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Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Rewiring Consciousness

Written by Mathew

Something different, in a different approach:

Imagine the brain being wired with electrical wires of all sorts of gauges instead of neurons. No brain's wiring is the same as no person is the same; each brain has its own gauge wiring therefore reacts differently to simular circumstances in accordance with the conditioning of the consciousness. Is an enlightened person's brain wiring of the same gauge than that of an average person's brain wiring? This is why an enlightened person can handle any kind of electrical influx or current, be it negative or positive. In all honestly, because the wiring is replaced with a bigger gauge wiring through certain spiritual practices, what was once perceived through the ego to be negative and positive, is no longer negative and positive.

When people tell me or other people how negative and toxic they are, I know from that point what kind of gauge wiring their own brain is wired with.

A person who has suffered any kind of trauma will either end up with a thicker/bigger gauge wiring in the brain, or, the wiring in the brain will become faulty. Once the wiring becomes faulty, any kind of electrical influx beyond of what the wiring can handle will end up failing or become faultier. In the process, the messages sent to the brain via faulty wiring will of course end up faulty or misleading/deceptive. Is not the wiring of the collective consciousness faulty, seen as we are still suffering from our suffering, instead of learning from our suffering?

To suffer from our suffering is to simply judge this suffering negative or toxic, in the process to be avoided because our own wiring in our brain is unable to handle the electrical influx. In all honesty, if the brain is not wired with bigger gauge wiring to cope with the influx being present at the present, I think it's wise to avoid such influxes. However, I think it far wiser replacing our obvious too small of gauge wiring with a bigger gauge wiring. How we rewire our brains neurons makes all the difference. Could a multinational psychologically cope with being poor, with no hope of being anything else? Now, could an enlightened person cope with the same environment or even cope not being enlightened?

So why can an enlightened person cope with any kind of electrical influx in comparison to a multinational or the average person? It is all to do with the way the brain is being reconditioned, which includes rewiring the brain with a bigger gauge wire to handle any circumstance. How many spiritually aware people can handle any kind of circumstance, any kind of electrical influx? The small gauge wiring is simply unable to cope with the present influx, thus the wiring becomes faultier. 

Our wiring is faulty from the time we are born, because the collective conscious environment we are born in is wired with inadequate gauge wiring, or, the wiring is faulty through not learning from our suffering. We are naturally born with small gauge wiring. As we evolve or grow up, the process we go through either strengthens our wiring or our wiring isn't replaced with bigger gauge wiring as we evolve personally. Has the collective human conscious wiring evolved at the same rate as our advancing technology? It is as if one part of the collective human conscious brain is rewired with bigger gauge wiring, while the other parts of the brain's wiring is forgotten or simply rejected as not existing.

To a person who's positive is based on rejecting the negatives, in other words egoistically separating one part of the whole consciousness from another for a desired outcome, is of course inline with the collective human consciousness rejecting the part of the brain it desires to not be a part of. How many materialists and/or atheists reject that a consciousness can exist outside of the physical brain? In all honesty, it is the same thing with a lot of spiritually aware people today. See how the collective human consciousness wiring is inadequate of faulty, were a consciousness has not holistically evolved.

An enlightened one's wiring is different, because it's holistically evolved, not in accordance to the ego's desires, but in accordance in the absence of a controlling ego. An enlightened one doesn't take control of a consciousness; it simply is in the absence of the controlling ego. The ego is still present but it no longer has control, in that a desired outcome is always sought, an outcome that usually tantalises the ego and feeds the ego's desires.

Why was I so good at my job working with all kinds of disabilities, even in the absence of professional education in line with my work? My wiring was simply of a bigger gauge wiring as I learnt from my own and other people's suffering. I certainly didn't simply judge anyone's wiring that was faulty as being negative or toxic, therefore ignore the negatives to serve my ego's desired outcome. If you are picking up on negative toxic vibrations, it is wise to first look at your own wiring.

Could I be openly honest with the disabled people I worked with? No, as I knew that their own brains wiring/neurons wouldn't cope with this. Then why am I openly honest on the internet, knowing that many people's wiring will not cope with open minded honesty? My ego is not on the internet to be liked. My ego is on the internet to be expressive of open minded honesty, as this is one of the attributes or practices that can replace faulty inadequate wiring with bigger gauge wiring.

Note: None of the above was read or learnt from other human conscious sources, the above is only of my own thoughts, experiences and conjectures.

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