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Saturday, 23 January 2021

Yes, A Human Experience


Written by Mathew Naismith

Believe it or not, like all of us, we are here to have a human experience, not a spiritual experience. No one within this 3rd dimensional reality is here to have a spiritual experience. Yes, to incorporate a spiritual experience within the human experience, like Buddha and Jesus, but not to just have a spiritual experience. What seems to refer to being spiritual to a lot of people is having an ongoing spiritual experience, if this was the case at the soul level, what are we doing having a human experience? 3rd dimensional realities are more to do with experiencing a human experience than a spiritual experience, really.

I was a member of a spiritual forum once that incorporated spiritually minded people who were certainly having a human experience, you also had those who thought they were above all this. I became involved with the spiritually minded people having a human experience. The people who thought they were of a higher stature couldn't believe what I was doing, that I would stoop to such a level of activity. Did Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale and even Jesus stoop to an unacceptable spiritual level when dealing with less desirable people, in other words negative toxic people and environments? Really, by putting themselves into such an environment of human experiences make these people negative and of toxic vibrations? This should mean a more pure spiritual entity looking on should be judging that we are all on this planet negative and of toxic vibrations, due to our external environment we are existing in!!

I was not to long ago trying to assist a person who stated they were in touch with knowing even above what is known to be the Akashic records. The more I tried to assist this person the more I was rebuffed. This person has talent but as I found out certainly not to the degree they stated, they have to date got so many things wrong. They have actually shown me that they have no idea what kind of knowing/awareness they are speaking of. Imagine a consciousness with the highest degree of awareness and wisdom, an awareness of one of all. Within this awareness there is no higher or lower level, there is just simply a state of pure awareness and not just of desired awareness. How many people just want to know of a desired positive level of awareness, while ignoring the negatives of awareness to stay seemingly positive. I say seemingly because any true positive energy could go into any environment and not be of what they are experiencing, like Buddha, Jesus, Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale. etc.  

Two weeks before the space shuttle challenger exploded in 1986, I could literally feel what was going to occur to this space shuttle. I didn't just predict this tragedy, I also felt the trauma from thousands of people. As the date of the catastrophe became nearer, the feelings of despair became even more intense. The day after the tragedy, all these feelings of great despair and anguish vanished. I could at the same period of time actually experience what the victims and their perpetrators of crime psychically and mentally were experiencing and thinking. This was simply me through my feelings having a human experience while being in touch with a great deal of awareness and wisdom.

You must realise that a negative environment, which includes people, is only negative if we don't learn form these experiences and only suffer from these experiences. Just judging these environments as negative and even of toxic vibrations is suffering from these experiences. In wisdom, I soon stopped feeling and even being aware of such awareness, instead choosing to experience a human experience in the absence of such a degree of awareness.

Hypothetical Revelation

This is not a biblical revaluation, simply a revaluation of hypothetical meaning.

“Here you are once again, following a consciousness of malign intentions instead of a consciousness of known benign intentions, a consciousness that simply devours energy and turns this energy into what this consciousness represents, simply a shell without any true substance. The only power this consciousness has is what you give it. It is in real life like a bug under my foot, literally, even when we perceive and especially perceive this consciousness to be a Lucifer consciousness.

I shouldn't even be here in this conscious form, the fact that I am is not a good sign. It is a sign that an imbalance of consciousness is at hand, a consciousness of growing abuse unto itself. If you understood how energy works, you would avoid at all cost abusing energy in this way but alas, human consciousness chooses to do the complete opposite.

It is like this. It is possible that this planet can be retransformed by simply placing this planet between two fingers and squeezing to the point an energy change has occurred, remembering that you can't destroy energy, only transform energy. This has to be a joke right, placing a planet between two finger and squeezing it to transform this energy into another energy form?

No, two physical fingers are not actually squeezing the planet but a physical depiction of two fingers squeezing the planet is. To transform anything physical consciously, a depiction of a physical form has to be implemented or visualised. Unlike this malign consciousness that has to rely on actual physical form to do it's bidding, this energy of benign fortitude does it's own bidding, for this consciousness is of no empty shell. What we are simply talking about here is a consciousness that does the opposite to abusing energy. Yes, energy is transformed but in harmony with the energy being transformed.

So this malign consciousness sees no problem in transforming energy seen as you can't destroy energy, you are simply transforming energy!!

A transformation of energy is occurring all the time, it is in with how this energy is being transformed that makes the difference. A benign consciousness doesn't work against an energy flow, it works with it, this is very much unlike a malign consciousness that tricks or entices a conscious energy to became part of it's empty shell. A benign energy does not use other forms of energy, it simply works in unison with energy period.

No, a retransformation of energy will not be comfortable for a consciousness tricked into serving a malign consciousness. If you really knew how energy works, you wouldn't even consider going down the road of a malign consciousness.”

So getting back to my own input, and no the above was not plagiarised. To people like me, it makes no sense going down the road of a malign consciousness, but I do realise at the same time that it makes sense to a malign consciousness to go down their own road of abusing energy instead of working in harmony with energy. “Why work in harmony with energy and do without our desires when we can work against energy to fulfil all our desires.”

Desire is an empty shell until filled with other forms of energy

As a malign consciousness is of an empty shell so is desire. A malign consciousness has to use other energy forms to become of energy itself, the same with desire. Try desiring something that is not of another energy form, an empty shell trying to fill it's shell through other energy forms. Now a benign consciousness doesn't work like this, for it has no shell to fill in the first place. There is no emptiness but a complete fulfilment due to simply working with energy instead of against it. To work against energy is to be separate to that energy, but to work with energy is to be at one with that energy.

Saturday, 16 January 2021

5th Dimensional Consciousness


Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is but of my own perspectives.

What I would like you to do is forget about physicality. We often relate physicality to a 3rd dimension while forgetting that all dimensions are of a consciousness first and foremost. See 3rd dimensional aspectual realities as simply consciousness.

It will be a lot easier if I relate to a far more aware and wiser consciousness to a God's consciousness.

I am going to start off with two consciousnesses that are not opposing each other, but are of an opposite spectrum, God consciousness and Lucifer consciousness. Yes, the Lucifer consciousness is in opposition to it's counterpart but the God consciousness is not in opposition to it's counterpart. Lucifer consciousness is all about the separation of energy, consciousness, where's God's consciousness is of the unity of energy, consciousness. Within this great unity there is no opposition but you can see why there is within this Lucifer consciousness.

Let's just say that Lucifer consciousness is of a 1st dimensional consciousness and that God's consciousness is of the 10th dimensional consciousness. Human consciousness is presently of a 3rd dimensional consciousness, a consciousness still fallible to the influences of this Lucifer consciousness. The 5th dimensional consciousness is more of this God consciousness, a consciousness not prone to the influences of this Lucifer consciousness but is still an active consciousness to the influences of this Lucifer consciousness. The 3rd dimensional consciousness is receptive to both God consciousness and Lucifer consciousness.

What I mean by active is that the 5th dimensional consciousness is a participator in awakening a 3rd dimensional consciousness to the influences of this Lucifer consciousness. The 4th dimensional consciousness is simply a transitional consciousness from one consciousness to another. If you are unaware of this God's consciousness, the transition to a 3rd dimensional consciousness to a 5th dimensional consciousness would be too daunting, so this is why the 4th dimensional consciousness is a transitional consciousness only, not a dimensional consciousness a soul poises in. Once of the 4th, the 5th becomes apparent, too apparent for a consciousness not evolve into. We are meant to naturally evolve towards this God's consciousness, but of course the alternative is to regress in consciousness or stay within the 3rd dimensional consciousness.

Is it by no mistake a lot of us perceive in good and evil, God and Lucifer, within a 3rd dimensional consciousness.

What if I told you that the most sinister entity would just say within a 5th dimensional consciousness, “What have I done, how could I not know better?”, of course how could you know better within a Lucifer consciousnesses. You see this God consciousness simply relates to a full awareness, enlightenment, where this Lucifer consciousnesses refers to a fully unaware consciousness, unenlightenment, of course within this Lucifer consciousness you believe you are aware and this is the trick. This God consciousness is of truth and honesty, where's this Lucifer consciousness is of lies and deception, even onto itself. Yes, within this consciousness you will even deceive yourself, especially yourself. It is what it is in relation to deceiving yourself, don't be too judgemental of yourself or anyone else. Yes, we have had great teachers and teachings of the past, but within a consciousness where this Lucifer consciousness is influential in you cannot judged too harshly.

Can you see why people like me can't label everything of a 3rd dimensional consciousness as being negative or of toxic vibrations, without it knowing it, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

So you can see why life can be so daunting and confusing for so many. I found the more I become a participator of a 3rd dimensional consciousness, the more daunting and confusing this reality became. On the other hand, the more of the observer I became, the less daunting and confusing this reality became. Yes, this God consciousness relates to more of an observer where the Lucifer consciousness is more of a participator. Within being a participator, accept that lies and deception will often prevail over truth and honesty.

Look at it this way using science as an example. General science is primarily based on a 3 dimensional aspect, where's sciences like quantum physics are based on 4th and even 5th dimensional aspects, and again by no mistake. Quantum physics goes beyond the boundaries of general science 3rd dimensional consciousness, where there is perceived to be only 3 dimensional aspects to existence, for example, you are born (1), you live (2), you die (3), there is nothing else. In contrast, within a 4th and 5th dimensional consciousness there is life (1), you are born (2), you live (3), you die (4) and then you live again (5) within another dimension, another form of existence often unbeknown to a 3rd dimensional consciousness.

The 5th dimension is very much of the 3rd dimension and visa versa, it's just the 5th dimension has two more known dimensions to it, both of life before and after being born to dying. The following is a simple example of a 5th dimensional consciousness.

Life before being born = 1

Born into 3 dimensional consciousness/life = 2

Life between being born and death = 3

Death of 3 dimensional life = 4

Life after death = 5

So what about this Lucifer consciousness, is this consciousness just of a singular dimension, of a singular awareness?

Within this Lucifer consciousness there is only consciousness, everything else simply becomes an illusion or is seen as an illusion. Illusion means deception.

So what about this God consciousness, is this consciousness of all dimensions, of all awareness?

You see each dimension relates to a point of awareness, a life before being born is one and life between death and being born is two and so forth. Now imagine being aware of all dimensional consciousnesses!! The 3rd dimensional consciousness is not an illusion, it is simply a state of consciousness where one is unaware of other dimensions, this is all. The illusion is simply thinking this 3rd dimension is all there is, a self-deception within a 3rd dimensional consciousness to other dimensional consciousnesses.

So in all, yes, this God consciousness is this big of a deal and to a 3rd dimensional consciousness, the 5th dimensional consciousness is even a big deal. You see now why I didn't want you to perceive in physical terms? Physicality often refers to 3 dimensional aspects, in order to evolve consciously, we need to go beyond a 3rd dimensional consciousness.

I really do hope this helps some people.

Saturday, 2 January 2021

Manifested Reality!!


Written by Mathew Naismith

I would like to say that the following is but from my own perceptions, perspectives and experiences, at no time am I stating that the following is real for other consciousnesses that are governed by other perceptions, perspectives and experiences. Often a consciousness of one reality will be unable to adhere to perceptions, perspectives and even experiences from another reality. A good example of this is the belief in a God and within an opposing reality, the belief that there is no God, two different realities that at times express similar attributes. To disbelieve in a God firstly takes the belief in a God, to disbelieve in!!

Seen as I have already mentioned God, does God, this kind of consciousness, primarily represent a physical entity or a non-physical entity? Yes, often through religion God takes on a physical form, while this consciousness seems to be primarily non-physical.

What we perceive within this reality to be physical and what is seen as physical in other realities is quite different. Humans relate a physical reality to form and mass, not to motion and consciousness. A reality based on form and mass is actually less physical than a reality based on motion and consciousness. If you believe that a far more aware and wiser consciousness created this universe, did not this consciousness, of the absence of form and mass but of the presence of motion and consciousness, create a universe of form and mass?

It is the type of motion and consciousness that determines a reality, in our case a reality based on form and mass. Think on this, does not everything man creates firstly come from a reality of motion and consciousness, a mental abstract? As to disbelieve firstly takes a belief to disbelieve in, within the process a belief creating a disbelief. It is the same with motion and consciousness creating form and mass.

It is how it is done, not that it shouldn't be done!!

Motion and consciousness is far more of a physical aspectual reality than a physical reality of form and mass. Can form and mass create consciousness and motion? Many believe so without any evidence to how consciousness was developed in the first place. What if consciousness and motion within a timeless state always existed!! Of course we have an idea that form and mass didn't always exist due to form and mass being reliant on time, a starting point of creation. Motion and consciousness is not reliant on time to exist therefore a starting point of creation.

Yes, many people throughout human history have made reference to this consciousness and motion, predominantly calling this state not based on time but timelessness God. Think on this, why wouldn't you call this kind of state of consciousness and motion God, a consciousness and motion purely governed by an infinite eternal state of existence? Now, how is a consciousness primarily if not entirely based on form and mass going to be able to comprehend this state of existence? We are expecting a state of the finite comprehending a state of infinite!! It will be denied to the bitter end.

Now for the cruncher.

Should everything of this state of motion and consciousness become manifested within a reality based on form and mass? A reality based on form and mass is what it is, trying to turn this kind of reality into a reality based on motion and consciousness is of futility. The infinite does not belong within the same state as the finite, they are two very different states in that one creates the other, it does not replace the other, however, this state of the infinite of motion and consciousness can greatly enhance a reality of form and mass. At no time is the infinite supposed to replace the finite. This means that, for example, love and light is not supposed to replace hate and dark, but to simply enhance what is of love and light, in the process nullifying the effects that hate and dark have upon a reality based on form and mass. Yes, there is a great deal of love and light within realities of form and mass, it is just hate and dark are more active within this kind of reality. You see love and light often consciously becomes less motional therefore less active in realities of form and mass than hate and dark. It is not that we should become less of motion therefore less active but less expressive of motions based on hate and dark.

The question is not if we should become active within what we manifest, but how we become active in what we manifest!!