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Wednesday, 27 June 2018

The Passion of Philosophy

Written by Mathew Naismith

Philosophy: The rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics

There are of course other interpretations of philosophy; I however generally live by the interpretation above, of course this can be mistaken in thinking too much. The consensus is; there is simply no quietening of the mind within this kind of expression of philosophy. Considering that Buddhism is known as a philosophy, and the state that Buddha found himself in was of complete stillness, it is obvious philosophy can also quieten the mind.

So how does philosophy do this? Certain expression of philosophy frees you from the egos control. There is no more expression of a black and white mentality, negative and positive, bad and good, wrong and right, black and white, basically, everything becomes as one and is perceived as one. It's simply all a perception anyway, all separated perceptions simply become as one thus a neutralisation of the mind of all perceptions is created.

How I did this is explained in a reply I gave someone on a philosophy forum, this was in relation to philosophy itself.              

Philosophy, to me, is about free thinking void of the control of other ideologies and isms doctrines and dogmas. This is anything from religion to atheist materialism.

I love exploring the environment free from the dogmas of ideologies and isms, at the same time being free to use the concepts of ideologies and isms to explore this environment.

In dealing with people who restrict free thinking processes, I probably become a little too clinical within my philosophies. I am quite clinical when it comes to abuse period, either that be the restriction of free thinking, like the abuse of philosophy from certain groups, or mental and physical abuse.

Within this philosophy of true free thinking, I am able to explore the environment free from mental limitations. This allows people like me to observe parts of the environment other people are unable to observe I feel

I would not give up my free thinking for anything.

Also, after a number of rebuttals, not to do with the above mentioned:  

Sorry people, I often do this, I think way outside the square at times, this can be taken as an insult to some people, my apologies.

If you are unable to comprehend where I am coming from, simply ignore me, please. Very few people take head of what I say anyway and understandably so.

This is strange, I do have a lot of friends in real life who adore me, not sure why myself!! Maybe it's to do with my wife and not me!!     

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Philosophical Freedom

Jean-Paul Sartre, French Philosopher 

Written by Mathew Naismith

Philosophies of Lies and deceit
A vacant space
In the absence of truth
A spaceless space
No direction within
Simply vacant of truth and honesty
In this lays vacancy
A vacancy of mind
For in this vacancy
Truth is unable to exist
There is simply no substance
For without substance
Where is truth and honesty to abide
For in this vacant space
Honesty needs substance
A substance of truth and honesty
This is within itself
Is its beginning

MG Naismith

What this poem of mine refers to, is that truth and honesty are unable to be recognised thus often misunderstood in a philosophy of lies and deceit. Often quite deceptively to protect and harvest what comes from philosophies of lies.

I wrote the following to the questioning, is courage needed to express intellectual honesty? I was interacting on a philosophy forum and received hostility against proven truths and honesty, to me, the reason this occurred was obvious.    

Thinking about this more; the courage to see the lies and deception within ones own philosophies, is courageous no matter what the ism or ideology one follows.

Take note of the people who slam, for example, religion and its philosophies, you will note that they are themselves most likely of the philosophies of lies and deception. Example: When did truths and honesty supported by evidence become abuse and disdainful? When did facts and figures become of abuse and disdainful?

The answer seems to be when of and the protection of known lies and deceit. Any truth, especially proven truths to be true and of fact, will always be disdainful to any philosophies based on lies and deceit. Example: An OP can be noticeably deceptive within its intent but still be supported!!

Are facts and figures disdainful to the people of philosophies based on truth and honesty? Unlikely to any great extent.   

I have noticed the more facts and figures you support the truths you speak of, the more hostile some people get. Also notice that not all the people become hostile, why? They simply don't live by philosophies based on lies and deceit. It is very possible they may not know this themselves, actually, most often this is the case it would seem.

There is a lot of courage needed to tell the truth in ways other people don't want to hear them. If your philosophies are based on truth and honesty, you will always get a hostile rebuttal from the opposing camp.

Should an intellectual honesty take courage to express? It shouldn't but it does in today's reality.


Never chase truth and honesty within anything, for truth will come without effort once the philosophies of lies and deceit are put to rest.....MG Naismith

I chased truth and honesty in philosophy, there was little obvious truth and self-honesty to be found but in a few. Most people of the philosophies of truth and honesty will stay hidden, for they know what would occur otherwise. The reason I chased the truth in this manner, was to observe and become aware of the truth within the truth that philosophical lies and deceit exist within every corner of man, no matter of the isms or ideology followed.

A bit of self-honesty and truth goes a long way, to freeing ourselves from the bondages and limitations of the philosophies of lies and deceit.......MG Naismith

Saturday, 2 June 2018

Being As One

Written by Mathew Naismith

G'day Carolyn.

The worst of times can be our greatest teacher or our greatest nightmare, this is always our choice. This is like the worst of times can bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. This has nothing to do with positive and negative, good and bad, it's simply aware or not aware or less aware.

Are less beautiful looking people less positive or more negative than beautiful looking people? In today's society of the perceptions of negative and positive, yes, less beautiful looking people can be more negative but only if they abide by what is and what isn't negative and positive.

Bad good, negative and positive, wrong and right, love hate, are simply perceptions we have created, basing our whole existence on these kinds of perceptions is bewildering to someone like me.

Be blessed my girl, always.....


The black and white mentality is of separation, the separation of one from the other. If one is different to another, like light to dark and white to black, one has to be positive over the other within this mentality of old consciousness. Is light (white) more positive to the dark? Seen as the dark makes us more aware of the light, deeming the dark purely negative is simply a mentality of white over black, light over dark.

Most often in our darkest times will we see the light or experience our most enlightening experiences. How many of us are aware today of the white mentality of superiority over dark people, the mistreatment of other races by white people? It is obvious to people like me that darkness is just as illuminating as the light, if not more so at times.

Being brought up in an abusive neglectful childhood, has given me the awareness of the abuse and neglect in the world, I am more aware because of my childhood experiences. What I have done is made a choice in making my so-called dark experiences enlightening; my experiences have become my greatest teacher instead of my greatest nightmare.

How many people into spirituality have made the present world circumstances their greatest nightmare?  Only the light will save them from such a nightmare. There is just as much illumination within the dark as there is in the light, of course if we simply deem the dark being negative, all we will see is darkness within the dark and this is the point. If we perceive darkness to be simply negative, this is what it will be, and in accordance within this, create a reality based on negativity. In truth, creating a reality to escape from instead of learning from.

Our present consciousness is conditioned to a black and white mentality, the separation of one from the other, to people like me, an evolved consciousness won't perceive like this. 

I have inserted the following video of me, it's not good because I do mumble a bit. This is probably because I  am not comfortable, as yet, to expressing myself in this way.