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Monday, 30 November 2020

Wisdom of Truth

Written by Mathew Naismith

A very short post but a post that I feel is immensely in-depth.

Now this is interesting after hearing this. The truth, the wisdom of truth, sings to me like this no matter what that truth is. I think coming out of a consciousness no longer governed and controlled by ignorance, leaves us with a signature based on harmonious vibrations. It is funny, these harmonious vibrations have always been there, they were simply obscured. This is our distinctive feature that precisely identifies us, it is indeed our true signature, not the falsified/forged signature so many of us have identified with as being who we are. Expose the untruths we took on as being true and all we are left with is our true harmonious signature. 


  1. That was nice music. Thanks Mat.

    Best wishes to you & yours,

    1. Thanks Mike, love the hidden info that comes from such things, like with poems.
