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Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Making Room for Love to Flourish In

Written by Mathew Naismith

Sounds ridiculous doesn't it, making room for love to flourish in? Consider this, how much room has hate taken up? Is it reasonable to say that hate cannot flourish in a world where love flourishes, where there is no room for hate to expand in?

I wrote the following to another person in regards to a love that has no conditions.         

For love to flourish, instead of hate, honesty must prevail. How much hate does dishonesty create? I think the answer to this is too obvious. How much love does honesty create? Is the answer to this obvious to a lot of us, honestly?

Honesty must prevail to being first hated to be then embraced, once we accomplish this, love will have all the room it wants to flourish in.


Well stated PL. I have a love of this 3D reality as I have love of a 4th and 5th, etc, dimensional realities where others only show contempt towards this reality. Contempt simply shows a love that is based on conditions. Our present reality seems to be purely based on conditional love, but I still have no contempt for this kind of love/reality for my love has no conditions.
Do I have contempt for a corporate world destroying all within it's path that does not serve them? No, I only express it's shortcomings. I am simply honest within my expressions and that is what matters the most to me.
In all honesty, how much room are we giving love to flourish in when we are still showing so much contempt for one thing or another? In all honesty, were not. Any sign of contempt simply gives more room for hate to flourish in, for contempt is closely associated to hate, not to love, especially unconditional love.

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