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Thursday, 19 November 2020

NWO Global Reset

Written by Mathew Naismith

NWO Global Reset, the banishment of existing laws and rulings that protected the common people from tyranny and oppression from those who benefit the most from tyranny and oppression

This as always is accomplished through the implementation of fear and those who, like 80+ years ago in Europe, wished to join such a NWO Global Reset of oppression and tyranny for their own benefit and security

I am amazed at how many people are so willing to join and participate in what is going to hurt them and the world at large the most. For the protection of the environment maybe!! Really, while the biggest player of this globalisation is China, who is presently building coal driven power plants and destroying the African rain forest at an alarming rate. Once again the common people are being used and abused for the benefit and security of the few.


  1. Slavery apparently has never ended. We went from house servants to being whipped to death.

    Fear is the motivator. People are giving the theives help and support to rob them and destroy their futures.

    Madness being expressed outwar into our world.

    Take care and do the best you can.

    Best wishes,
