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Showing posts with label journey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journey. Show all posts

Friday, 15 March 2019

Bringing About World Peace

Written by Mathew Naismith

Peace always comes at a price, especially world peace.

How many people are at present sitting within their own peace? In a lot of cases to do this takes one to ignore the insurmountable negatives in our present reality. In this case, peace didn't come at a price for the people finding peace in this way but it does for the people suffering from these ignored negatives.

Of course many more of us state that we shouldn't try to change other people's lives journeys, even though each person's journey is connected to numerous other people's journey. The collective human journey is indeed one journey, how did the recent massacre in New Zealand influence so many of us of the collective human consciousness?  

You know why materialist influence is influencing and changing the world, and not for the better for all? Materialists actually treat humans as a collective consciousness; the materialist journey is indeed collective. No one's negative or positive is ignored for the sake of their material wealth and power, in fact this is why they are so wealthy, powerful and influential upon the rest of the world.

Many people of westernised spirituality often think, "My journey or path is separate to everybody else's journey or path", when in all honesty it's not, " so I have no right to influence another person's journey" I don't just have a right to try to influence the people who listen to me; I have a responsibility to the collective consciousness to do so. However, unlike materialists, this kind of influence is not forced upon people, it is simply there when needed. Yes, become noticed but in the absence of force and control, for example, multinationals who are obviously forcing their own journey onto the world, onto the collective consciousness.

I am willing to die or become incarcerated (jailed) for trying to bring about world peace by trying to influence the collective human consciousness. If you are into past lives, reincarnation and souls, this seems to be my soul's journey, to try to influence the collective consciousness, especially away from materialists who force their own journey onto the collective consciousness through control and manipulation. In this life, I am a small fish in the barrel unlike other past lives where I was quite prominent in my influence.

It is vitally important not to separate your own journey or path from the collective journey. You do have a right and even a responsibility to the collective consciousness to influence this collective journey, this collective consciousness, not by force but by honesty and love.

Think on this, did Gandhi sit within he's own peace and do nothing to influence the world? He instead enacted on being the change he wished to see upon the world!!                      

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Unconditional Consciousness

In you, as in each human being, there 
is a dimension of consciousness far 
deeper that thought. It is the very 
essence of who you are. We may call it 
presence, awareness, the 
unconditional consciousness. 
Eckhart Tolle

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had a hard time finding written material that didn't express some kind of conditions in regards to unconditional love. How many of us truly relate feeling unconditional love to being positive, right, good, etc? This is of course in opposition to being negative, wrong, bad, etc. If one was to even remotely experience a state of unconditional themselves, the absence of conditions related to being positive, right, good, etc, is evident. Once you truly experience this state, the perceptions of any conditions relating to unconditional love simply don't exist. Let's be honest, positive, right, good, etc, are but perceptions created by conditions however there is a reason why we relate conditions like, positive, right and good, to unconditional love.

To experience a state of unconditional love one must be of an unconditional consciousness, a consciousness of the absence of conditions like positive and negative, good and bad, right and wrong. How many people think you have to be positive, right, good, etc, to be able to experience a state of unconditional love? Of course to simply feel unconditional love, which is different from experiencing unconditional love, takes a huge amount of conditions as just mentioned. I have lost count of how many spiritual forums I have been active on. I can't think of one that remotely expressed any kind of unconditional love, in actually to stay on these forums, certain strict conditions have to be continually met.

What if I said that any truly discordant entity will avoid any state expressing a true sense of unconditional love. I experienced this state when I was younger. I got myself into a situation that could have been detrimental to me. What occurred without effort is I expressed unconditional love which is quite different to simply just feeling unconditional love. The detrimental situation I found myself in was instantly reversed. When you are of a true unconditional consciousness, you will at times find yourself in situations like this because you have no conditions within a reality of duality. You don't have the expectations or demand that you have to feel good or positive all the times or even most of the times, within this lack of conditions in this state, you will experience all kinds of conscious states, not just the conscious states you desire to experience or feel. How many people have the strict conditions to only feel positive or of love and light? The conditions attached to these feelings are insurmountable. You must of course avoid anything remotely judged negative; this is not a true depiction of an unconditional consciousness or love. 

No spiritual forum I participated on remotely resembled what I am speaking of here, quite the opposite actually. On one spiritual forum it was more accepted to call people toxic and to speak of toxic vibrations on a regular basis. I spoke out against these kinds of expressions and I was immediately removed from the forum, remember, anything remotely discordant and abusive of energy, will not like being in the presence of an unconditional consciousness!! Yes, I also stopped interacting on certain spiritual forums simply because I was on a different journey, of course being removed from so-called loving spiritual forums shows that the forum was also not of my journey. It's one thing to be unconditional within your consciousness, it's another thing to be on a different journey, and yes, you may also feel you are not on the same journey as the human collective consciousness. Don't' feel obligated or attached to a journey that is no longer your journey.

Please remember, feeling that you are not on the same collective human journey doesn't instantly make the human collective journey negative, bad or wrong, it's simply a different journey to your own. I have had to detach myself from certain people in my life, not because they where negative, wrong or bad, but because I found myself on a different journey to theirs. Yes, you will find yourself detached from anything discordant when going into and experiencing states of harmony; at no time should this mean what you are detaching yourself from is negative in any sense.

We might then think that being in states of harmony takes conditions, the conditions being to become detached to anything remotely discordant. Experiencing states of harmony isn't to do with detachments, it's actually to do with conditioning (training) your consciousness to being unconditional. This means while you are on a different journey to others, this doesn't instantly make your journey to be a more positive journey because it's more harmonious. So to be more harmonious one has to be positive!! Having to be positive to experience states of harmony is clearly a condition. Avoid this kind of perception at all cost. Think on this, how many people experience their most enlightening experiences while going through some kind of trauma? How many people are becoming more aware due to the collective human trauma? Yes, there are a lot of people who think they are unconditionally loving and of a true sense of love and light when their obviously not. This is simply a part of the process of the collective human consciousness becoming more aware. Be patient with it but at the same time try to assist this consciousness on its journey. As you would of your children, you try to make the human journey of becoming more aware of their environment less traumatising, of course as of children, learning the hard way is the only way to learn at times.

I actually found the bellow written material didn't relate unconditional love to conditions like positiveness. Within a state of unconditional love, you don't have any perceptions of positives or negatives because there are no conditions within this kind of consciousness. You simply don't look at yourself as being positive and everyone else compared to you as being negative. This kind of perception or expression simply does not exist within this state, it can't. The reason these kinds of conditions cannot exist within this state is because any kind of discordance is unable to exist with the presence of this state. Any kind of separation and division, such as conditions, is discordant because it is simply an abuse of energy. I experienced this first hand when I found myself in a situation that could have been detrimental to me. I simply expressed a oneness with them no matter how consciously separated they felt they were from me. How many people are able to express a oneness with what they would call toxic or demonic? I should point out that the oneness unconditional love state I found myself in simply occurred without effort. There were no expectations or desire of expressing this state as there were no conditions to this state to occur.

Imagine existing in a reality where there is no need of positiveness because there are no perceived negatives, hard to imagine for a collective consciousness conditioned to numerus conditions. When a consciousness speaks of unconditional love while not also relating numerous conditions to unconditional love, I know this is a true depiction of an unconditional consciousness of a kind.      

Extract: Unconditionality is the inchoate vitality before formed thought. It presents no judgment about life or anything in it. We surrender to the flow of it. Without expectations or judgments, we are immersed in being. Unpredictability, variability do not look disorderly or strange as life unfolds moment-to-moment. It just is. We just are. Everything is rich, fascinating, and materializing in the moment.

Monday, 24 September 2018

What Are We Doing!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Everything is of the path of the flow of the water. No matter of what the water, everything else from this is simply a journey to be experienced........MG Naismith          

Indeed, what are we doing when we are forcing ourselves to change, forcing our path to be different to what the present reality determines? Are we living in the present while trying to force this change upon our own personal individualistic path? Of course forcing change upon our own path is in hope that this change will engulf the rest of the world, making for a collective path to be what we personally perceive to be right and positive.
Have we the right to force change upon another person's path? No, so what right have we to force change upon the collective path to be more like the path we are trying to force upon our own path?

Our present reality is all about forcing one's own path onto others. As it is of this reality to force one's own path onto others, are we any different to this reality if we do the same, in any sense? Forget about changing your own path to be different to the collective path, for all this is of is the reality we are trying to change, the same mentality using different tactics to force change upon a path.

Spiritually, we are not supposed to be about forcing change upon other people's path. If we are not of this reality that is about separation and individualism, why do so many of us force change upon our own path separate and individualised through our own actions from the collective path? To force change upon our own path, is the same in forcing change on other people and the collective path, for there is only one path of many different journeys.

Yes, it is often said that there are many different separate and individualised paths of the same human journey. This human journey is of course different to and separate to other living entities journeys, within this perception, we have separated the human journey from every other journey taken by other species on Earth and even Earth (Gaia) itself. This separation is simply due to us perceiving that we are taking a different path while on the same journey; this is also while separating our own journey from all other journeys as if they are not of the same path. Our human journey is perceived to be different and separate to all other journeys, even though we are of the same path as the universe!! The human path isn't just of the same path than Earths path; it's the same as the universes path while experiencing a different journey while following the same path as everything else.

Look at this way, is experiencing time and space of the universe a path or a journey? Considering that journeys are of travelling from one place to another, therefore an indication of time and space, and that paths refer to an established line of travel or access that journeys are defined by, is not the journey of the path a line of travel or access? The journey is only an indication of the existence of time and space where the path is of time and space and timelessness therefore spaceless. Where is the universe travelling to? The universe is not travelling from one place to another, however, the universe is on a path from creation (birth) to a conclusion or end (death), and so is everything else of this universe no matter what. The universe is defined by time from its journey from creation to its end, while at the same time on a path of simply existing or being like everything else.    

Even if we go beyond time and space, meaning that any journey experienced is not governed by time and space, the journey is still governed by a path of existence or consciousness. Cannot some people access a state of timelessness? This state of timelessness is often experienced through practices like meditation where time has no meaning, this is a journey, not a path, that can be experienced through accessing certain states of consciousness. Accessing this state is a line of travel for the consciousness to experience a journey governed by timelessness within time. It matter not what path the journey takes, it's still a path taken by a consciousness to experience. It's the journey that determines the path experienced, not the path that determines the journey experienced. Once you enter into a state of timelessness, there is no journey to be taken but a path of being in a state of timelessness. Everything is governed by the same path while on a different journey. The human experience is not a path onto it's own but one of many journeys.

You will notice that a lot of Eastern literature or philosophy refers to many paths in life, where a lot of Western literature or philosophy refers to a lot of journeys in life. I am not sure if the interpretation of Eastern philosophy into Western ideological perceptions is correct in regards to paths and journeys here. All I can do is define that journeys are only of time, being that journeys are only experienced in time and space. A path of travelling and experience is not defined by travelling from one point to another, like from birth to death; the path is simply a line of travel in what ever state or reality experienced. Simply, paths are not defined by travelling from (A) birth to (b) death but a line of travel taken by a journey experienced.

Yes, there are many journeys to be taken therefore experienced but while on the same path. Paths are only separated and divided by the journeys experienced, in other words only while perceiving through the perceptions of time can we have the perception of many paths. Ask yourself, what defines different paths? The journey experienced along that path, it's therefore the journeys experienced that defines a perceived different path, not the path that defines a different journey. It's the journeys experienced that defines a different separated path to other paths. There is really only one path with many journeys to be experienced.

And here we are, trying to force change on our own and each others paths, when all we need to do is influence a change upon our journeys to become aware. To become aware that it's not the many paths we need to force change upon, but to simply become aware of what we are doing when trying to force change upon what we perceive to be many paths. You simply need to be aware that everything is of the same path but on a different journey that are not separate to the path. The path in time and space simply creates separate journeys to be experienced while still of the path. What is a path without an individual journey? Singular, it's simply the journey that gives us a perception of separate individual paths. Simply think the path to be singular instead of plural, meaning, of many individual paths.

Look at it this way, how many people following the same path of, for example, materialism or spirituality experience a different journey even on the same path? It's the journey experienced that makes a path seem different to all other paths. To people like me, realities primarily governed by time therefore separation and division seem upside down. As I wrote some time ago, it's not the questions that formulate (create) the answers, it's the answers that formulate (create) the questions. Here we are looking for the questions to the answers when we should be looking for the appropriate answers to the questions, in actuality, when the answers simply appear by desisting in our separatist ways, the questions to the answers are no longer relevant. Simply influence the way we, not you as a separate entity, experience the journey.      

Thursday, 15 March 2018

We Know Not What We Do

Written by Mathew Naismith

These kinds of things simply come to me without exerting any effort; it's simple because there is no effort involved. I think the people who experience this as well will know exactly what I mean; it flows because you are going with the flow.

I don't always go with the flow; this is because I accept that being a part of a reality like ours, going against the flow is a part of this reality. However as of always, balance between going with the flow and against it is always a wise thing to do; everything in moderation no matter how good or right it feels.

The whole self = Our natural flow

Part of the whole self, our present reality = A flow that goes against the natural flow

A thing to consider here, is going against the flow of a reality that goes against the natural flow going against the flow of that reality? Yes, this reality is a tiny part of who we are as a whole, the whole self is of a natural flow, are not realities that are of going against this natural flow also of this natural flow?

How we think is one is against the other; if it's against the natural flow, it's in opposition to the flow. In the whole scheme of existence, there is no opposition as it's all a part of the same natural flow no matter how small that flow might be. Our present reality is a small part of the natural flow even when going against the natural flow of life. Is a fish swimming against the flow of water; not of the natural flow of the life of the water; when the fish goes against the flow of water? Are we not the fish within the water, within a particular reality like the fish!!

We simply don't think like the fish, we think more like a rock when going against the flow, in opposition to the flow. Instead of allowing ourselves to go with the flow, we are like a rock trying to swim like a fish in opposition the flow when acting/thinking like a rock. It's unnatural for a rock to go against the flow like this; we have simply forgotten we are the fish when swimming against the flow, not the rock.

The rock is in opposition when going against the flow, the fish isn't, which reality do we want to experience, the fish or the rocks reality? If it's the fish, we can go against the flow without being in opposition to the flow, if the rock, we must go with the flow at all times otherwise we are in opposition to the natural flow.

What occurred recently is I experienced a glimpse of what we are doing to ourselves. By being the rock while in opposition to its environment, mainly because we desire control of this environment to feed our desires, we have become the rock in opposition to the natural flow of life. A rock going against its environment will be destructive and disruptive to its environment; the natural flow of life, what the rock going against the flow isn't aware of is it's simply hurting itself immensely by doing so.

Being the rock in opposition to its own environment is going to lead to what it's always lead to, its own destruction. Of course any energy source in opposition to its own environment causing its own demise is a part of the natural flow of life also. If we are going to continually act like a rock going against the flow, we will naturally cause our own demise, however, if we choose to be a rock going with the flow or become the fish instead, we will be naturally going with the flow of life.

I chose to be the fish swimming against the flow at times, other people have chosen to be a rock going with the flow and many more people have chosen to be the rock in opposition to the flow. No matter what we choose to be it's all a part of the natural flow of life, it's just everything we choose to be has its own journey to ride out. Yes, the outcome of each journey is different but it still finishes up being a part of the natural flow of life no matter what journey we choose to follow.

It simply came to me, if we really knew what we do, we simply wouldn't do it; we simply wouldn't be the rock in opposition to the natural flow of life. How aware is the rock to its environment compared to the fish? We simply need stop being the rock in opposition, stop thinking in opposition like positive and negative being in opposition to each other all the times for only a rock in opposition to the flow can think like this.

Is a fish going against the flow judging the water negative while swimming against it?  Only a rock going in opposition to the flow could think like this.......

Sunday, 4 February 2018

A Journey to Behold

Written by Mathew Naismith

I feel like a charlatan at present. Having posted over two thousand posts on topics like letting go in one sense or another, I still have an attachment to a journey I have no passion to belong to for I have my own journey to follow. I am not talking about a path as in our own personal paths that we follow through the collective human journey; I am talking about a journey that my path has lead me down to.
My family individual paths are following the present human journey, a journey conditioned to one order trying to dominate each path being followed. This means that all paths must follow the present dominating journey or perish, however, my path is leading me down a different journey, a journey where a particular order doesn't dominate all other paths lead.

The Roman Empire, the Napoleon Empire and the world order of Adolph Hitler's fascism, are of world orders; the human collective consciousness has been conditioned over thousands of years to the dominance of an order over all individual paths. All paths are to serve the order or perish, this is apparent today as a one world order once again tries to dominate over all other orders and paths lead.

Confucius died disheartened in China because he was unable to influence his countries journey to a great degree, his countries journey was of course following what China was conditioned to on a collective human scale. I would say Jesus was also disappointed at his attempt to influence the collective human consciousness as well, as of anyone with a true sense of love and compassion would for the collective consciousness.

You could say people like this tried to change the collective conscious journey rather than just simply influence the collective human conscious journey. The influence wasn't done in a way that inferred force, deception, lying and brutality under one order, so it wasn't to change the collective journey but to influence it in a way to be more moderate within its order.

A one world order will denounce or, if applicable, totally ignore anything it's proclaimed as being negative, especially if it's of toxic vibrations. It's of course understandable that a one world order will feel that other orders are of bad toxic vibration, these people will literally feel bad vibrations from other orders it sees as a threat or has disdain for.

Do you see where I am coming from in relation to new age spirituality? It's of the same order it's trying to extricate itself from so it denounces anything not of its order as what? Toxic, bad vibrations and so on it goes. Yes, while being of another journey collectively, we will feel that the present journey is negative and even toxic to our new order, the trick is to not treat a break away human collective journey as being an order. As species have evolved from other species over millions of years, I believe a new consciousness will evolve from the present human consciousness, this can't be obtained if we are still of the old order or of any order to be precise.

Yes, it is possible that western perceptions like love and light are of a different path while following the same human collective journey, in actuality this seems to be the case but I don't think it's meant to be.

The more unconditionally loving we become, the more accepting we become, our acceptance should be more unconditional not less. There is simply more conditions in what we don't and do accept, considering that to truly love one must be accepting, being less accepting isn't truly love, it's a desire. Try loving something you don't accept, within this unacceptance there is a huge amount of conditions. How many conditions are their to a world order? This is why there is no true love within a one world order, only desire. Yes, many of us simply desire a new human journey which will only continue us on the present journey unbeknownst to us.

I accept my family's journey as being their journey and not mine; this is the same on a collective human scale, within this I can truly love what I am parting from. Yes, the present human journey feels simply not of my own, should this really mean it's toxic or even negative like a world order? You will find what you truly love hard to detach or extricate yourself from, as it should be if we are truly becoming a part of a new consciousness.

You should love what you are detaching yourself from, this is simply not occurring. You must love it for what it is, not what you desire it to be in accordance with your own order. The journey to behold is simply not of an order, it's far more accepting than that...... 

Friday, 21 April 2017

The Human Journey

Written by Mathew Naismith

I wasn't going to write this post but some strange things occurred, it is obvious I was meant to write and share this post.

I wrote something recently in relation to our individual path and the human collective journey and shared it, I then received some interesting replies as shown below. I felt I needed to further elaborate on this but I then changed my mind. As soon as I changed my mind, visions of the spiritual love expressed today and the love expressed in the sixties came to me, I soon realised that the love in the sixties was a lot more unconditional than the love expressed today in spirituality. I will explain myself further using the hundredth monkey theory strangely enough.

Each person has an individual path to follow

But also a collective human journey to follow

The paths are different but the journey is the same

For a collective change to occur

Which is more important

The path of the individual ego

Or the journey of humility?

A collective change is simply not about the individual

~Mathew G~

It's a team effort creating our communities as well as realities.

My Reply
Indeed +Michael Hopkins. A lot of the collective effort makes up our individual paths, religion/spirituality and materialism are but two examples of this.

I think we make the mistake in focusing on the individual self too much when our own paths are mostly determined or created by the collective team effort. Everything that starts at home as individuals is determined by the collective in some way. Too many people think it's the other way around, I suppose that is the controlling ego for you.

It's interesting why people like me are not popular, it is also very sad. We are simply about the collective journey over and above the individual path, this will always be deplorable to an ego in control, including my own ego.

The feeling of love and the kind of love felt is a personal experience, no one person feels love exactly the same but of course the ego will state otherwise. Love is of the individual self therefore of the ego, love is not a collective expression but this love can influence collective expressions through individual expressions. This of course brings us to the hundredth monkey theory where one monkey's expressions are soon expressed by many monkeys.  The question is, can individual expressions have an impact on the collective consciousness?      

Love and peace in the sixties was certainly a turning point, love was free and unconditional and peace prevailed over this kind of expressional love. How many loving people protested against war in the sixties? How many loving people protest against war today? War is simply too negative so it's ignored, this is but one example of insurmountable judged negative of today's love that is suppose to be more unconditional!!

Take the hundredth monkey theory. Today expressions of love would look at the dirty potato as being negative and subsequently ignored because it's dirty therefore negative. War was dirty in the sixties, like the potato to the monkey, but war was not judged as being negative therefore avoided at all cost, it was dealt with face on void of fear. Being truly unconditionally loving in the sixties brought about a momentary change, how is a love with insurmountable conditions today going to bring about an everlasting change, especially when the potato is judged as negative (dirty) therefore avoided at all cost?

Simply, the individual self is put above the collective these days, we believe change starts from the individual and goes out, so what do we do, totally ignore the collective because we have judged it negative (dirty).

In relation to the hundredth monkey theory; it wasn't an individual effort that brought change, it was a collective effort that brought change for without the interactions of the other monkeys, washing the dirt (negativity) off of the potato wouldn't have become a collective expression.