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Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Complete Surrender, an Enlightened State

Written by Mathew Naismith

Is enlightenment sought in only desiring or even needing to be in a state of enlightenment? Given that desire or need is of the noise around us, this is instead of quietness, is desire or need to stay or even seek this state of quietness not still of the noise? I will explain.

I was often accused of being very quiet in my younger days, when I desired or needed to be within my own quietness. The noisier or chaotic my environment became, the more I desired and needed to stay within this quietness, this is until I surrendered myself to the noise.

It has been said to me and a lot more people think this, that I am not truly spiritually aware because of my surrendering to the noise. I was once in a group of people who were quite spiritually aware, other people interacting on the forum within this group not so aware. I was asked why I interact in the way I did with the peoepl on the forum who were not as aware. I simply answered that these people are no less worthy to interact with on their own terms than interacting with you on your own terms. The more aware this group desired to stay within the quietness they have found, this is instead of not desiring nor needing to be in any state, is still of the noise. To surrender to the noise as well as the quietness is the surrendering to all of what is, not just to what we desire or need.  

I wrote the following to a couple of people recently.                 

Taoist wisdom helps keep me balanced with the rest of life.

“Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”

“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”

Yes, I speak a lot for those who speak the loudest, to help quell their thoughts. I often speak a lot in quelling our thoughts of opposing life, this is to surrender to life. Yes, there may come a time that I will surrender to
the opposing side of life. Within this moment all will be seen as I have surrendered to all that is. A state of neutrality.


I was a member of quite a number of Google communities on G+, many of the opposing views to the other.

My own group is obviously going to be different to other groups that are not so much about honesty, but about serving the ego or the group itself for example. We are still very expressive of the tribe mentality obviously, where one tribe is different to the other tribe and it's this difference we focus primarily on still. This is instead of observing a difference but the difference still makes no difference, for all the tribes belong to the one tribe in the end anyway.

When tribes only focus or see the differences between these tribes, dishonesty will abound primarily because of bias. Of course there are groups more focused on honesty than dishonesty and visa-versa but in the end it is still one tribe. The problem with the tribes of dishonesty is they don't and won't see it this way, that we are really all one tribe no matter what our differences are.

So many people have the idea of enlightenment is to desire or have a need to be and stay within the quietness. Once sought, one must do everything to stay within this state. If you are unable to spiritually, not necessarily physically or mentally, stay within this state of enlightenment (quietness) when of the noise, the chaos, you are not enlightened nor of a true sense of love and light. The reason for this is simple, needs and desires are of the noise, not of the quietness, so if you desire or need to be in this quietness, you are not truly of a state of quietness or enlightenment.

You simply surrender yourself while sacrificing your needs and desires. Yes, your body and mind needs sustenance to survive, surrendering also means to surrender to your needs and even desires, in other words surrender yourself to the noise, however, one must also be of the quietness. Sounds stupid doesn't it, how can one be of one thing and of another? Simple, you surrender to your body needs and even desires, the noise, while spiritually surrendering to the quietness, a state of no desires or needs. A complete state of surrender and yes, this means to surrender to emotions like hate, this doesn't mean you become hateful though, I will explain.

I have hate groups from atheism to New Age spirituality who hate and/or despise me with a passion, I am way too honest and open in the way a number of isms and ideologies are being used and abused. I am simply not fond of abuse period, to me there is no sense to it, especially considering our present circumstances in the world. I embrace their hate and/or disdain, not because hate groups show how different I am to them, it is because I surrender myself to their hate. If they feel they need to hate me or have disdain for me, I surrender to these emotions, to do otherwise would be of their hate, of their noise. You see, you don't have to be of what you surrender to, just accept what you have surrendered to exists, no more, no less.          

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