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Friday, 30 October 2020

Releasing Yourself from Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

We are becoming aware of more that has been around for centuries, in turn feeling more of what is around us, of course our recourse is to avoid feeling pain from our present world. What if I told you that this feeling of pain is a very good sign and should be embraced instead of scorned and avoided. I will talk in perspectives of humanity and inhumanity. Imagine not feeling the pain which is very likened to a consciousness of inhumanity!!A person of humanity is suppose to feel pain, the trick is to not allow this pain to control you. I will say it again, the trick is to not allow this pain to control you.

Yes, this is releasing yourself from consciousness but a particular consciousness. Think on this, is a consciousness of humanity of control or of releasing oneself from control? Put another way, is a consciousness of inhumanity of taking control, in the process abusing energy? The last thing a consciousness of humanity wants to do is abuse energy. Yes, taking control of energy is equated to abusing energy!!

Yes, experience pain without allowing this pain to control you. So how so you so this? By not allowing pain to control you. Equate it to learning from life instead of suffering from life, you learn that the pain from inhumanity is evident without being of that pain. Being of pain is of the pain controlling you but simply being aware of the pain is in the absence of the pain controlling you. So how do you stop this pain from controlling you? Simple, perceptions of negatives and positives, wrong and right, good and bad, black and white, etc, is of pain in control. Even when of a consciousness of humanity, allowing these kinds of perceptions to control you is more of inhumanity. Control of energy period equates to a consciousness of inhumanity in one way or another!!

Imagine for one moment in desisting in controlling energy while of a consciousness of humanity, you simply have in this case an energy that is no longer restrained or controlled. It is like letting go an animal that has been caged, the energy expressed is awesome. However, now imagine an energy that is out of control while of a consciousness of inhumanity, it is like a animal being set free taking vengeance out on it's captors. This is why a consciousness of inhumanity has to keep control of energy around it. A captured controlled energy can simply turn on it's abusers in a reality controlled by inhumanity, this is why we have the present as it is, to control the captured caged animal even more!!

I would like to point out something that may seem irrelevant to this post. A Christian recently queried that Jesus spoke ill of Roman rule which is different to what is being said, that Jesus never spoke ill of Roman rule. As I stated, Jesus never spoke ill of Roman rule, he didn't have to when simply speaking of a rule beyond Roman rule reckoning.

A consciousness of humanity has no need to put themselves in a positive note over and above a negative note and yes, believe it or not, a consciousness of humanity does not put themselves above a consciousness of inhumanity, for to do so would be not of humanity. Yes, this is the same as putting lower 3rd dimensional vibrations below higher 5th dimensional vibrations. I know these perceptions are not very well understood therefore accepted, but people like me must tell it how it is, not how the ego desires it to be told. 3rd dimensional consciousness is never seen as being lower than 5th dimensional consciousness.

So does this mean that if we are not of humanity we are of inhumanity?

Ever heard of the middle road or a grey area, where both polarities abode, habitat together? Let's be honest with ourselves, most of us are not Jesus or evil, we are simply what the environment of this grey area between humanity and inhumanity creates. Within this environment, one can be predominantly of inhumanity or humanity but of course we can also be of both polarities as well of equal value. When humanity is predominant, a balance occurs in balancing out the traits of inhumanity, however, when inhumanity is predominant, an imbalance occurs. Inhumanity will always create an imbalance when predominant, as humanity will always create a balance when predominant. Numerous teaching of wisdom often try to teach us to create a balance out of life instead of an imbalance out of life. Again, it comes back to learning from life instead of suffering from life!!

Humanity has no desire to control inhumanity, as Jesus never spoke ill of Roman rule, but inhumanity always desires to control humanity, as we are seeing, especially at present. Don't make the mistake in thinking that western atheists are automatically of inhumanity either, as don't mistaken that all religious/spiritual people are of humanity. Any controlling ways will often lead to an abuse of energy therefore of inhumanity.

Try to equate control to inhumanity and releasing oneself of control of energy as being of humanity. Yes, it is within the control of energy that abuse of energy is created. Look at the present during covid control, abuse abounds which shows the more control is implemented, the more abuse of energy occurs!!

A lot of spiritual teachings and practices are actually about releasing yourself from control of energy, not of taking control of energy. Martial arts is a prime example, where some martial arts focus on controlling energy, others focus on the release of energy. Imagine for a moment in releasing a pent up energy when of a consciousness of humanity, what occurs from this is astounding. Now imagine in releasing this energy while of a consciousness of inhumanity, a consciousness of control. I think covid and the proceeding lockdowns give us a glimpse of this, it is devastating to humanity.

This post is all about releasing oneself of the control of a consciousness of inhumanity, a consciousness of complete and utter control, as a consciousness of inhumanity will be. I can't stipulate this enough, let go of what I call a black and white mentality of opposing polarities and embrace all polarities as one. It is within the perception of me being positive therefore they are negative that is of control therefore of inhumanity. We really do need to let go of the control of this energy. As of Jesus, you don't want to control inhumanity, talk this energy down, you just want to talk about humanity energy without trying to control inhumanity by talking it down.

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