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Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Extrication from Programs

Written by Mathew Naismith 

To start with, what is a program?

As of a computer system, the human mind is only as aware as the program programmed in the human mind, of course as of any program, programs can be bugged and/or influenced by viruses as well. Programs are anything from atheism to theism, science to spirituality, capitalism to communism, black to white, negative to positive, dark to light, love to hate, etc. In truth, these are all programs we limit human conscious to and a lot more.

It's important to realise that not all programs limit human consciousness, especially to the point of hindering human conscious evolving further. For example, there is a very good reason why people like me no longer follow the program of atheism any more, we find this way too limiting of a program, limiting consciousness to certain specifics only, like 3 dimensional aspects.  

We might think that Westernised materialist atheism, as opposed to Eastern spiritual atheism, is more of free thinking therefore less of a program than most. The amount of atheist who want to force their program of atheism onto other people is insurmountable. Atheism is only of free thinking as long as you are programmed to the program of atheism; all other programs are wrong and faulty to this program. This is not free thinking. Human programs, such as atheism and religion, are programmed to their own way of thinking, of course all else is going to be faulty and wrong.

What is free thinking?

To not limit your consciousness to certain specifics only is of freer thinking, to truly be of free thinking is for the mind to be free of human programs, in actuality, programs related to the universe itself as a whole. Yes, to people like me, we see the universe as being a program, in actuality, quite a simple program unlike the programs human consciousness programs the human mind to. Why are the wise wise? They simply don't limit their consciousness to certain specific programs; the less consciously limiting we are to certain specific programs, the wiser we become. Is wisdom prominent today? In truth, it's quite obvious it's not only because of the insurmountable programs human consciousness has become fixated to.

Try to remember, there are programs that actually program the human mind to become less of these programs and more of a true form of free thinking, of course viruses and bugs within a program will state otherwise as always. Also, if you are aware of any program and exist within a program, you are of the program. Basically, you are on an operating system that programs runs off of just be simply being human. What program you program your own mind to will make a huge difference to the reality the human mind creates.                  

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