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Thursday, 4 October 2018

Unconditional Consciousness

In you, as in each human being, there 
is a dimension of consciousness far 
deeper that thought. It is the very 
essence of who you are. We may call it 
presence, awareness, the 
unconditional consciousness. 
Eckhart Tolle

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had a hard time finding written material that didn't express some kind of conditions in regards to unconditional love. How many of us truly relate feeling unconditional love to being positive, right, good, etc? This is of course in opposition to being negative, wrong, bad, etc. If one was to even remotely experience a state of unconditional themselves, the absence of conditions related to being positive, right, good, etc, is evident. Once you truly experience this state, the perceptions of any conditions relating to unconditional love simply don't exist. Let's be honest, positive, right, good, etc, are but perceptions created by conditions however there is a reason why we relate conditions like, positive, right and good, to unconditional love.

To experience a state of unconditional love one must be of an unconditional consciousness, a consciousness of the absence of conditions like positive and negative, good and bad, right and wrong. How many people think you have to be positive, right, good, etc, to be able to experience a state of unconditional love? Of course to simply feel unconditional love, which is different from experiencing unconditional love, takes a huge amount of conditions as just mentioned. I have lost count of how many spiritual forums I have been active on. I can't think of one that remotely expressed any kind of unconditional love, in actually to stay on these forums, certain strict conditions have to be continually met.

What if I said that any truly discordant entity will avoid any state expressing a true sense of unconditional love. I experienced this state when I was younger. I got myself into a situation that could have been detrimental to me. What occurred without effort is I expressed unconditional love which is quite different to simply just feeling unconditional love. The detrimental situation I found myself in was instantly reversed. When you are of a true unconditional consciousness, you will at times find yourself in situations like this because you have no conditions within a reality of duality. You don't have the expectations or demand that you have to feel good or positive all the times or even most of the times, within this lack of conditions in this state, you will experience all kinds of conscious states, not just the conscious states you desire to experience or feel. How many people have the strict conditions to only feel positive or of love and light? The conditions attached to these feelings are insurmountable. You must of course avoid anything remotely judged negative; this is not a true depiction of an unconditional consciousness or love. 

No spiritual forum I participated on remotely resembled what I am speaking of here, quite the opposite actually. On one spiritual forum it was more accepted to call people toxic and to speak of toxic vibrations on a regular basis. I spoke out against these kinds of expressions and I was immediately removed from the forum, remember, anything remotely discordant and abusive of energy, will not like being in the presence of an unconditional consciousness!! Yes, I also stopped interacting on certain spiritual forums simply because I was on a different journey, of course being removed from so-called loving spiritual forums shows that the forum was also not of my journey. It's one thing to be unconditional within your consciousness, it's another thing to be on a different journey, and yes, you may also feel you are not on the same journey as the human collective consciousness. Don't' feel obligated or attached to a journey that is no longer your journey.

Please remember, feeling that you are not on the same collective human journey doesn't instantly make the human collective journey negative, bad or wrong, it's simply a different journey to your own. I have had to detach myself from certain people in my life, not because they where negative, wrong or bad, but because I found myself on a different journey to theirs. Yes, you will find yourself detached from anything discordant when going into and experiencing states of harmony; at no time should this mean what you are detaching yourself from is negative in any sense.

We might then think that being in states of harmony takes conditions, the conditions being to become detached to anything remotely discordant. Experiencing states of harmony isn't to do with detachments, it's actually to do with conditioning (training) your consciousness to being unconditional. This means while you are on a different journey to others, this doesn't instantly make your journey to be a more positive journey because it's more harmonious. So to be more harmonious one has to be positive!! Having to be positive to experience states of harmony is clearly a condition. Avoid this kind of perception at all cost. Think on this, how many people experience their most enlightening experiences while going through some kind of trauma? How many people are becoming more aware due to the collective human trauma? Yes, there are a lot of people who think they are unconditionally loving and of a true sense of love and light when their obviously not. This is simply a part of the process of the collective human consciousness becoming more aware. Be patient with it but at the same time try to assist this consciousness on its journey. As you would of your children, you try to make the human journey of becoming more aware of their environment less traumatising, of course as of children, learning the hard way is the only way to learn at times.

I actually found the bellow written material didn't relate unconditional love to conditions like positiveness. Within a state of unconditional love, you don't have any perceptions of positives or negatives because there are no conditions within this kind of consciousness. You simply don't look at yourself as being positive and everyone else compared to you as being negative. This kind of perception or expression simply does not exist within this state, it can't. The reason these kinds of conditions cannot exist within this state is because any kind of discordance is unable to exist with the presence of this state. Any kind of separation and division, such as conditions, is discordant because it is simply an abuse of energy. I experienced this first hand when I found myself in a situation that could have been detrimental to me. I simply expressed a oneness with them no matter how consciously separated they felt they were from me. How many people are able to express a oneness with what they would call toxic or demonic? I should point out that the oneness unconditional love state I found myself in simply occurred without effort. There were no expectations or desire of expressing this state as there were no conditions to this state to occur.

Imagine existing in a reality where there is no need of positiveness because there are no perceived negatives, hard to imagine for a collective consciousness conditioned to numerus conditions. When a consciousness speaks of unconditional love while not also relating numerous conditions to unconditional love, I know this is a true depiction of an unconditional consciousness of a kind.      

Extract: Unconditionality is the inchoate vitality before formed thought. It presents no judgment about life or anything in it. We surrender to the flow of it. Without expectations or judgments, we are immersed in being. Unpredictability, variability do not look disorderly or strange as life unfolds moment-to-moment. It just is. We just are. Everything is rich, fascinating, and materializing in the moment.

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