy seems like a mistake when trying to separate the two heavily opposing dogs. Wisdom on the other hand sees that the neutral party will become mauled, probably by both dogs, but the outcome of the neutralisation of the dog fight for supremacy over the other is all worth it in the end. As it can be painful in bringing up children, the same is with dealing with life as a whole, but the pain is certainly worth it in the end if a neutral reality, a favourable outcome, was created.                  

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Seeing It As It Is

Written by Mathew Naismith

Seeing it as it is, not how I would desire to see it, gets me into a lot of trouble with other people. It is like with love, just because I don't desire to feel the affects of love, in other words lust after what the feelings of love gives to the ego, I am not of love. I simply don't desire to feel the affects of love but allow these feelings to naturally exist, without effort, within certain conscious states. It is natural that within certain conscious states, the ego will experience feelings of love, giving the ego a false ideology that these states are simply of love.

I also don't desire being positive over and above being negative, in all honesty, I simply allow myself to be neutral as much as possible. I have learnt so much from the so-called negatives, way more than from the positives. In all honesty, my ego has learnt from these experiences instead of suffering from these experiences. To me, to suffer from an experience is to counteract a negative experience with a positive experience. This is the same in counteracting hate with love, most often to the same degree or to the same excess. Within this, one to me is still suffering from the collective consciousness experience rather than learning from the collective conscious experience.

How shocking it was practicing in cannibalism or going to see people fight to the death in a Roman arena, but it is alright to deliberately make people ill so you can live/feed off of them. I recently read an article in how doctors who dared find cancer enzymes in vaccines systematically died/murdered. And how many people are fighting for there very existence, not just in wars but materialistically? The whole planet has become an arena that was deliberately created to serve the few materialistically. In all honesty, are we learning from what human consciousness has experienced or are we still suffering from these experiences?

I will always be hated or despised for my honesty; I would rather this than the alternative of course. Simply, self-dishonesty isn't an alternative for people like me, we must see it how it is, not how our egos would desire to see it. As I am not into separation as in black and white people instead of just people, I am not into negatives and positives. Don't' be conned by the controlling ego that desires to separate through perceptions of black and white, negative and positive perceptions, negative and positives are simply perceptions created by the ego. You really don't need to be positive, just not negative, within this you will be able to see everything for what it really is, not how the ego desires to only see it, in black and white, negatives and positives!!

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Being Spiritual

Written by Mathew Naismith

There can be quite a big difference to what is perceived to be spiritual between the eastern and western mind. To the eastern mind, spirituality isn't primarily based on love, harmony and being positive where the western mind often bases New Age spirituality on love, harmony and being positive. Often in this case the perception of God doesn't figure for a lot of people, even though the perception of God is of a pure state of oneness. Love and harmony are simply a derivative of being spiritually connected. This love and harmony is also embraced by easterners but knowing that spirituality is not limited to just a few aspects as love and harmony.   

To the eastern spiritualist, spirituality isn't limited to certain aspects but is of all aspects, even of the aspects we don't desire to include in spirituality. Hinduism and Taoism are prime examples of this where the balance of negative and positive are apart of being spiritual, leading to a more aware and wiser state of being. It is not a separation of negative and positive, unlike in western spirituality, it is the culmination of negative and positive. To understand this, a truly connected spiritually aware person does not desire being positive over being negative for positive and negative work in unison as one. What does the western mind do instead? Separates the negatives from the positives and calls this spiritual!!    

I once came across a person who was crippled up, they were experiencing extreme discomfort and pain. I have never come across anyone so spiritually connected. Look at it this way, how many people experience their most enlightening moments in life while experience trauma, a so-called negative to the western mind? Trauma and pain can either be learnt from or suffered from, very much like humans learning from history rather than suffering from history. Of course this does take wisdom to do this which we have, in the modern age, replaced wisdom with what we desire.    

Try to remember, the western mind in all of us can be excessively critical, this includes critically judging what is and isn't spiritual to the western mind.

When you get to a state where you can ask any question and get an immediate correct answer, you know you are on your way to being spiritually connected. When you no longer need to ask questions to get an answer, you are spiritually connected. Only in this state do you then realise that the questions we asked were not formulating the answer to the questions, for the answers to what ever questions we asked always existed!!             

Saturday, 2 March 2019

The Promotion of Wisdom

Written by Mathew Naismith

The promotion of wisdom to someone like me goes beyond the promotion of positiveness, love and light or any concept, ideology or ism, for under wisdom, all that is wise in the way we use energy is of abundance. To someone like me, it matters not what this wisdom is called, for anything that promotes the harmonious use of energy is all that matters. Yes, that is right, biases and prejudices have no place within wisdom for wisdom has no limitations, only limitless potentiality in the absence of bias and prejudices.

I don't often promote a singular persons wisdom but at this point in the present, we simply can't get enough wisdom in my mind. Look past the label of what the wisdom represents, in other words look past the biases often associated with labels and simply focus primarily on the wisdom involved. I wrote the following to this person in relation to this persons wisdom.               

I try to influence people away from judging in negatives and positives, which of course judging in negatives and positives can create huge amounts of motion within our minds and actions. I love my states of it just is, where the perceptions of negatives and positives are absent.

This will seem strange to a lot of people who try to stay positive, especially by ignoring the negatives. I am better off not perceiving in positives as well, there is no state more harmonious, still and tranquil. Hard to imagine if you have never experienced this kind of state, for which anyone can experience by simply letting go of motions and the control motions have over us.

You seem to be very in tune with your present environment Carolynne.

I know this is slack of me, but I just recently took a peek at your site. It was funny how I was able to do the work I did with the chronic injury I incurred, of course my own chronic injury taught me so much, only because I worked with it, not against it. If you don't mind, I am thinking of mentioning you and your site in my next post as you seem genuine. 

For further reference:

It has been asked of me why I am not more promotional of positiveness or love and light for example?

From the promotion of wisdom, positiveness, love and light come naturally for in the absence of using energy disharmoniously, there is no energy expended in obtaining and retaining positiveness, love or light. If I was to ignore the negatives so I can then be positive, in other words to be positive takes me to ignore the negatives, this is not being positive to me, in fact quite the opposite. You should be able to put yourself in any situation and still be able to obtain and retain your positiveness, love and/or light, otherwise it's not of a true sense of positiveness, love and/or light.

I will put this another way. Negative is as much of an energy as positive, to ignore people being hurt under negatives energies, especially to obtain and retain your own personal positive energies, is an abuse of energy. To avoid this, see negative and positive energy as simply energy in the absence of biases that perceptions of negative and positive thinking creates. Which is more negative, the male (yang) or the female (yin)? Trust me, one or the other sex often perceives one being more negative therefore the other being more positive. As soon as we are in the presence or expressive of bias, honesty, especially self-honesty, is also no longer present. Considering a true reflection or expression of wisdom is of the absence bias, it is also understandable that we naturally become more honest, especially with ourselves, in the promotion of wisdom.

As of many people have in life, I more than once found myself in a situation where I had to extricate myself away from certain people, not because they were negative or destructive but because all I was doing was supporting them in hurting themselves and others. Make no mistake, I often allowed my environment to dictate my reactions which meant judging in negatives and positives. Within this hurtful or abusive environment towards energy, it is way too easy to unknowingly succumb to a hurtful or abusive environment. In my case, I was fortunate to be wise enough to become aware of my own abusiveness towards energy in this way.

You see, by allowing myself to be abused, I was helping the abusers to be abusive thus unwittingly being abusive towards energy myself. Yes, by all means sacrifice your own well being to assist other people to become less hurtful and abusive, but don't sacrifice yourself to assist in the abuse of energy in any way. Yes, people of positiveness and love and light extricate themselves from abusive energy, but a lot of them still do it by expressing biases through the perceptions of negatives and positives.

So how do you know the difference between hurtful people you are unable to help to hurtful people you can help? Firstly; avoid the perceptions of negatives and positives thus allowing your own consciousness to be in the absence of bias therefore dishonesty. Secondly; well, wisdom naturally takes over from here in the absence of bias and dishonesty.  Make no mistake, the promotion of wisdom is this easy, it is either we don't want to become less abusive towards energy, or, we are unwittingly drawn into being apart of the abuse of energy through simple perceptions like negatives and positives.

I know of a number of people who speak out against the abusiveness of, for example, multinationals and politicians, they no longer wish to support the abuse of energy by allowing themselves being abused, however, there is still a very strong perception of what is negative and what is positive. I also know of people who speak out against this kind of abuse but don't primarily focus on what is negative and what is positive. I think ignoring the abuse of energy so one can become and stay positive, is just as much of supporting the abuse of energy than anything else.

The promotion of wisdom is simple, the avoidance of knowingly or unknowingly supporting the abuse of energy as much as possible. Now, are deliberate abusers of energy negative in any sense of the word? No, they are simply lost within their own creation and need as much help as a sick person. Yes, at times to help these people you need to avoid them, when ever possible, but do it ever so wisely. No, you can't always avoid the situation of the abuse of energy but you can minimise its affects. Embracing and promoting any kind of wisdom will help us avoid abusing energy in various ways, of course to know this one must be wise to start with, this is where people of true wisdom come into there own. How do you know when someone is of wisdom? They don't primarily judge in positive and negative perceptions to start with, within this, there is an absence of bias therefore dishonesty.       

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

A Touch of Guru 2

Written by Mathew Naismith

Imagine if somehow your positiveness was taken away from you. Most people couldn't mentally, spiritually and physically cope with this because they rely on being positive to live life. Now, what would happen if a spiritual Guru had their positiveness taken away from them? Absolutely nothing in their life would change, probably because a Guru doesn't rely or have any kind of attachment to what is and isn't positive and negative in their life. Imagine how harmonious this would be, were our lives are not determined by any factor pertaining to attachments and desires.

I need to now insert the following exchange I had with someone in relation to my last post, "A Touch of Guru." 

What I notice. while not taking any particular view to heart, is today's non spiritual person seems grounded in post modernist thought, while dismissing a natural view of spiritual people throughout history who were much more grounded with a natural reality...and all the questions that entails. 

For instance, Yeshua ben Yosef is not who is presented in today's belief. Furthermore, the Christian tradition itself was a natural movement, not a religious diatribe of dos and don'ts.

My Reply
You seem to be so true to yourself it is nearly unbelievable. To be true to yourself is to observe the world through as little bias as possible, all else is an untrue depiction of yourself and the world around you. A touch of Guru.....

As I am presently writing, take away positiveness from most people, they would crumble. Take away positiveness from a true Guru, nothing would change in there life. I have a funny feeling you comprehend this, not many people would or would want to. Take away positiveness from a false Guru or most western spiritually aware people, they would too crumble, if not more so than non-spiritual people.

Sadly, when ideologies, isms, concepts and beliefs become a fixation, something we have attached our psyche to for security and support, we lose the true nature of these ideologies and isms,

I am often impressed by your psyche because you explain yourself very well, especially on this topic. If you don't mind, I would like to use your reply here in my next post. I won't make any personal reference to you if this makes you feel more comfortable with this.


It is amazing. Ever since I have been mentioning the difference between Eastern and Western thinking, a certain cultural people have stopped interacting with me on quite a huge scale. This is while other cultural people, even other Western cultures, of the world have remained steady. Within their own actions, they have unknowingly proven the points made about the Western mind being easily offended. As it is said, the Western mind is easily offended, even to the point that if you are not praising the western mind, you are attacking it. This is like if you are not positive, you must be negative, the Eastern mind in all of us doesn't think like this.

Extract: Those who make certain words offensive do so because there is something to be gained. For many, to feel offended is to feel important, validated.

It is quite interesting that a predominantly Westernised mind doesn't see itself also being of the Eastern mind. In the West, it is often thought if you are not positive, you are negative, offensive. In the East, you have obvious depictions of yin and yang or like in Hinduism, the importance of a harmonious interaction between the male and female within everything. Of course harmony is constructive while disharmony is destructive but even destruction has its place.

To live in harmony in an earthquake area, you either learn to build better buildings or you move away, thus you have learnt from a negative situation. We often become more enlightened through the negatives than we do the positives, the present state of the world is no different. Of course to learn from the negatives, one must not ignore what the negatives have to teach us while in favour of the positives!! In all honesty, what is the Western mind doing on a huge scale at present? The state of the world simply shows that the Western mind in all of us is simply not learning. The Western mind is even shrugging off thousands of years of life experience; this is like killing off all the old people because they no longer serve any purpose. No matter what the life experience has been, we can learn from it.

This is interesting. If you removed the Western or Eastern mind from the spiritual Guru, you would see a huge difference. Yes, even taking the Western mind away from a spiritual Guru would make a huge difference in their lives, for the Guru is not of one or the other but of all of what is without bias and desire. What makes a Guru a Guru is the harmonious integration of opposite polarities. Try to remember, just because it is an opposite, doesn't mean it is always in opposition. I have lost count how many Westernised minds/people see themselves in opposition to me, it is quite insurmountable, especially from when I started writing about the difference between the Western and Eastern mind. Could you imagine the reaction from the Western mind/people if an Eastern mind/person wrote about the difference between the Western and Eastern mind as I have done!! How offended would have the Western mind/people become then? 

I found the following research by psychologist Steven Heine quite interesting.              

Extract: UBC cultural psychologist Steven Heine discovered profound differences between Western and Eastern minds. A recipe for prejudice, or just the opposite?    

Tuesday, 1 January 2019


Written by Mathew Naismith

So what happened to all the predicted positive loving spiritual manifestations once again, in a year of predicted great spiritual evolutional change? Bewildering isn't it? 

Firstly, try to understand, it is not all about the human self becoming enlightened or becoming ascended in some way. As a lot of people say, it is a the soul having a human experience, which means life is really about the souls transition, not necessarily the human self's transition. Don't get me wrong, the two can go hand in hand, meaning, as the soul becomes more enlightened (aware), so will the human self. The problem is, most often the human self will become more unaware, not more aware. We often expect and even demand that we feel good all the time, for this is what spirituality is about!!  

This expectation is simply created when we start to feel good in a chaotic abusive reality. Because we start to feel good through becoming more aware, we then think this is what spirituality is about. We then deliberately ignore all the deemed negatives in the world to feel even better, for only through doing this can we feel even better. This is while other people in the world are far worse off, mainly because they are being ignored themselves or their situation is deemed too negative to become aware or stay aware of.

If you look upon the abuse in the world and all you see and feel is negative vibrations, as opposed to your own vibrations, this is anything but positive, of love and light or of God. How many people look upon the violent destructive sun as simply being negative, a negative we must ignore to be positive? If anyone in the world is suffering even more because we want to be positive, I wouldn't myself call this positive. As I stated in my last post, often highly abusive energy forms will often deceive to obtain what they desire for themselves. This often entails to deceive people into feeling good while being abused and the abused eventually becoming abusive themselves. Ignoring the negatives in the world is highly abusive to energy as a whole, especially if this is done to simply make ourselves feel even better and better.

So being positive is ignoring all the suffering in the world so we can feel even more positive, this is so we can manifest a more positive loving reality!! This really makes no sense to someone like me.

As of the sun, that is far more violent and destructive than man is at present, don't look at man as being negative, look at man as simply lost within his own creation, for he really knows not what he does. How often do you look at a person lost in the bush, (forest or wilderness), as simply being negative? So why express disdain towards the human collective consciousness lost within its own creation? When you go into the bush and get lost, you have created your own environment to become lost in; the collective human consciousness is no different to this.

People like me don't expect or demand to feel good, however, we also don't expect to feel bad either for there are no expectations or demands. Not an easy thing to express in a reality such as this, where we expect or even demand so much from our environment. If you had any idea what actually exists as a whole, you wouldn't expect too much from a reality such as our present reality. In actuality, you would go with the flow more and not critically judge so much of this reality as being simply negative. Just by the reactions of people towards this reality, people like me know how aware or unaware people truly are.

Energy; such as our environment, which includes our body and mind and the universe as a whole, is not there to serve our desires or to be abused, it is there to simply be experienced. Of course abusing this energy will create a different experience than working in unison and in harmony with this energy, it is all apart of creation.

So what actually occurred in 2018, who benefited from 2018 spiritual manifestations?

Countries like Yemen and Palestine don't think much of what spiritual manifestations have created in 2018, in saying this, multinationals, Arabia and Israel certainly benefited by these manifestations. This reminds me of the time when certain North American Indians got together to pray and chant (manifest) for peace, they were of course massacred by a Christian cultured civilised people!!

These Christian cultured civilised people also saw themselves of being of love and light, a civilized people as opposed to a barbaric (negative) people trying to pray and chant for peace and the acceptance of being of equal quality. It is not the first time a certain group of people have deemed everything not of themselves as simply being negative!!

In 20189, try to stay away from the deceit of everything not of yourself is negative, therefore suffering should be ignored at all cost to create our own perceived and desired reality.

This is funny, I am an advocate against abuse, but I don't critically judge abuse as being simply negative, end of story, to manifest my own desired reality.......          

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Unconditional Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

How many conditions can you create or perceive in a deep meditative state, a state where you release yourself from human created conditions of opposing polarities?

Imagine being of or simply experiencing a state of consciousness of the absence of conditions. To imagine this is virtually impossible while being of an existence of numerous conditions, I should know as I have of anyone are going through a process of awareness. The process of detaching ourselves from conditions, like everything is determined to be of negative or positive, bad and good, wrong, right, etc, can be daunting. Daunting means to be discouraged through fear, the fear of losing conditions we have become fixated to and rely on. How many people fear losing the sense or the existence of positiveness in a reality of negatives? Look at how many people today avoid any sense of what they have judged negative, this is simply a fixation to conditions created by other conditions, most often opposing conditions. How is a consciousness fixated to conditions going to understand a state of unconditional existence, when a consciousness doesn't even want to comprehend an existence of the absence of conditions?

It might not seem like it at first but experiencing ostracisation and ridicule while being expressive of the absence of conditions in your own consciousness, is actually a sign that you are consciously becoming aware. I could not imagine anything less of awareness than a consciousness fixated to and even protective of certain conditions. Of course anyone who is fixated to any conditions, is going to react unfavourably towards any consciousness expressing any kind of unconditional consciousness. Accept this and move on while being aware that your own consciousness is becoming more aware, aware in how any and all conditions keep us unaware in some way.

How many people, primarily into materialism, desire to become aware of how the conditions that materialism exists by is destroying the environment? How many people of love and light desire to know that their own fixations to certain conditions are keeping them unaware? The conditions are that to be of love and light, one must be positive and/or love and light is positive!! You cannot enter into a true state of love and light or unconditional love while your own consciousness is fixated to and controlled by certain conditions. Your consciousness has to be in a state of the absence of conditions. The reason for this is obvious as a true state of love and light and unconditional love are not of and created by conditions, in actuality they exist primarily because of the absence of conditions.

Try perceiving a positive without the existence of the equivalent negatives. One simply relies on the other to exist. Now try perceiving a negative or a positive in a neutral state of consciousness, a state of consciousness of the absence of these kinds of conditions. A neutral state of consciousness is simply a consciousness of the absence of conditions. Of course in a reality of numerous conditions, the absence of negativity has nothing to do with the creation of positiveness. This is simply a denial of a consciousness fixated to conditions to simply protect a consciousness's conditions. You only realise that one creates and relies on the other to exist when in some kind of neutral state of consciousness, the neutralisation of positiveness and negativeness. In other words, the neutralisation of conditions that human consciousness is well and truly conditioned to and protective of, even to the bitter end. 

How do you know how aware you are when there is no comparison, no unawareness to compare to? Within this, unawareness becomes as worthy as awareness, there is no true separation and division, especially when both energy fields exist together as one. This is how an unconditional consciousness sees it, of course a conditional consciousness never desires unawareness or negativity to be as worthy as awareness or positivity. Now honestly observe the environment around you, knowing the difference how an unconditional consciousness empresses itself in a conditional existence. If you think a conditional consciousness is less worthy than an unconditional consciousness, you are still controlled by a conditional consciousness. Only a consciousness conditioned to conditions can separate and divide energy into separate individual parts. Most often this is done to protect its own individual and personal conditions, most importantly, to separate itself from anything not of its own energy, even though their own energy completely relies on the existence of the opposing energy field to exist. It's like watching a dog chase its own tail, thinking that the tail is separate to the dog itself, this is until the dog bites the tail of course. How many times does human consciousness have to bite its own tail, to realise it's of the same energy field?     

Now imagine how an existence of unconditionality would be like.........

Should a new or evolved consciousness be based on even more conditions, the conditions being, to be of love and light and unconditional love takes one to be excessively positive or of the light to start with? No, an evolved consciousness, or if the like an ascended consciousness, actually takes us to be less of conditions for all conditions are created by man made perceptions. Continuing on separating and dividing everything (energy) through the creation of more conditions is simply continuing on the same present consciousness, albeit in a different way. Think on this, is it not the ego in control that creates even more conditions? Try creating a reality based on conditions when the ego isn't in control, it's utterly impossible as created conditions like positive and negative perceptions can only be created by an ego in control.

Again, how many conditions can you create or perceive in a deep meditative state, a state where you release yourself from human created conditions of opposing polarities?

Polarities: A relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies.

Remember though, polarities simply refer to opposite polarities like negative and positive. Polarities don't have to be opposing, only to an ego in control are polarities perceived to be opposing.

Now, how many of us are into creating even more opposing polarities in spirituality these days? This is while trying to create a more constructive reality for ourselves, but on the back of even more created conditions!!

Extract: We can also achieve the state of being above polarities after 20 minutes of a session of Emotional Management Method. We will experience a moment in which we look at our lives in a new light, as if we are standing on the top of the hill. This new clarity of our mind enables us to choose the path to go further.  

Friday, 28 September 2018

A True Neutral Existence

Written by Mathew Naismith

I will try to explain what it is truly like being neutral in one's own expressions and being. Being neutral isn't about not taking sides, it's about how we take sides.  

Extract: “Neutrality, a good place to visit, and a strong place to live”

Another way of strengthening your energy, and to stay in knowing and living your purpose, is to get neutral. “By shifting into neutral we get power!”

In my mind, this article explains what being neutral is all about, however, the use of expressions like positive and power therefore control, is not of a neutral being. Firstly, being positive isn't neutral and power or empowerment simply refers to power and control over something else. Usually something that is in opposition to being positive and empowered. Being neutral simply means one is not limited or controlled by fixations or desires. We have simply been conditioned to the feelings that empowerment and being positive give us; of course all this has created is another fixation. Considering that our present reality is chaotic and destructive, fixating ourselves to any kind of empowerment and positiveness makes us feel better in such a reality. The trick to being neutral is not to look at a chaotic destructive reality as being negatives or positive; it's simply a journey that is different to other journeys that are not as chaotic and destructive.

A lot of people have the idea of being neutral that you don't do anything in opposition to anything else, another energy source. In a sense this is true, you don't do anything in opposition to anything else but you can influence change upon another energy source without being in opposition and this is the trick. Trying to influence another energy source from within isn't about being in opposition but about being neutral to that source you are trying to influence. Being neutral is all about staying away from perceptions that create separation and division, for example, negative and positive, black and white, etc.

I would say that using expressions like power and positivenenss in this article, was to attract people who are anything but neutral towards their present environment or reality. I don't myself use expressions like empowerment and positive because I am not into attracting people through their desires and fixations. This might seem silly, especially in regards that a lot of people simply look upon this reality as being negative/toxic. These people are searching for something in opposition to a chaotic destructive reality. I simply try to avoid anything to attract people by using any kind of expression that separates and divides, in a sense, I try to be true to my expressions.

To be honest, a lot of people consort to the following, however, imagine what a totally neutral existence would create. The article above that I have attached to this post gives a brief outline of this.  I have also inserted further reading material at the end of this post that I consort to more.                    

In short, we cannot grow, we cannot achieve authentic discovery, and our eyes cannot be cleansed to the truly beautiful possibilities of life, if we simply live a neutral existence.

Adjective. The definition of neutral is not taking part in a fight or war or having very little color. An example of neutral is a person who does not take sides in an argument between two friends. An example of neutral is the color tan.

So if I see an obvious coloured person, I have to see them as being tan to be neutral? No, they are coloured but not coloured in opposition or negative in anyway to me being white. Within this perception, you are not deceiving yourself nor are you separating and dividing yourself from anything that is different to you. Let's be honest here, self-deception is an abuse of energy and something that often creates more separation and division. Is seeing an obvious coloured person separation? If I only see a coloured person instead of a human being, yes, most definitely but I don't. How many people only see empowerment and being positive as being the only constructive way to exist? This is exactly like seeing a coloured person as being coloured therefore negative; you focus more on the colour than anything else.

We so often perceive that being positive is good to negative being bad, is this not of the same mentality that white people are positive and black people are negative? Of course it is. Is the sun negative and toxic because it's one of the most violent destructive sources of energy within our solar system? Of course not, this is how a person who is remotely neutral thinks. Why separate the suns violence and destructiveness from mans violence and destructiveness? We often separate being positive to being negative as a positive, we simply focus mainly on a positive being positive and empowering. To be a successful multinational, you have to be positive and empowered. How destructive are multinationals upon our environment?

Let's be honest here with ourselves, most of us are conditioned to focus on the colour of a man, not what the man truly represents, simply another energy source on a different journey of life to ourselves. Our present reality is simply another journey of many other journeys. Being neutral isn't about not taking sides, like taking sides to being neutral to not being neutral, it's about the way we take sides. Being neutral in myself as much as possible isn't of the perception that not being neutral is negative, it's simply seeing that all else from being neutral is not neutral therefore of separation and division. Being of separation and division isn't negative, it's simply a different way to exist and perceive to being neutral. 

The side I have chosen is to be neutral as possible, so even choosing to be neutral is taking sides but it is different in the way we take side to when we are not being neutral. It's by no mistake that the antonym to neutral is negative and/or positive, so to be neutral is taking a side but not in opposition to negatives and positives. It simply comes down to how we take sides, this of course is simply done by not perceiving in negatives and positives being bad or good, wrong and right, etc.  

Further reading

Extract: When a pattern is brought to neutral we’re no longer bothered by it. Thinking of the issue no longer evokes a response, positive or negative. We’re no longer polarized. When we think of the issue it’s just neutral.

When we meet a situation that used to trigger us, now it simply informs us, clearly. Now we’re free to express as we’re moved to be in this  moment. We’re freer to make a choice that’s no longer influenced by our patterning. We’re freer to open to our innate knowing and know  how to respond in a manner that’s appropriate for all involved.

Extract: We constantly evaluate our world throughout our day. We have to; it’s part of human nature and it’s survival. However, too often evaluation becomes judgment. Judgment becomes bias. Bias leads us down the path of whatever emotion is tied to that bias, be it resentment, guilt, or even joy. Sometimes this path takes us to a very narrow space where we can get stuck. But what if we could evaluate without heading down that path of attachment?