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Saturday, 16 January 2021

5th Dimensional Consciousness


Written by Mathew Naismith

The following is but of my own perspectives.

What I would like you to do is forget about physicality. We often relate physicality to a 3rd dimension while forgetting that all dimensions are of a consciousness first and foremost. See 3rd dimensional aspectual realities as simply consciousness.

It will be a lot easier if I relate to a far more aware and wiser consciousness to a God's consciousness.

I am going to start off with two consciousnesses that are not opposing each other, but are of an opposite spectrum, God consciousness and Lucifer consciousness. Yes, the Lucifer consciousness is in opposition to it's counterpart but the God consciousness is not in opposition to it's counterpart. Lucifer consciousness is all about the separation of energy, consciousness, where's God's consciousness is of the unity of energy, consciousness. Within this great unity there is no opposition but you can see why there is within this Lucifer consciousness.

Let's just say that Lucifer consciousness is of a 1st dimensional consciousness and that God's consciousness is of the 10th dimensional consciousness. Human consciousness is presently of a 3rd dimensional consciousness, a consciousness still fallible to the influences of this Lucifer consciousness. The 5th dimensional consciousness is more of this God consciousness, a consciousness not prone to the influences of this Lucifer consciousness but is still an active consciousness to the influences of this Lucifer consciousness. The 3rd dimensional consciousness is receptive to both God consciousness and Lucifer consciousness.

What I mean by active is that the 5th dimensional consciousness is a participator in awakening a 3rd dimensional consciousness to the influences of this Lucifer consciousness. The 4th dimensional consciousness is simply a transitional consciousness from one consciousness to another. If you are unaware of this God's consciousness, the transition to a 3rd dimensional consciousness to a 5th dimensional consciousness would be too daunting, so this is why the 4th dimensional consciousness is a transitional consciousness only, not a dimensional consciousness a soul poises in. Once of the 4th, the 5th becomes apparent, too apparent for a consciousness not evolve into. We are meant to naturally evolve towards this God's consciousness, but of course the alternative is to regress in consciousness or stay within the 3rd dimensional consciousness.

Is it by no mistake a lot of us perceive in good and evil, God and Lucifer, within a 3rd dimensional consciousness.

What if I told you that the most sinister entity would just say within a 5th dimensional consciousness, “What have I done, how could I not know better?”, of course how could you know better within a Lucifer consciousnesses. You see this God consciousness simply relates to a full awareness, enlightenment, where this Lucifer consciousnesses refers to a fully unaware consciousness, unenlightenment, of course within this Lucifer consciousness you believe you are aware and this is the trick. This God consciousness is of truth and honesty, where's this Lucifer consciousness is of lies and deception, even onto itself. Yes, within this consciousness you will even deceive yourself, especially yourself. It is what it is in relation to deceiving yourself, don't be too judgemental of yourself or anyone else. Yes, we have had great teachers and teachings of the past, but within a consciousness where this Lucifer consciousness is influential in you cannot judged too harshly.

Can you see why people like me can't label everything of a 3rd dimensional consciousness as being negative or of toxic vibrations, without it knowing it, it is what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

So you can see why life can be so daunting and confusing for so many. I found the more I become a participator of a 3rd dimensional consciousness, the more daunting and confusing this reality became. On the other hand, the more of the observer I became, the less daunting and confusing this reality became. Yes, this God consciousness relates to more of an observer where the Lucifer consciousness is more of a participator. Within being a participator, accept that lies and deception will often prevail over truth and honesty.

Look at it this way using science as an example. General science is primarily based on a 3 dimensional aspect, where's sciences like quantum physics are based on 4th and even 5th dimensional aspects, and again by no mistake. Quantum physics goes beyond the boundaries of general science 3rd dimensional consciousness, where there is perceived to be only 3 dimensional aspects to existence, for example, you are born (1), you live (2), you die (3), there is nothing else. In contrast, within a 4th and 5th dimensional consciousness there is life (1), you are born (2), you live (3), you die (4) and then you live again (5) within another dimension, another form of existence often unbeknown to a 3rd dimensional consciousness.

The 5th dimension is very much of the 3rd dimension and visa versa, it's just the 5th dimension has two more known dimensions to it, both of life before and after being born to dying. The following is a simple example of a 5th dimensional consciousness.

Life before being born = 1

Born into 3 dimensional consciousness/life = 2

Life between being born and death = 3

Death of 3 dimensional life = 4

Life after death = 5

So what about this Lucifer consciousness, is this consciousness just of a singular dimension, of a singular awareness?

Within this Lucifer consciousness there is only consciousness, everything else simply becomes an illusion or is seen as an illusion. Illusion means deception.

So what about this God consciousness, is this consciousness of all dimensions, of all awareness?

You see each dimension relates to a point of awareness, a life before being born is one and life between death and being born is two and so forth. Now imagine being aware of all dimensional consciousnesses!! The 3rd dimensional consciousness is not an illusion, it is simply a state of consciousness where one is unaware of other dimensions, this is all. The illusion is simply thinking this 3rd dimension is all there is, a self-deception within a 3rd dimensional consciousness to other dimensional consciousnesses.

So in all, yes, this God consciousness is this big of a deal and to a 3rd dimensional consciousness, the 5th dimensional consciousness is even a big deal. You see now why I didn't want you to perceive in physical terms? Physicality often refers to 3 dimensional aspects, in order to evolve consciously, we need to go beyond a 3rd dimensional consciousness.

I really do hope this helps some people.

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