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Showing posts with label lies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lies. Show all posts

Thursday 4 April 2024

Plato's Truth


 Written by Mathew Naismith

Out of the blue it just hits me,”Why are you choosing to live like this?” The reference to you seem to be making reference to the collective as well as myself.

They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth.”


So what energy today, as of ancient Greek philosopher Plato's time, is often deemed offensive, of bad vibrations, negative, etc? I will give you a hint, it is not lies and deception.

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.”


Strange that so many of us actually choose to live like this to the point of persecuting anyone who tells the truth, especially when they tell the truth in an open honest way. I have lost count how often people like me have been deemed negative or even immoral simply for telling the found truth openly and honestly.

No, it would seem that human consciousness has not evolved, in truth, has seemingly degraded to the point of demonising the truth told openly and honestly to excess, while seemingly embracing or simply accepting lies told openly and dishonestly.

I have lost count how many people have said to me they just don't want to know, in other words don't want to know of the truth told openly and honestly, while quite happy to live with the lies told openly and dishonestly.

So is the truth, especially told openly and honestly, of an actual real life negative vibrations? Yes and no. To a person who has embraced lies told openly and dishonestly, yes, of course the truth is going to be of negative vibrations, as of people who don't want to know the truth told openly and honestly. To the people who embrace the truth told openly and honestly, the truth is anything but deemed negative or of bad vibrations. We can get ourselves into a situation where the truth actually feels physically and mentally of negative vibrations. Yes, it would seem that the human mentality has not changed or evolved from Plato's time.

In saying this, there are a lot of Plato type mentalities in existence in the world today and no, you don't have to be of some kind of great known philosopher to be of this type of mentality where you have a great feeling to know the truth above seemingly infinite accepted lies. As of in Plato's time, anyone of open honest truth is well and truly up against it.

In truth expressed openly and honestly, wisdom is certainly going to be present, the predominant energy flow.

So do I mind being deemed negative or even immoral in a society where so many embrace lies over truths?

Truth is it's own reward.”


I would state myself;

Truth is of it's own reward.”

Sunday 22 January 2023

Truth and a Balanced Society

Written by Mathew Naismith

The truth shall set us free, in turn create a balanced society one can only dream of.

As much as the truth can be discomforting, without a doubt truth binds society by creating an environment absent of lies and disinformation. Do lies and disinformation divide society and family units? Lies and disinformation notably divide society by creating an imbalanced environment, an environment often notably absent of truths and accurate information.

I can not think of a more divided society in the west, which infers or confirms the degree of lies and disinformation that is present within such an environment. The environment speaks for itself, meaning, the truth is in the structure of the environment. A well balanced structured environment would represent or naturally create a society of unity, not a society of division. Governments would not be trying to divide society but unite society. A good example of dividing society is the introduction of an apartheid system, be it of racial or medical apartheid. An apartheid system just does not work or can not be introduced within a balanced society, where society is united, not divided.

So you want to know were to look for lies and disinformation, how to tell a lie or reliable information from lies and disinformation.

Well, today we are in luck, for you need to look no further than the source of the created apartheid system and the supporters of an apartheid system, such as governments and MSM. Even if you simply agree with any kind of an apartheid system, you are most likely in an environment conducive to lies and deception and division. In this case become receptive or vulnerable to lies and deception and even conditioned to such an environment.

So is a balanced united society of a balance between lies and truths?

You can not have a united society where lies are present, in any sense, this is why a united society is so elusive. A lie within itself is to divide itself from the truth, the lie in the first place is of division to start with. Yes, a lie of division is to also desire a specific desired reality than that of an actual reality that we don't desire. I don't desire a reality that we are of a society accepting of an apartheid system but in reality we are as presently proven. This truth is mightily uncomfortable at times, but only in an environment conducive to lies and disinformation.

So do lies and disinformation always create an apartheid system, like when whites and blacks were segregated in South Africa under the Afrikaans?

Funny, the link here between apartheid systems, lies and disinformation is in the presence of an authoritarian or autocratic system, by no surprise. An accepted apartheid system does not create lies and disinformation, it is the lies and disinformation that creates an apartheid system, an environment of lies and disinformation most often created by authoritarian or autocratic systems, as proven.

Authoritarian or autocratic systems are not just linked to communism or fascism but capitalist systems as well, were one part of society is notably treated differently by authorities from other parts of society. You also have one part of society dominating the other, while in an apartheid, way looking socially down at them as a separate part of society to themselves, the rich parted from the poor in every sense. Authoritarian or autocratic systems create lies and disinformation that then creates an apartheid system.

You should by now see why we are so divided in the west, especially at present, authoritarian or autocratic systems create lies and disinformation to then create an apartheid system. You can't have an apartheid system without lies and disinformation that seem to be always created by authoritarian or autocratic systems, the true source of division and imbalance.

So how do we bring about a well balanced united society under the control of an authoritarian or autocratic system?

Tell the truth, even if that truth feels uncomfortable.

Don't try to live within your own created desired environment, while in an apartheid way, separate yourself from all other realities you don't desire exist.

You can't expel authoritarian or autocratic systems without first exposing their lies and disinformation. In regards to the related introduced apartheid system, living in truth will expose an apartheid system for what it is, knowing that apartheid systems are created and supported by lies and disinformation.

Just be aware and express the truth for what it is, not for what you only desire to be true.........

Thursday 19 July 2018

The Beauty of the Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is important not to simply look at the ego as being negative. Yes, the ego can be destructive and create a reality of chaos and misery, however, the ego can also be highly constructive and creative. Simply labelling the ego negative in anyway isn't the truth of the matter, in truth; the ego can be exceptionally beneficial to all of creation.

Western mind = ego

Eastern mind = egoless

Is the Western mind simply negative? No. Being that the Western mind represents ego in all cultures and its people, labelling the ego simply negative in any expression is only of half truths.

Considering that the Western mind dislikes being questioned about its own behaviour and takes any questing like this as an insult, truths, especially about itself, becomes unacceptable. Basically, half truths and lies become the order of the day, accepted over and above truths.

In truth, the Western mind, void of the balance of the Eastern mind, is a monster (destructive) unto itself and its environment. Considering that the Eastern mind doesn't take questioning about its own mind as an insult, you can see why, especially at present, why the Western mind needs the Eastern mind for balance. In truth, the Western mind needs the truth of the Eastern mind, especially in relation to itself. I have simply lost count how many Western minded people have taken what I say as an insult, while at the same time the Eastern mind seriously considers what is being said.

One simply wants to know of a desired truth; a truth that will enhance its stature, while the other considers all of what is said void of desire. Of course a mind of the balance of ego and egoless, the Western and Eastern mind, will also express desire but in a moderate way. In truth, the Eastern mind is of truth where's the Western mind, void of the balance of an Eastern in an ego reality, is of lies and deceit. It matters not if you are in an Eastern part of the world, if the main dominance is of a Western mind, lies and deceit will be present.

Western mind = lies and deceit + motion

Eastern mind = truth and honesty + motionless

Remember, the Western mind in all of us will naturally take offence to what is being said here, this is unless the Eastern mind in all of us is influential upon the Western mind. Within a reality of ego, the Eastern mind is needed to quell the desires of the Western mind. In actuality, it's the Eastern mind that should be predominant in an ego based reality, not the Western mind.

Having spoken to a number of Hindus from India, it would seem the teachings in relation to the ego are becoming less and less at a young age, in effect, the Western mind is becoming more dominant, even in India!!

You have to realise that the Western mind in all of us is all about separation, especially separating itself from the truths of the Eastern mind. Yes, the Western mind can take on the teachings and influence of the Eastern mind. Sadly, most often this is done under the complete dominance of the Western mind, turning the Eastern teachings into a Western ideology in Western cultures. I have lost count how often I have come across this.

Considering all this, it's difficult to realise that the ego, the Western mind, can be beautiful and highly constructive. In its glory and in balance with the Eastern mind in all of us, the Western mind is simply spectacular within an ego based reality, a reality of motion as all motion relates to a form of ego. The more motion expressed, the more the ego is present.

The question is now, should we all simply become of the Eastern mind within an ego reality, especially a reality dominated by the Western mind? No, to desire this is to be just as much of the ego, the Western mind. Also, to replace the Western mind with the Eastern mind represents separation therefore of the Western mind. As Hinduism clearly shows how a true Eastern mind works, the ego and egolessness, the Western and Eastern mind, is never separated from each other in an ego based existence, an existence of a high degree of motion. The Eastern mind is simply made aware of the Western minds traits, of course this can't occur if the Western mind is predominant over the Eastern mind within an ego based reality.

It's sad to realise this but as always, the Western mind will take offence of all this, it's wise to be aware of this within all of us. In truth, there is no separation between the Western and Eastern mind, the ego and egolessness, only a perceived separation. Yes, you can go into states of pure ego and egolessness, in truth, at no time are they truly separated.

We, as humans, are yet to learn how beautiful and constructive the ego can be when in balance with egolessnss. Such a mind has no boundaries to it; it's simply infinite in nature, meaning, a consciousness like this will not kill itself off, unlike the Western mind is doing today........

Is it easy for a Western mind in a Western culture to realise its own shortcomings? The answer is obviously no but it's certainly worth the effort, only if one prefers to live in truth instead of live in lies!! As of usual, the Western mind will not take kindly to all that is said here, in my mind, it's wise to be aware of this.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Philosophical Freedom

Jean-Paul Sartre, French Philosopher 

Written by Mathew Naismith

Philosophies of Lies and deceit
A vacant space
In the absence of truth
A spaceless space
No direction within
Simply vacant of truth and honesty
In this lays vacancy
A vacancy of mind
For in this vacancy
Truth is unable to exist
There is simply no substance
For without substance
Where is truth and honesty to abide
For in this vacant space
Honesty needs substance
A substance of truth and honesty
This is within itself
Is its beginning

MG Naismith

What this poem of mine refers to, is that truth and honesty are unable to be recognised thus often misunderstood in a philosophy of lies and deceit. Often quite deceptively to protect and harvest what comes from philosophies of lies.

I wrote the following to the questioning, is courage needed to express intellectual honesty? I was interacting on a philosophy forum and received hostility against proven truths and honesty, to me, the reason this occurred was obvious.    

Thinking about this more; the courage to see the lies and deception within ones own philosophies, is courageous no matter what the ism or ideology one follows.

Take note of the people who slam, for example, religion and its philosophies, you will note that they are themselves most likely of the philosophies of lies and deception. Example: When did truths and honesty supported by evidence become abuse and disdainful? When did facts and figures become of abuse and disdainful?

The answer seems to be when of and the protection of known lies and deceit. Any truth, especially proven truths to be true and of fact, will always be disdainful to any philosophies based on lies and deceit. Example: An OP can be noticeably deceptive within its intent but still be supported!!

Are facts and figures disdainful to the people of philosophies based on truth and honesty? Unlikely to any great extent.   

I have noticed the more facts and figures you support the truths you speak of, the more hostile some people get. Also notice that not all the people become hostile, why? They simply don't live by philosophies based on lies and deceit. It is very possible they may not know this themselves, actually, most often this is the case it would seem.

There is a lot of courage needed to tell the truth in ways other people don't want to hear them. If your philosophies are based on truth and honesty, you will always get a hostile rebuttal from the opposing camp.

Should an intellectual honesty take courage to express? It shouldn't but it does in today's reality.


Never chase truth and honesty within anything, for truth will come without effort once the philosophies of lies and deceit are put to rest.....MG Naismith

I chased truth and honesty in philosophy, there was little obvious truth and self-honesty to be found but in a few. Most people of the philosophies of truth and honesty will stay hidden, for they know what would occur otherwise. The reason I chased the truth in this manner, was to observe and become aware of the truth within the truth that philosophical lies and deceit exist within every corner of man, no matter of the isms or ideology followed.

A bit of self-honesty and truth goes a long way, to freeing ourselves from the bondages and limitations of the philosophies of lies and deceit.......MG Naismith

Wednesday 17 May 2017

If You Build It, He Will Come

Written by Mathew Naismith

One of my all time favourite movies is Field of Dreams staring Kevin Costner, of course one of my favourite quotes from the movie is, "If you build it, he will come".  This was in reference to building a baseball field so he's deceased father will return as one of the players.

To me, this quote has reference to the collective consciousness. " If you build it", is in reference to building a constructive consciousness under very trying conditions, very much like the movie when Kevin Costner's character build the field on his farmland which incurred ploughing in part of his crop. This made it hard for him to keep his farm. In a sense, we are ploughing in the old consciousness which is making it hard for us to exist in such a chaotic reality.

Now the second part of the quote is interesting, He will come". You could make reference to this to the second coming of Christ or something simular. I actually think it's more to do with a Buddha/Christ like consciousness cementing in place the consciousness we create. It's not referring that a single consciousness will save us, this must occur collectively.

I think what this basically means is that once we have created a constructive consciousness, this consciousness will be confirmed or reasserted to be of true virtue. Basically, true virtue means to live in truth instead of lies. I do believe we will have conformation of this through the collective consciousness, as one consciousness instead of separate consciousness's. This means conformation is when we become the Buddha/Christ consciousness through our own efforts.

However, for all this to occur, we must start becoming aware of the things going on in the world at present. I was recently sent an article on yet anther cancer cure being suppressed. The following was my response to this.                       

When there are so many known cancer cures out there, why keep on supporting cancer groups that don't support these cures in any sense? They are obviously only looking after their own jobs, this is too obvious.

When a consciousness stoops to the level of living off of sick and dying people, how low can a consciousness go from here? Cannibalism maybe!! Well, in certain parts of the world human meat is being sold in markets, also, living off of sick and dying people is as bad if not worse than cannibalism in my mind. It's certainly a sickening form of cannibalism in my mind, slowly feeding off of sick and dying people. 

It is impossible for human consciousness to go any lower, I certainly don't want to be around if there is a lower level.

Yes, we could just judge this as being negative and ignore it; in actuality the suppression of cancer cures is positive, especially when these suppressions are being shared around instead of ignored because they are negative. We are conditioned to ignore these suppressions, for one reason or another, so that others can feed off of sick and dying people. Building our field, a constructive consciousness, has nothing to do with living and subsequently supporting lies, all this will do is create the same of what the collective human consciousness is presently experiencing.

I would myself like to build a field constructed from truths instead of lies; of course this takes one to become aware as opposed to deliberately staying unaware. If we like to be aware or not, our present collective consciousness fully endorses lies and the feeding off of other people and other consciousness forms.

Being aware of the field we build will help us create a more constructive reality, but we must be aware and willing to face the truth instead of hiding the truth or hiding from the truth.

Note: My actions here are not causing ripples; in actuality they are calming the waters for only through lies can the waters stay murky and unsettled. Any unsettledness is caused by the lies themselves.